Summary - During a Miss Teen Pageant, a section was included in which a question unknown to each contestant would be given. As the pageant went on, a random unknown question was eventually given to Miss South Carolina. The question this seventeen year-old was given was "Recent polls have shown one-fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?" This then followed with her answer, which didn't even seem to follow the original question given. Because of her terrible answer, Miss South Carolina's popularity has grown greatly. This can be mostly attributed to online video websites such as Along with this popularity came criticism. Several videos have shown up on YouTube and other online video websites which poke fun at this girl.
A clip from the Miss Teen Pageant, which shows the question given as well as Miss South Carolina's "answer".
Opinion - Miss South Carolina sure is getting some flack for her response. It seemed like the host was starting to laugh at the end there. If the quality of her answer were from stage fright, I could understand but I don't believe I would've given such a terrible answer. An answer that was somewhat relevant to the question would've been something I might have given if I were in her position.
One such example of how Miss South Carolina was poked fun at. A dubbed version of the original broadcasted show.
dubbed version ftw! :P
1 comment:
Too short on your opinion.
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