1: Made in China. These three words appear in virtually every household, office or school.
But one Florida city is considering stopping, or at least slowing, the flood of computers, coffee makers, artificial Christmas trees and other Chinese-made goods its residents buy each year.
Palm Bay, Fla., is considering voting on whether to ban the purchase of products made in China. If it passes, this central Florida town of 107,000 would be the first in the nation to enforce a ban on goods from one particular country, according to industry watchers. Residents would still be free to purchase whatever goods they want, but the city itself would face restrictions.
Well I think that is dumb that they are trying to stop products from chinese people not be axcessable to Florida. The chinese people make so much stuff for us and we need to appriciate that and what they do. Even though you may not like them but when you realize how much stuff is made from them it really comes in handy when you need it.
2:The 911 operators who took a frantic call from an 8-year-old boy concerned about his mother's driving are now calling him a "hero."
Operators Laura Irish and Lisa Dobbs both took 911 calls from the boy, who was riding in the car with his 5-year-old sister. The boy said his mother, 33-year-old Paulette Spears, was driving erratically and "not acting normal." Thanks to the persistence of the boy, who called 911 twice, the operators were able to help police track the car to a fire station near Vancouver, Wash., where Spears was arrested Saturday.
That is amazing that a little kid can do that and that he would have the alertness to call the cops. I mean today kids are learning a lot more and being able to catch on to things better. That kid must have been one smart kid if he knew to call that cops. Also were did he get the phone to do that with I mean I never would have thought to do that when I was a kid that is so smart.
1: A Russian man who said he wanted to record a killing for each of the 64 squares on a chessboard was found guilty Wednesday of murdering 48 people in Moscow.
A jury took less than three hours to convict Alexander Pichushkin of the murders, most of which occurred over five years in a sprawling southern park. He was also found guilty of three attempted murders.Judge Vladimir Usov read the verdict for one hour, while 33-year-old Pichushkin, standing inside a reinforced glass cage, leaned against the wall and stared at the floor.
Well that is just crazy I mean who would think to do something like that. He wants to kill as many places there are on a chess board that is just so weird and crazy all at the same time. I hate people that kill other people for no reason I mean it's bad enough when you have a reason but no reason is going way to far. Then when the people doing it think of a strategy and how they are going to and how many people they are going to I think its just dumb.
2:Did you just grope me? Shall we head to the police? That's the message women are flashing on their cell phones with a popular program designed to ward off wandering hands in Japan's congested commuter trains.
"Anti-Groping Appli" by games developer Takahashi was released in late 2005, but has only recently climbed up popularity rankings, reaching No. 7 in this week's top-10 cell phone applications list compiled by Web-based publisher Spicy Soft Corp.The application flashes increasingly threatening messages in bold print on the phone's screen to show to the offender: "Excuse me, did you just grope me?" "Groping is a crime," and finally, "Shall we head to the police?"
That is really weird that people are coming up with this dumb method to try and stop people doing that to women. I mean what is a stupid text message going to do for a man to stop doing that. I mean it may be some what of a good idea but in the end is a text message going to get someone out of being raped umm no not at all. They need to thin of something a little smarter than that.