Thursday, November 1, 2007

collin is the coolest person any of you guys will ever and most modest too

London's Metropolitan Police force has been found guilty of endangering the public over the fatal shooting of a man officers mistook for a suicide bomber. A jury found the police guilty of violating health and safety laws when they followed Jean Charles de Menezes to a Tube station and shot him seven times. Ms Dick, now deputy assistant commissioner of the force, had been accused by prosecutors of failing to keep control of her officers.
Thats crazy! Poor guy just going to the train you see abunch of the police and bam bam bam your dead. People that are suppost to protect you shoot you dead. All because of a suspition. And for those of you who have seen team america "Bad Intelligence! Thats a very bad Intelligence!"

International numero dos:
After the US was attacked on 11 September 2001, governments around the world adopted new laws to combat terrorism. New Zealand was one of them. New Zealand wanted to be ready incase of foriegn terrorist groups entered the country. But the first victims of the Terrorism Suppression Act were New Zealanders. Armed police carried out raids throughout the country in the early hours of 16 October, after discovering what they said was a secret paramilitary-style training camp in a remote part of the country's north-east. Police said they seized guns, ammunition and molotov cocktails, and they even said some of those arrested had detonated a napalm bomb a week earlier. All this was shocking news in New Zealand, which has no experience of armed insurrection in its modern history. In fact it has barely had any experience of serious political violence at all.
Wow lots of corruption. FIrst the British police now the New Zealand government. This whole terrorism thing has got our immaginations running wild. Now every different or suspicious looking thing is getting shot at, arrested, and phone tapped.

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