Thursday, November 8, 2007


1. Representatives that were represented were McCain and Mitt Romney.
2. They happened to discuss a lot but I am going to just list a few. They started with imiigration, health care, war in Iraq, changes to the white house, social security dilema, education, etc. Romney seemed to present himself at a better perspective than the McCain guy. It was kinda funny to watch. All the McCain guy kept saying that everything was failing and they were going to try and fix everything. Than Romney listed so many facts on each topic and one interested me and how he is like an airplane flying around looking to fix things and then goes down and fixes them and then gets right back up there and keeps looking.
3. McCain stunk at how he represented himself and I defininelty do not want him to win and then Romney was very well put together and sounds like he would make a good man to have around even though he is a mormon.
4. The forum was actually kind of interesting and I like it a little more than I thought I would. It is interesting to hear what people think about the veiws on things and how they might fix things.
5. Romney was the best he had himself very well put together and sounded like he would acutally do a good job with everything. Also there was this one time in the speech thing that McCain tried to save himself and it was not working he was just making a fool out of himself.
* Mr. Hjort if you want us to do something like this again make sure it is closer and not that long but other than that it was interesting. Thank you *

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Thanks for driving out there.