Thursday, January 31, 2008
Franki Benavidez
According to newly released National Journal ratings, Barack Obama is ranked as the most liberal senator of 2007. In 2006, Obama went from being the 10th most liberal senator to the front of the line, while Hilary went from being the 32nd most liberal senator to the 16th. The National Journal wrote that both senators have about the same support in taking troops out of Iraq and comprehensive immigration reform. They also voted in similarity when it came to energy, health care, education, and etc. Here:
Opinion: This ranking of Obama kind of worries me. What I'm a little interested in now is how you determine if a senator is the most liberal. I would think that Hilary would be ranked higher than Obama. I'm still trying to figure out what these both candidates' differences are towards each other when they have a majority of similarities together.
International Summary:
In Stockholm, Sweden, two Muslim women were blocked from a Goteborg swimming pool for not changing into fewer garments. Theywon more than $3,100 each in damages on Tuesday.
The Court of Appeal in Western Sweden ordered Goteborg to pay each woman 20,000 kronor and legal costs for discriminating against them. Both women were bringing their kids to a public swimming pool and the women came dressed in headscarves, sweatpants, and long sleeved t-shirts. The women were then told by the lifeguards that they are not welcome if they don't change their clothes. Here:
Opinion: I think it is ridiculous in telling someone to leave a pool because they wore "too many" clothes. Why does it matter if you wore a lot of clothes at a pool anyways? It's certainly unnecessary to wear so many clothes at a pool but it was in their religion to cover themselves completely. I think the lifeguards were just being jerks to the women just to ruin their day.
Summary: In Istanbul, Turkey, an explosion had happened in a unlicensed fireworks factory that killed 20 people and injured 117 others on Thursday. Muammer Guler, the city's governor, blamed fireworks manufactured illegally in the multi story building. A chain of explosions destroyed the top two floors of the five-story building. The building had been shut down by authorities twice before but continued its work illicitly. Here:
Opinion: The people that managed the unlicensed fireworks factory must be really dumb! Did they not think something this terrible would happen? Especially in an unlicensed factory, they're bound for something like this to happen to them. I'm not sure what else I can say about this incident. I think it's horrible what happened to the killed and injured but the ones that ran this factory illegally should've known that this was going to happen.
K to the rista Grote
Giuliani endorses McCain
After the primaries in Florida this week, Giuliani came to the realization that he was not quite as well suited for the presidency as John McCain. After all the time and money that he put into Florida, it just went to show that he did not have the best strategy. Although he would he would have had at least one vote coming for him in Arizona, his chances probably would not have turned out very well after finding out the results on Super Tuesday. Now that Giuliani is out he is now endorsing McCain because “America needs a hero for their next president and McCain has hero like qualities.”
So Mr. Hjort, now that Giuliani is out I think you should vote for Huckabee! Even if you like McCain or Romney better, I think they will get enough votes without yours. Huckabee on the other hand needs all the votes he can get. He really is a good man and he is extremely well spoken. No matter how intense a debate is he always seems so relaxed and comfortable in the tensest situations. We need a president who is natural, and has a good sense of the people’s voice, and although he is an extremely religious man, he can appeal to everyone because our country needs hope and by the grace of God he can bring that!!!
A group in India has illegally stolen over 500 kidneys from poor laborers to sell to wealthy clients. One scam in centered in Gurgaon had blood testing and surgical equipment inside a car. There have been many reports of poor Indians selling their organs, but increasingly often the organs are being stolen. Under Indian law it is unlawful to vend organs, but they may be donated. Those who are paid for their organs earn about $1,250 to $2,500. Police suspect the villains have fled the country.
This is grotesque, but not something new. There must be a way to make organ transplants easier and more plentiful. There should also be very serious ramifications for the doctors. In order to handle this kind of thievery many countries will have to work together in the pursuit of these robbers. I doubt this will effectively be executed. Catching those who have already taken part in the scheme may be difficult- nay impossible, but the Indian government can prevent further crime.
Hillary’s Experience
In a number of commercials and debates, Hillary keeps bring up the topic of her 35 years of experience. Even though she never clearly states what those 35 years consist of, she did reveal in her most recent debate that those 35 years of experience date back to the days when she graduated law school. She goes on to list a number of different things that she has done and concludes that although the past few presidents have all been from the same families, there has always been a need for a Clinton to step in and clean up after a Bush.
As much as I think that it would be the coolest thing to be apart of a revolutionary act and have our first woman president the first time I’m allowed to vote, I think it would make an even greater story to tell my kids some day. For some reason I just don’t think that Hillary Clinton should be the first woman. I can’t put my finger on exactly I don’t like about but I do know that I really like Mike Huckabee a lot better and think he would make a great leader and president for our country. Even if he does not win, I would like to find out what church he pastors because his sermons have got to be a home run!
In an effort to build its relationship with the United States, Poland would like to host a major NATO installation. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski conferred how Poland would host a missal defense shield. This idea greatly angers Poland’s neighbor to the east, Moscow, Russia. "We've been a NATO member since '99, but we don't have any hard NATO facilities on our territory. The only thing we have is a conference center. And we are a border country of NATO", Sikorski said. Ideally the Bush administration would like 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and put in radar in the Czech Republic. When someone asked if the NATO military shield would require military presence Sikorski said: "It's proposed in a very remote part of Poland, and, it would be, as you know, quite small. It wouldn't be like the kinds of bases that are in Britain, or Germany, or Italy or Turkey."
Poland has every right to a military shield and Russia has no grounds on which to be offended. Their history does not omen a good future no more than Putan’s extended power bodes democracy. The shield would be beneficial and someday could be more necessary than it is today and we will be thankful it is already installed. We also have to remember those European countries are not terribly distant from the Middle East.
Ryan Evans! Bien!
Super, or “Super-Duper”, Tuesday is next week. A record twenty-four states are holding their primaries, or caucuses. Many of these states are battling for prestige and wield voting clout in moving up their primaries. To compliment this radical change, there is a heavy shortage of polling station workers. There is also plenty of confusion in deciding what type of ballots to use. Electronic or written? Many elderly people are on vacation as well. This is due to the cold weather in the eastern states, such as: New York, or Connecticut. Vote counts are also expected to be delayed because of an expected record voting turnout. There will be plenty of confusion here.
The chaos of the campaign trail will be hitting home this Tuesday. The record crowd for the record Tuesday will probably cause record delays. It seems ridiculous to have four or five primaries over a month, and one single primary over a day. Maybe the twenty four states should be split up over a week? Is that logical at all? This would give workers a better chance to accurately count the polls and create less stress. Candidates would also have an opportunity to campaign in separate states for a longer period of time. This would get their message out to more people.
This evening, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton debated in Los Angeles. This was a much more jovial affair than the past debates. They debated over healthcare, immigration, and the current situation in Iraq. Again, both remained civil. Both reported on how much money they have raised. Obama raised an incredible 35 million dollars in January. He will be airing many ads from coast to coast. Clinton raised about 27 million in November and December. This was her most recent estimate. Both of the Senators also explained how it was simply too early to begin the ‘Dream Ticket’ talk. Super Tuesday is still ahead and the National Conventions also are still waiting.
It is nice that they decided to play nice here. It is great to see two dignified Senators grow up for a few hours. I think whichever one is elected will wrap up the presidency. This is how it seems now, but it could change. Right? Both have the pocket book, and if they team up, then wow… That supposed ‘dream ticked’ sounds champion as of now. Whoever is elected out of the GOP could very well be the sacrificial lamb here. The future does not look too bright here. Oh well, there is always 2012 or the congressional elections in 2010 right/
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a two night samba float parade is taking place. However, a float featuring a dancer dressed up as Adolf Hitler and mannequins representing dead Holocaust victims. The title of the float is: “It will give you goose bumps” A judge threatened to fine if they did not remove the mannequins. The judge will still permit the Adolf dancer to remain. A Jewish organization praised the judge’s decision. Millions of people will still watch the parade on television and on the streets.
This is gross. I do not understand how anyone could do that or find it entertaining. I am all for free speech, but that is terrible. For that sort of event, I do not think I would allow it. The dancers do not seem to be conveying any sort of political agenda. They seem to find this to be decent and entertaining. The dead Holocaust babies are absolutely revolting. I think I want to vomit at the thought of this ‘comedy.’
Another suicide bombing occurred in southern Afghanistan this Thursday morning. A provincial governor and five other associates were worshipping in a mosque when the bombing happened. This suggests the militants in Afghanistan will continue the suicide attacks which are carrying over from 2007. Over 140 attacks occurred last year. This is the continuing onslaught against President Hamad Karzai’s current government. These current attacks are the highest since the United States invasion in 2001.
Due to the current situation in Iraq, Afghanistan has become the forgotten war. Karzai is losing control of his country to the Taliban. It is frightening to see Islam extremists attacking their own in their own mosques. There is an obvious split among Muslims, much like the GOP presidential race but bloodier. Once again something has to be done to cool down these religious activists. Death can only ensue.
Chuck Hall
Unusual weather in China causes tons of people to be stuck in one of china’s train stations one station in Guangzhou holds now over a hundred thousand people all backed up be cause of over a foot of snow that is blocking some of the rain tracks. The people are all workers hoping to make it back home for the Chinese new year coming in a couple of weeks. Some of the workers have been stuck at the train station for over a couple of days. All of them just want to get home to their families. Some people this is the only chance to get home every year. To control the people the police have built a corral about the size of a couple of football fields.
This is crazy they have pictures of it on the internet and people are just packed in there like livestock and it’s crazy. Some of the people are sleeping there and just sleeping on the floor where they stand. Not to mention it has been thirty nine degrees and has been raining on and off all week. The weather is crazy and Al gore is an idiot because China is experiencing some of its coldest temperatures in years.
No Hitler floats in this year’s biggest party. Rio de Janeiro’s world festival will not be featuring a float depicting a mass of dead circuses and a dancing Hitler above them. The float committee says the purpose of the float was to remind people of the past events and then remind them that this type of thing will not happen again. But the Jewish federation of Rio de Janeiro was outraged by the float and does not want a float with a dancing Hitler atop of it. The creator of the float was in tears as they tore it down he said he was a serious piece he did not mean to offend anybody by it.
This is ridiculous what was honestly going through this guys head when really believes that a pile of dead bodies isn’t going to offend any body. A pile of dead Jews I mean it’s not that offensive not. What is serious about a dancing Hitler atop these dead bodies? Plus it is illegal to have any Nazi memorabilia displayed in public.
Presidential Candidate Rudolph Giuliani has dropped out. Giuliani was expected by many to win the republican primary not drop out before super Tuesday even began. Giuliani will probably go down in history as one of the worst campaigns in history. Giuliani was one of the favorites. Some of the factors that contributed to his decline was his constant bringing up his being the mayor of New York during 9/11 and it seemed like he couldn’t answer a political question without bring this up.
I personally saw it coming I mean the guys only edge was his work in new york and he didn’t campaign enough in enough states he just thought that is national recognition was going to get him noticed and keep hall of voters on his side. Hate to say I told you so mr Hjort and brooke.
Hillary and Obama finally have the chance to square off one on one . two are going at it as we speak and it is the first time the two had the chance to go one on one since senator John Edwards has dropped out. Some say that john Edwards was the instigator in most of the debates and most of the time it seemed like he supported obama. As of late people like ted kennedy have endorsed obama giving his campaign possible the power to push past senator hillary Clinton either way both together will make a interesting debate.
I honestly don’t know ive seen some good things from obama and im pretty sure hillary is the antichrist and that might give her the edge to beat obama. But obama has been rallying a lot of support as of late and things should be interesting and I don’t know if either of the republican candidates can ;rally the support to get past either of them
Ashley Cowan
On Monday evening Lt. Elizabeth Whiteside awaited for the Army to decide whether to court-martial her for endangering another soldier, attempted to kill herself at gunpoint. Whiteside's personal tragedy is part of an alarming phenomenon in the Army's ranks: Suicides among active-duty soldiers in 2007 reached their highest level since the Army began keeping such records in 1980, according to a draft internal study obtained by The Washington Post. Last year, 121 soldiers took their own lives, nearly 20 percent more than in 2006.
One of my least favorite things to hear about happening in the world today is suicide. And it's even worse when I hear that our soldiers in Iraq are committing or trying to commit suicide. I feel like this is an outcry from the soldiers because they feel like there is no one who can relate to them. I really need to start randomly e-mailing these soldiers in Iraq! I could make a difference! Yesssss!
International: Fireworks factory blast kills 20 in Turkey
In Istanbul, Turkey, on Thursday an explosion at an unlicensed fireworks factory in an industrial section of Istanbul killed 20 people and injured 117 others. The city's governor, Maummer Guler, blamed fireworks manufactured illegally in the multistory building. He ruled out terrorism, and said an investigation was under way. Mayor Kadir Topbas said a chain of explosions destroyed the top two floors of the five-story building in the Davutpasa district Thursday morning.
Opinion: Wow. Fireworks?! well this is quite the interesting story. Not in a good way either. It seems like every story in the news these days is about some tragic accident or death. I just wish it would all end!
National: Drifter pleads guilty to Georgia hiker's murder
In Dawsonville, Georgia, for three days, the grizzled drifter tried to drain the bank accounts of the young hiker he had abducted on New Year's Day. Prosecutors say Gary Michael Hilton finally told Meredith Emerson he was going to let her go. Then he hit her in the head with a tire iron until she was dead. Hilton, 61, pleaded guilty Thursday to murdering the 24-year-old and was immediately sentenced to life in prison.
Opinion: WHAT?!!!! Just reading this article makes me want to haul off and slap this guy! When creeps like this go on some random burst of rage and kill people, I just want them to rot in jail!!! And looking at this guy's picture on the Internet sure does not make me like him any better! His face screams murderer!!!!!
International: Al-Qaida leader in Afghanistan reprotedly killed
In Cario, Egypt, a missile from a U.S. Predator drone struck a suspected terrorist safehouse in Pakistan and killed a top al Qaida commander believed responsible for a brazen bomb attack during a visit last year by Vice President Cheney to Afghanistan, a U.S. official said Thursday. An estimated 12 people were killed in the strike.
Opinion: WOW! I have just realized that every blog I've done today has been about someone dying! How depressing! However in this case it's not as bad to hear about the death because it was another al-Qaida leader who got killed, ha so it seems to ease the pain of death for me.
Ben Thieroff
Summary-- Mitt Romney is saying that John McCain is addopting "Nixion-like tactics". He says that McCain is using the same underhanded tactics like Nixion did. Romney said that McCain's claim of using a timetable for Iraq is totally false. Both Romney and McCain are fighting for the upper hand on Super Duper Tuesday. Romney is estimated to run $2-3 million in TV ads befor Feb. 5th
Opinion-- Honestly presidential canidates are like a bunch of petty little 3rd graders. They find the stupidest things to try and make their opponents look bad. I wonder if anyone has told these people that they are on the SAME side! Fight the evil blues together, do not fight one another. That will destroy the two of you without the other side even firing a shot!
Primary #2
Summary-- Arnie endorsed John McCain today. Johnny is now endorsed by two of the bigger names in republican politics today. Rudy gave McCain his endorsement yesterday after his announcement that he was dropping out of the presidential race. This is all a huge booster for the McCain camp. Later in the week he is supposed to be endorsed by Georgia's two senators ant the govenor of Texas.
Opinion-- Well i will say that John McCain sure is gainig momentum at an alarming rate. Good for him that he is getting all these endorsements. Arnie's comment says exactly what i dont want to hear. McCain will reach across the asile to get the job done. I dont want a big compromiser in the office. Some compromising is needed but to do it just to get the job done is not ok. This country does not compromise, neither should our president.
Miss. Burns
Gov. Schwarzenegger Endorses McCain in Delegate-Rich California
Summary: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger jumped off the fence Thursday morning in Los Angeles and threw his support behind John McCain, praising the Republican Arizona senator for crusading against wasteful spending and harmful environmental policies. Schwarzenegger announced his support after touring a Los Angeles-based solar energy company with McCain and Rudy Giuliani, who made good on his pledge to campaign with McCain after dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing him Wednesday evening.” I am interested in a great future, and I think Senator McCain has proven over and over again that he is reaching across the aisle in order to get things done,” Schwarzenegger said. “He’s a great American hero and an extraordinary leader — this is why I’m endorsing him to be the next president of the United States.” The backing could be a big boost for McCain when the delegate-rich state holds its GOP primary Feb. 5 and another setback for rival Mitt Romney.
Opinion: Well I think this is great for McCain; Schwarzenegger seems to have a good approval rating for California, so I think it will help. Honestly I don’t like McCain all that much, but he is much better some other choices I could have. So I say more power to him.
Obama Aims to Make Up Ground as Campaign Shifts to California for Debate
Summary: With the field down to two, Barack Obama is feverishly pressing to make up ground against Hillary Clinton in the 22 states hosting Democratic primaries and caucuses Feb. 5, tapping a windfall of recent fundraising money to boost staff and buy up TV ad time. Obama is behind in the polls in delegate-rich California and most of the states voting Feb. 5, including New York and New Jersey, where Clinton is hoping to score valuable victories. But fresh off a big win in the South Carolina primary Saturday, and aided by endorsements from Sen. Ted Kennedy and other party fixtures, the Illinois senator is looking for gains across the country Obama believes he can close the gap in California. Democratic sources unaffiliated with either campaign told FOX News overnight polls in the state showed wild swings, with Clinton and Obama trading the lead. And Obama attempted to build on his momentum Thursday. Recognizing he has catching up to do among Latino voters — who have trended toward Clinton in recent primaries — Obama brought his multi-racial pitch to a technical college in downtown Los Angeles in the hours before the debate
Opinion: Do you really want to take a chance on a guy with no experience, and a shady background. The stakes are way too high, to have the first black president fail. Black people have worked way too hard, and have come way too far, to have someone like Obama, represent what you stand for. Come on let’s get real here. If we think about it, there is another person that was able to deliver great speeches, and inspire many to believe in him….Hitler.
Body of 'runaway' wife was kept in backyard drum for 23 years, court is told
Summary: A husband maintained a charade for 23 years that his wife had run off with a truck driver named Ray - while the remains of her dismembered body were, in fact, sealed in a drum in his backyard, a Melbourne court was told yesterday.
For 14 years Frederick Boyle, 58, had been asked about the drum and its contents and each time he gave a terse explanation that it contained nothing but glue for sticking down carpets. But the masquerade came to an end when, in October 2006, his son-in-law, Michael Hegarty, cut the drum open during a clean-up at the home in Melbourne and found women's clothes and a large hessian bag.
Opinion: OMG this is so gross, what kind of a crazy man would do such a thing. I think this man is insane and needs to be investigated and locked away forever! Also what about the children of this relationship? I feel so bad for them, because they grew up their entire lives thinking that there mother left them, but the real truth is that their father killed her, and left her in the back yard. Creepy.
Rapist aged 11 drank lager and vodka before attack
Summary: A boy who admitted raping a seven-year-old girl when he was 11 has become one of the youngest children to be convicted of the offence in this country. The child, now 12, who cannot be named for legal reasons, attacked the girl during a drunken truth-or-dare game, a court was told. The boy drank four cans of lager and two miniature bottles of vodka before the attack. Newcastle Crown Court was told yesterday that the boy had had a troubled upbringing that included being exposed to pornography and physical abuse and had witnessed domestic violence. The rape, which lasted less than a minute, took place in Gateshead on September 15, 2006, the court heard. The boy will spend the next three years under supervision, where he will receive treatment for his behavior, after the court was told that he had difficulty understanding the consequences of what he had done.
Opinion: So I think this is very sad. It takes a twisted young boy to do thinks kind of thing. Where were parents? How was giving these children alcohol? Also, it only lasted 1 minute, is that even rape? Well, I hope he learns his lesson and cleans up, his still young life. Only 11, so disappointing.
Susan Jewell 2
Gary Hilton was sentenced to life in prison after being proved guilty for killing a woman who was on a hike with her dog. Meredith Emerson, the hiker, was only 24. She disappeared on New Years day. Hilton kidnapped her and killed her. In order to avoid the death sentence he led authorities to her body. The autopsy showed she died because of blunt trauma to her head after which she was decapitated. The family is very happy Hilton is going to "rot" in jail. Authorities also think Hilton may have killed several other people. Gary Hilton will not be up for parole until he is 91.
this man is somewhat crazy. Why would anyone do this? I hate hearing these kinds of stories. I wish Gary Hilton was hanged. I think the suffering in that would possibly be sufficient for the death he caused. I am glad that parole won't be possible for so long.
the U.N. pulls out of Darfur. Since Tuesday 5 cars belonging to the U.N. were hijacked at gunpoint. Two refugee camps were abandoned. The U.N. simply does not have the power to protect the people and themselves.
The U.N. is junk. They should have just stayed. Protecting people is very important. I don’t even understand how what the U.N. does with their weapons is useful. If they were held up I think they should be able to fire on the people. Innocent people who had hope probably died and most likely died or will die soon.
Arnold Schwarzenegger announced Thursday he is supporting Republican presidential candidate McCain. Schwarzenegger said he was giving McCain his blessing "because I am interested in a great future and I think Sen. McCain has proven over and over again that he is reaching across the aisle in order to get things done." California represents an enormous prize for McCain, not only because of the 170 Republican delegates, but also because of Schwarzenegger's support base. Schwarzenegger's support could be key to McCain winning California's delegates. On Wednesday, McCain got Giuliani's support as the former mayor announced he was dropping out of the race.
Wow this is very interesting. It seems that alot of people are supporting McCain. This gives McCain a better chance of winning the election especially since Schwarzenegger is supporting him. It seems that there must be a reason why Arnold wants to support McCain because governors don't support candidates for no reason at all.
Susan Jewell part 1
Britney Spears was taken to the hospital to be treated for mental issues which are treatable. She was whisked away from the side of her house so paparazzi could not see her being taken to the hospital. Her mum told the media that her daughter is "resting". Spears' dad and sister, Jamie, both came to the hospital to check in with Britney. This issue may have been caused by the stress of her custody being taken away from her.
She really is certifiably crazy! Poor thing. I feel bad. Her life is just one issue after another. I think her whole world is snowballing out of control. I hope that doctors can help her but for some reason I doubt it.
Italy's nude models are on strike. Not many off the models have contracts. Renascence art has always been a large part of Italy's history. The priest's of churches so desired art by famous painters that the prostitutes were allowed to use the church as long as they also posed. The artists are convinced that models are exceptionally necessary for the art to be great.
Nude models are necessary so that the art turns out well. If artists are supposed to draw a human figure without a model the image would not be as great. Models should be paid more. It is neither an easy task nor a comfortable one. Art is worth quite a bit so the models should be paid accordingly.
1:Rescue workers search rubble for any survivors after an explosion at a factory in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008. An explosion at a factory building in Istanbul killed 17 people and injured 40 others Thursday, authorities said. Gov. Muammer Guler ruled out terrorism as a cause, and said an investigation was under way. "Right now, there is nothing linked to terror," said Guler. Businesses in the five-story building included textile makers and an unlicensed fireworks manufacturer, according to local media. Nearby buildings were also damaged. Mehmet Bakar, head of Istanbul's health authority, said the death toll was 17, and three of the 40 injured were in serious condition.
Well i think that everything that gets exploded over there is because of terroism. People need to realize that no one is friends over there and they need to all just watch their backs no matter what. The world over there is just going crazy on each other and they all need to calm down.
2:A faint passenger is carried away by the crowd as thousands of passengers wait to get inside Guangzhou Railway Station in Guangzhou, in south China's Guangdong province Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008. Train service was restored Thursday in southern China, thinning the massive crowds waiting to go home after the worst winter storms in half a century crippled the transport system during the nation's busiest holiday travel season.
So i think that China is way over populated and they need to think about more ways to transport people and actually have a civil country. People need to think about what they can do to help instead of making it worse and just being needy all the time. People have a tendency to think about themselves and thats the problem with their country.
1:Obama argued that the Democratic race is a contest of "the past versus the future," and he challenged Democrats to redefine the way politics is practiced — not out of altruism but practicality. "Not by nominating a candidate who will unite the other party against us, but by choosing one who can unite this country around a movement for change."
I think that he is crazy and needs to think about more open aspects. Because you know that you can not change the universe to try and think the same things about the world. People need to know that we all have different opinions and need to be able to stick to our different opinions.
2:When asked about whether she asked her husband to tone down his rhetoric on the campaign trail, Sen. Hillary Clinton didn't deny it. "This is my campaign," the senator told ABC News' Kate Snow.
Hilary is crazy i think and needs to just know that a lot of people still think that she is just the wife. I do not beilve that a women should be president she has already proven that she cannot hold in her emotions and everything stresses her out. I do not see why people do not see that.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Ben Thieroff
Summary-- 15 Chinese sailors died this morning when two cargo ships collided on the Yangze river. A ship with 17 crewmwn onboard sank. 1 of the sailors was rescued, one is missing and 15 are dead. The two ships were left on the river bank due to the horrible conditions. The Yangzee river is down 13.98 meters this year, the lowest it has been since 1866.
Opinion-- Anytime these days that two ships collide it is due to human error. the computer nav systems that are onboard are just too good. That sucks that only one crewman was rescued. but what can you do in a snow and sleet storm. The chinese need to get their riveriene transportation. when have you ever heard of this happening on the Mississippi?? Never.
Andrew Reiff
Summary- Organ transplant scam shocks India
A recent bust by Indian police caught a number of people involved in an organ transplant scam. People were either selling their kidneys or getting lured into a place where they could be knocked out and their kidneys taken. Mohammed Salim was once such victim. A man told him that he could have a job that paid nearly four dollars a day for three months in construction, so Mohammed followed him into a shack where four men jumped and sedated him, then took his kidney. The ring included several doctors, nurses, and hospitals.
This story reminds me of one that David told me last year of a friend of his going to China and getting her kidney stolen. This is a detestable practice and I hope these people will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. How terrible would that be if it was your kidney, to be violated in such a blatant fashion. Ick...
Summary- Ruins of 7,000-year-old city found in Egypt oasis
A team of US Archaeologists have found the ruins a a nearly seven thousand year old city in Egypt's Fayyum oasis. The city is four miles from the edge of a lake and was probably on the edge of the lake when it was built. The city was found using electromagnetic sensors that showed walls and streets that coincided with the formations of an ancient city.
Wow this is pretty cool. Good for these guys. Finding an ancient city is very difficult because you have to know exactly where to look. Maybe we can learn more about ancient Egyptian culture and others. The remains were dated back to around forty-seven hundred BC. This find will probably be yet another proof to the Bible being accurate, as this city is probably one of the lost cities in the Bible.
Summary- Giuliani to exit presidential race today
In kind of a surprise decision, presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani exited the Republican presidential race today. The decision comes after he took a distant third place in Florida, the state that he had staked all of his campaign on. Rudy will now throw his support to John McCain, the current front-runner in the campaign. Rudy was a different Republican candidate who supported many liberal ideas such as gay rights, abortion, and gun control.
Well I think this is kind of deserved. Rudy was the first front-runner, and I think that the early front-runners don't stay that way late into their campaigns. Also he had a rather bad strategy of staking his entire campaign on the state of Florida. You have to play all of the little games in order to stay in the big game, and he thought he could get away with playing just one little game and be catapulted to the top of the big game. Nothing works like that. Fire your campaign manager, Rudy.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
brian's blogs
Opinion – I’m not sure how I feel about the candidates exactly. I suppose it’s probably for the best that Giuliani is out of the race, because while I may have liked some of his policies, he comes across as a shyster. I feel nearly the same way about Romney (I like his ideas even more than Giuliani’s), but McCain comes across as a stronger figure who hasn’t had to rely on money as much as Romney has. Concerning the democratic candidates, I like Barack better than Hilary, so I’m fine with her winning Florida and getting no delegates. I feel Hilary would simply complete the symmetrical pattern of Bush Clinton Bush Clinton.
National - Sean Young, the 48-year old actress who starred as Rachael in the movie Blade Runner just recently committed herself to rehab for alcohol abuse. This is after she’s made several embarrassing scenes publicly. She’s been known mostly for her odd behavior, and her alcohol problem is well known of in Hollywood.
Opinion – The only reason I’m writing about this is because Blade Runner is up there among my favorite movies. It’s an awfully sad story, but even on CNN they had to include that movie in the title of the article so people would know whom they’re talking about since Young was making it big in the 80s.
International - Well, this isn’t precisely international, but I suppose Godiva chocolates probably sell all over the world. Anyhow, the company is giving away an all-chocolate room they have created in Manhattan’s Bryant Park Hotel to the lucky person who buys the winning box of chocolate (only in North America…). Godiva hired Ali Larter (from “Heroes”) to advertise for the giveaway. Just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Opinion – This is like Willy Wonka in real life. I don’t really like the character Larter plays in “Heroes” though. She’s really annoying. That doesn’t really make the room any less desirable though. I mainly chose this article just because the pictures of the room are pretty sweet.
International - Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, is going to visit Baghdad to meet with Jalal Talabani. This is the first time since the two nations warred against each other that Iraq has hosted the Iranian leader. Talabani has already been to see Ahmadinejad in Iran. This all comes at a time when both countries are still filled with violence.
Opinion – Ahmadinejad doesn’t appear as dangerous as everyone asserts he is, and I don’t think he will be as long as we keep nuclear weapons away from him. This seems like a good sign of progress in the Middle East, but it’s hard to say with terrorist groups still at large.
Alex Bellah 2.... please dont forget that i did too blogs last week that you said that you would transfer over! thx so much
Summary: Police are searching in India for a doctor named Amit Kumar. This man has been said to be the ringleader for the illegal organ donations that have been taking place in India. The organ donations have been giving by the poor against their will to help save the lives of the more wealthy. Dr. Kumar has not yet been found and the police in India have put out a warning for him and people who may also be involved in this scam. Dr. Kumar has told people that he is offering them a job that pays well but in reality they are sacrificing themselves and their organs against their will. The police in India have also issued out a warrant for his arrest.
Opinion: This is wrong on so many different levels. Anyone who takes a person against their will and takes away something that does not belong to them no matter how small or big the item is, is just so messed up. Lying to people and taking body parts from them is just terrible. I hope that this doctor and whoever else has been involved with this and is found and punished. Everyone is equal no mater their rank in society. Everyone deserves the best in life. I can’t even imagine this happening to anyone (including me) I know/love. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.
International: Going to rehab…I say yes, yes, yes….
Summary: British singer Amy Whinehouse has finally gone back to rehab. After a video splurged the Internet and news of Amy reportedly saying she had just taken 6 Valium and then started smoking some unidentified substance. Just last month her audience booed Amy on stage after apparently being under the influence while performing. Members of the audience say she was stumbling and slurring her words while singing. Amy who once sang about not going to rehab has finally been omitted and is reportedly going through withdrawals. Her family and friends say that she is doing all right but would like her privacy as she deals with her problems.
Opinion: Anyone who does this to themselves is just screaming for attention. Amy has needed help for quite some time. I am so glad that she has finally agreed to it and is doing better. It is going to be a long road for her and I hope she can get better. I also hope that this flaw in her life right now does not ruin her career. She is such a talented woman and it would be sad to see he talent go to waist after all this. I hope that this rehab will help her and that she will continue to stay sober for the rest of her life. Right now she needs all the love and support from her family, friends, fans, etc.
Ben Thieroff
Summary-- Yesterday a German civil engineer was tried for manslaughter. He admitted to miscalculations in the construction of an ice rink that collapsed two years ago. The head of construction and archetect claimed innocence. 15 people were injured and 36 were killed on Januray 2, 2006. The roof was built i n 1972. faulty construction and sloppiness were to blame for this disaster.
Opinion-- Wow this straight up blows for the 36 people that got killed. Thats like me going to Bank One and having the whole thing fall down on my head. At least i could sue Schuff. Its the contractor's fault for hiring a subpar engineere.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Discussions about proposals on the economy and health care were heated out by exchanges between rivals Clinton and Obama during Monday night's Democratic debate. Clinton replied she was referring to differences in Obama's position toward the Iraq war. "It was more about the distinction between words and action. And I think that is a fair assessment for voters to make," she said. Clinton said it is "sometimes difficult to understand what Obama has said because as soon as he is confronted on it he says that's not what he meant." "The two leading candidates are getting closer to nothing -- they will lose the election to Republican Party if they keep talking in such a way.
I would not be surprised if Edwards wins the campaign because it seems that he is truly trying to win this campaign by stating of what he would do to make the economy better. However, CLinton and Obama keep arguing and critizing each other in such a way that hoenstly is not going to get them anywhere.
Scary movie making viewers sick
The thriller is told from the point of view of five young New Yorkers using their handheld camera. But for some viewers, being "part" of the movie is making them sick. Most viewers are unaffected by the film, but for those who are, experts say the problem is in their heads. "This is a classic case of vertigo" says Dr. Michael G. Stewart an otorhinolaryngologist "You can look around and feel like things are moving, when they aren't." Stewart states that people have different levels of susceptibility. Doctors recommend that if you don't wnat to get sick in the movie theather then you should take Bonine and Dramamine II which would help reduce all these symptoms.
This doctor is right I think that if this movie is making people sick then they should take those medications or not watch that movie at all. I've never heard of a movie making people sick this bad,like this movie. It seems that this movie is strong on influencing people. I don't think that is movie is a good and i don't think it would be a good idea for children to be watching this movie.
A prominent supporter of Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday compared Bill Clinton's appeals for his wife, Hillary in South Carolina to the tactics used by a former Republican strategist that are infamous within Democratic circles. When asked about the comparison, Clinton disapproved by saying it was a distraction from what voters really cared about. In an interview with CNN, Dick Harpootlian and an Obama supporet said some of Clinton's remarks on the campaign trail were appeals based on race and gender, meant to "suppress the vote, demoralize voters and distort the record." Later a reporter from CNN asked Clinton about Harpootlian's comments, Clinton did not argree with the charge and staeted out, saying: "You live for this. This hurts the people of South Carolina." Hillary is now focusing her attention on states with contests next month on "Super Tuesday," leaving the campaigning for this week's South Carolina primary to her husband.
Well only God knows if Clinton is saying the truth about this. However, if Clinton or Obama keep being racists towards the voting then they are going to have a difficult time winning the campaign. If one of them really wants to win the campaign then they better stop being racist. I think that both of these candidates are focusing too much in trying to make the other look bad that they have taken their attention away from trying to convince people to vote for them.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Alex Bellah
Summary: After a “Flirtatious” running in the candidacy for President and turning eyes over whether or not he is good enough, Fred Thompson has dropped out of the running. He declared his dropped out on January 22, 2008. He had a long shot from becoming the republican candidate and he realized this. The race was no longer in his court. Thompson had won no states and so his decision to drop out of the race was the best move possible. Fred Thompson announced his running in September 2007 and dropped out in January 2008.
Opinion: I believe that Fred Thompson did the right thing on dropping out. I believe that he probably should have done it sooner than when he did but he did what he thought best. Fred was not the best candidate for President and I believe deep down he new that about himself. It is sad to think though that he did not win at least one state. He barely had any points in any of the caucuses and primaries. I still have hope for Guiliani and him becoming the republican candidate.
National: Romney…
Summary: Mitt Romney is the leader of all delegates so far in the running for president. He has won three states, Nevada, Wyoming, Michigan. He declared that he was running on January 3, 2007. He is Mormon but has said that the faith of any candidate should not be the reason of people not voting for them. He believes that the job of president and whoever holds that position should be prayed upon by every religion out there. People need prayer of all kinds. Religion should not have an effect on any candidate.
Opinion: I believe that religion does have an effect on people and what they believe. Religion is not something that should be taken lightly by all means. I do not believe that Romney is the best Republican candidate for the job. There are many things that I disagree with about him. The main thing that I disagree with is his taking on religion and how lightly he takes it. My religion and faith is one of the most important things to me. I believe that Guiliani is the best candidate!
Ben Thieroff
Hugo Chavez told all the dairy farmers in Vennezula that it would be treason to sell their milk overseas. The farmers had been selling their milk overseas to cheese producers. He said that if the army needs to be brought in it would. The milk prices are being artificially brought up. Chavez urges farmers to sell thir product to state run plants.
Opinion--Wow now were going to control to milk market?? State farms soon anyone?? Why does he keep doing stupid things like this? we all know that the only way to succeed in this world is to become capitalists!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Thompson withdrew from the presidential race Tuesday saying "Today, I have withdrawn my candidacy for president of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort." Saturday Thompson came in third in the South Carolina primary, making his with drawl inevitable. In 2000 Thompson supported McCain, but Thompson has not supported any candidates yet. "Fred Thompson ran an honorable campaign. He and I will remain close friends, and I wish him and his family the best," McCain said and later added he didn't think Thompson would endorse anyone. In his six years in the senate Thompson had a solidly conservative vote.
I liked Thompson's simplicity and conservative style. If Thompson had had not pulled out of the race and I was already 18 I might have voted for him. But it's true that he is very old- 65. And he did just battle cancer. It could be said of him that he did not campaign like he wanted the presidency, so maybe Thompson should just go back to working for NBC now.
Obama accused Mr. and Mrs. Clinton of playing loosely with the facts and going to any extremes to get elected on Saturday in South Carolina. "There's a set of assertions made by Senator Clinton, as well as her husband, that are not factually accurate, and I think that part of what the people are looking for right now is somebody who's going to solve problems and not resort to the same typical politics that we've seen in Washington." Senator Obama said. Hilary retorted saying "Your record and what you say does matter, and when it comes to a lot of the issues that are important in this race, it is sometimes difficult to understand what Senator Obama has said, because as soon as he is confronted on it, he says that's not what he meant." The two candidates only became more livid and the debate soared out of control.
I do not want another Clinton in office- I don't want another democrat at all. Both of the leading candidates for that party are childish and immature. I hope everyone can see that after the debate, but unfortunately, there are some people who would be enthralled by the bickering and more likely to vote for Clinton or Oboma. The questions asked in the debate were stupid, bit so were Clinton's remarks. Someone needs to step it up.
About 20 cows will participate in a study about the release of greenhouse gasses at a Swedish University. This may open up the first Bobine Swedish ministry of Flatulence. Cattle release methane which is known to increase global warming and researches believe the level of methane released is dependant upon the type of food cattle eat. Each cow in the study will have a different diet and a device measuring the level of methane around them.
So while $590,000 is being spent monitoring cows passing gas, 45,000 people are being murdered every month in the Congo. I'm sure the lost boys worried about the green house emissions released by cows. Furthermore, don't humans release a little bit of methane too? I would like to stow away to Sweden and feed those cows some Beno.
Benjamin Jorgensen and Donna Hayes robbed and Australian restaurant. They left with what they thought was a bag of cash, but actually turned out to be bread rolls. During the hold up in the restaurant Jorgensen accidentally shot Hayes in the bottox. The two were tried, pleading guilty to robbery. Jorgensen was sentenced to eight years and Hayes to seven. The judge called them a "pair of fools."
I would have sentenced them to more. Does Hayes get a mercy year for being shot in the butt? I would grant her that. Whoever filled the bag with bread has a lot of gumption; I would be afraid of getting shot. This might be one of the worst headlines to be included in world wide. That in itself is an awfully big punishment.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Kaylen May Gerkey
Hope London was bomb! And you got to see some soccer right?!?
1. Clinton claims Nevada caucuses with help from women, Latinos
SUMMARY: Clinton, who won last week's New Hampshire primary, was winning the Latino vote by a nearly 3 to 1 in Nevada, according to entrance polls. Polls indicated Democrats were split along ethnic, racial and generational lines. But women made up nearly 60% of those taking part in Saturdays Caucus and she won by 52%. Nevada marked the first time a Western state has played an early role in the presidential race. Democrats are counting on Latino voters to help the party make inroads into the region in 2008. Both Clinton and Obama campaigned heavily in Nevada, where polls showed the two senators neck-and-neck at the start of the week. The war in Iraq and health care were the No. 2 and No. 3 issues for Democrats and Hilary led strongly in that area.
OPINION: Democrats need to count on women and Latinos because people seem to not like Hilary so much right now. Obama looks more promising. Obama was close behind Hilary with 45% and has been in every election. They’ve been neck and neck in every primary that they’ve both participated in. I was kind of surprised to see that Hilary got the majority of the women vote, but I guess that’s how the ball rolls. She definitely has made a comeback since she lost big in the Iowa caucus.
2. Nevada Conservatives Boost Romney
SUMMARY: An overwhelming number of Republican voters swept Mitt Romney to victory Saturday in the Nevada caucuses. Romney scored well with conservatives, late deciders and veterans according to the entrance polls. He also benefited from his Mormon religion. Romney captured 94 percent of the voters who identified themselves as Mormons, which made up 25 percent all Republicans participating in the GOP caucuses. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints estimates there are 170,000 Mormons in Nevada. Romney scored well with voters who ranked the economy and illegal immigration as the issues that concern them the most. Although Romney won Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Sen. John McCain of Arizona were neck and neck with 13 percent of the vote - Romney with 51%.
OPINION: I can’t believe Romney keeps winning. After all this talk about him being Mormon and all the interviews about his religion I can’t believe he’s winning these primaries. I like the man, and if I didn’t know he was Mormon he would have my vote. I like many of the things he stands for and he has some real good ideas, but I don’t want a Mormon in the whit house. Nothing against them personally, cause I have great friends that are Mormon, it’s just running a country, your beliefs guide you and I don’t want a Mormon making decisions in a country that I live in.
1. Heathrow Back on Attack after Crash
SUMMARY: Air crash investigators are continuing to seek the cause of an apparent power failure that forced a British Airways Boeing 777 into a crash landing at Heathrow airport. Flight schedules are just now returning to normal after heavy delays and cancellation after the disaster. The exact cause of the crash was still unknown. An initial report by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch on Friday said that two engines on the plane "did not respond" to a demand for increased thrust about two miles from touchdown. Reports say the Boeing 777 hit problems 600 feet off the ground and descended rapidly, just making it onto Heathrow. Crew interviews and Flight Recorder analyses show the flight and approach to have progressed normally until the aircraft was established on late finals for Runway 27L. The AAIB says that it will carry out further analysis of the flight data recorders and that examination of the aircraft systems and engines is ongoing. (The pilot said, according to the worker, that the plane's electronics had failed and that he was forced to glide it to the ground. The jetliner touched down several hundred yards short of the airport's south runway, close to a perimeter road. Afterward, its emergency chutes deployed, and it was sprayed with white fire-fighting foam, which covered the engines.)
OPINION: I think the main thing is that no one was hurt. The pilot, like he has to be, was brave and courageous and saved their lives. I heard that the plane could have easily exploded and didn’t. Thank God! Hopefully they figure out the problem and fix it and all the other planes so this doesn’t happen again, that’s the main things. People’s lives and the lives of those who trust the pilots to protect them is what matters most.
2. Oprah School Matron Faces Abuse Trial
SUMMARY: A matron accused of abusing students at a school for disadvantaged girls (by U.S. Oprah Winfrey) was given an April 21 trial date by a judge on Wednesday. Tiny Virginia Makopo, 27, faces charges of indecent assault, assault and criminal injury, allegedly committed against six students ages 13 to 15 and a 23-year-old fellow dormitory matron. Makopo appeared in court with a towel over her head. Police said there were at least three serious cases of indecent assault, and that the alleged abuse took place over four months at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, which opened January 2007. Oprah told the girls of the school she was the "momma bear" who would protect them. And Oprah has campaigned for laws in the United States to protect children from abusers.
Opinion: This is very heart rendering. Oprah sets up this school to help these poor girls, and instead one of the teachers abuses them. I feel bad for the girls and for Oprah. She tries to help people and this happens. Although, I don’t agree with her politically I think she tries real hard to make the world better sometimes. I hope this woman, Makopo, faces serious charges, because those girls trusted her and she misused their trust and she deserves to suffer.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cold War icon Fischer passes away
Bobby Fischer, the reclusive chess master who became a Cold War icon when he dethroned the Soviet Union's Boris Spassky as world champion in 1972, has died aged 64. Fischer told reporters that year that he was finished with a chess world he regarded as corrupt, and he sparred with U.S. journalists who asked about his anti-American tirades. He beat Spassky in 1972 in a series of games in Reykjavik to claim America's first world chess championship in more than a century.
The event was given tremendous symbolic importance, pitting the intensely individualistic young American against a product of the grim and soulless Soviet Union.
It also was marked by Fischer's odd behavior -- possibly calculated psychological warfare against Spassky -- that ranged from arriving two days late to complaining about the lighting, TV cameras, the spectators, even the shine on the table.
one champion goes away. i think 64 years old little bit earyly to die. i dont know who this man is but i know that he was a champion.
Heathrow crash probe underway
An investigation began Friday into why a Boeing 777 landed short of the runway at London's Heathrow Airport, skidding on grass and ripping apart sections of the aircraft.The flight, BA38, was arriving in London from Beijing when it reportedly lost power.
The jet was still on the tarmac Friday as investigators began arriving to figure out what caused the plane to crash-land.
Britain's Air Accidents Investigation Branch was at the scene, British Airways said, and a Boeing spokesman said it was joining the investigation at the branch's request.
A team from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board is also heading to London, accompanied by representatives from Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration. London ambulance services said 17 people suffered minor injuries, and the number could increase as several others are still being assessed.
it was close that the plane almost explored. i heard that planes are easy to explore even though the pilot lands the plane not properly. however its lucky that no one was killed. for people it could have been a nightmare. and the pilot saved hundreds of lives.
N. Korea 'not serious' about nukes
North Korea is unlikely to give up its nuclear weapons before President Bush leaves office. "North Korea is not serious about disarming in a timely manner," Jay Lefkowitz, the president's envoy on North Korean human rights, told an audience at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "It is increasingly likely that North Korea will have the same nuclear status one year from now that it has today." Lefkowitz's comments are at odds with Bush administration statements, which tout a recent agreement by North Korea at the six-party talks to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for aid and better relations with the United States as one of its few foreign policy successes.
He criticized China and South Korea -- U.S. partners in the talks along with Russia and North Korea -- for not doing enough to push Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear program because of their own bilateral relationships with the North.He said the United States should also consider expanding its bilateral contacts with North Korea to discuss such issues, but should also consider "other leverage" against the nation if it doesn't improve, including restricting the regime's access to United States and international financial systems.
i hate kim jung il. he always lies and lies and lies. can someone assasinate him? first they said they will stop the nuke and now they say that they will not give up the nuke. do they want to live or starve to death. now north korea is in a trouble disorder of food. he is an idiot.
Suspect's wife at party the night of Marine's death
Christina Laurean has told authorities she was attending a Christmas party on the night her husband allegedly killed pregnant Marine Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach. degree murder. He remains at large, and authorities say he may have fled to Mexico.
Also, an affidavit obtained Thursday by CNN states that Christina Laurean knew about the death one day before reporting it to authorities.
The Marines were assigned to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach was eight months pregnant when she was reported missing December 19. Authorities say she was killed four days earlier.
A warrant allowed authorities to search Western Union records.
Authorities said in the accompanying affidavit that Cesar Laurean and his wife received a transfer of money between December 10 and January 12. The affidavit provided no other details.
Authorities requested the search warrant and all accompanying documents be sealed.
The FBI says Laurean may have fled to his native country of Mexico. Cesar Laurean, 21, is a naturalized U.S. citizen.
i dont know what these guys are thinking. a corporal fleds to mexico. what kind of man is he. he just escaped from the army which is a death penalty. and also his wife, i dont care she runs or not the police have to catch this corporal and kill him.
Kwang min kim
U.N. chief hopes to visit South and North Korea this year
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon may visit both South and North Korea this year to discuss the North's nuclear problem.
Ban said he will consider visiting the North at an *appropriate time during a news conference in New York Dec. 27. He met the press to mark the first *anniversary of his *inauguration.
Ban wants to visit Pyongyang to help ease tensions in Northeast Asia from the North's ambition to become a nuclear state.
He also said he wants to visit Seoul this year to talk with officials about South Korea's contribution to the United Nations.
Ban Ki-mooon is the U.N chief he is Korean and become a chief of U.N administration. I hope he contribute some amount of pressure on North Korea because North Korea is not serious about their nuclear bomb. North Korea should be vanish in the earth !!
Stressed teenagers lose hair
Hair loss, or *baldness, is known to be common among adult men. But in today's society, hair loss is becoming a problem for teenagers as well. As stress increases among teenagers due to studying and peer pressure, baldness is becoming more common.
People normally lose about 100 strands of hair per day. But if around 200-300 fall out, you might be at risk of becoming bald at an early age.
Although stress is one of the biggest causes of hair loss, there are other reasons, too. Teens experience the most hair loss right after vacation. This may be because teens like to change their hair during vacation by *dyeing it or getting a perm. Once vacation ends, they have to undo their *hairdo, which weakens both the *scalp and hair.
Awesome ~! Korean Kids are losing their hair. I think it is because of stress that they have. They have to study for 10hours day in order to keep up their grades. I mean this is insane for many young kids. I am in America and I do study but I do not study like my friends in Korea. I think I am so blessed that I am not losing my hair by stress. Ha ha sucks for Korean kids. Good to be in America !
Obama Celebrates Wife’s Birthday With a Night Out in Vegas
Michelle Obama got a night out in Vegas for her 44th birthday Thursday.It two long days of campaigning for her husband ahead of Nevada’s presidential caucuses Saturday. Democratic hopeful Barack Obama said after she introduced him to a crowd of voters at Rancho High School, who sang “Happy Birthday” to her. He joked that it was only her 29th birthday.
“Even though I’m campaigning, ladies, I just want you to know, I’m taking her out to dinner tonight,” Obama said. Advisers declined to say where they would eat, except to say it would just be the two of them.
Michelle Bbama got a night out in Vegas for her 44th birthday! Wow, she looks a lot younger than 44. and Obama joked that it was only her 29th birthday. I think he has sense of humor. Obama seems really being nice to his wife and wife seems really happy about it. It is really good news that I hear for a long time.
Hillary Clinton Heads to Compton, Calif., to Promote Racial Unity, Opportunity
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton pledged Thursday to improve economic opportunities for blacks if elected president, praising the Rev. Martin Luther King and promising to assist with a rebirth of this troubled, largely-black city.
“‘Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by those who are doing it,”‘ Clinton said at a church in Compton, quoting noted black novelist James Baldwin.
She pledged to assist Mayor Eric Perrodin with his goal of “birthing” a new Compton, which has struggled with crime and poverty.
“I know something about birthing,” Clinton said. “You need a president who will be a partner. Who says, ‘What is it I can do to make sure this birth is easy and successful?”‘
I feel, as I think most of us do, that HRC is full of lies and empty promises. These are just things she is saying because its politicaly palatable to her audience. Nothing more. I mean change what? I don’t think she does not even care for the black people she just care for her election. That’s why she said “ if I elected president” even than she is going to forget about black people.
David Jeong
Democrats vie for Nevada's Latino vote
Summary: The first state in which the Latino vote will have an impact holds its caucuses in Nevada's but the Hispanic community has yet to rally behind any particular candidate.Hispanics represent the nation's fastest-growing minority, and almost 60 percent identify themselves as Democrats. In Nevada, Latinos make up about 20 percent of the population. Hispanics make up 12 percent of Nevada's eligible voters, compared with 9 percent of eligible voters nationally. Democrats moved Nevada's primary up, in part, to showcase the Hispanic vote, and all the major Democratic candidates are vying to capture it.
Opinion: It is really interesting to see how Latinos, Mexicans, are enlarging their territories. Even though I am from the other country and not an white guy, I think that is an unusual situation. I believe a country should be consisted of one majority race. That way, they would have less problems. I know that this is not a good idea or anything but just a personal idea. I think this can be good because they wouldn't vote for Hilary because she is white.
National 2
McCain exaggerating attacks on him
Summary: McCain's South Carolina "Truth Squad" has arranged multiple conference calls to defend its candidate from negative campaigning. But opponents say his campaign has been exaggerating the attacks against him -- taking advantage of the ghosts of 2000 in a bid to win sympathy from the media and voters. In 2000, McCain was the target of a whisper campaign alleging that he fathered a black child while married to his wife, Cindy. The truth was McCain and his wife had adopted their daughter, Bridget, from Bangladesh. Galen said the "Truth Squad" is simply dishing up red meat to the national media, which is eager to craft a narrative about McCain redeeming himself in South Carolina.
Opinion: whatever the story about McCain, the truth is if they are their daughter, they shouldn't be talking about her. Adopted child has the same rights as biological children. Well, however, during the election season, those candidates can get really nasty, even though we know they are always. They just want to pull down their opponents so they just say whatever they can find there is. If they find a flaw, they just attack. Just like in the wild animal world.
International 1
Iran receives Russian nuclear fuel
Summary: Iran received a third shipment of nuclear fuel from Russia for a power plant being constructed in the southern port of Bushehr, state radio reported. The 11-ton consignment arrived at the Bushehr power plant, and the remainder of the fuel will arrive in five separate shipments in coming months, the radio report said. Iran received the first two shipments of nuclear fuel from Russia on December 17 and December 28 after months of dispute between the two countries, allegedly over delayed construction payments for the reactor.
Opinion: It is a terrible thing to hear about nuclear weapons. They are so toxic and destructive. It is an awful news that Iran received Russia's nuclear fuel. The 11-ton consigment sounds terrible to me. That is just way too much. I am not the person that only America can have nuclear weapon but I think UN should force some bad countries not to make nuclear weapons.
International 2
Thousands flee volcanic eruption in Colombia
summary: A volcano erupted in southwestern Colombia, prompting authorities to order the evacuation of about 8,000 people. Images broadcast on Caracol, a Colombian television station, showed white smoke pouring into the evening sky from a mountain with a summit of 4,276 meters. Authorities canceled Friday classes in schools around the Galeras volcano, Caracol reported. The Galeras volcano is one of the most active in Colombia.
opinion: Well, the first thing I thought was they are lucky to have a day off. However, I know that is not the case here. The real consideration should be that those people lost everything, including their dear family and love. It looks to me that too much disaster out in the world and it is the time for the Lord to come. I hope no disaster happens because they cost too much money, brake people's heart, and everything.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
ryan evans
This past Tuesday, Mitt Romney won the Michigan primary. He crushed Sen. John McCain by about nine or so percent. This continues to leave the Republican Party without the slightest idea of who will receive their nomination. There is absolutely no front runner. However, in South Carolina, it is reported that Sen. McCain and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee are neck and neck. The vagueness of the Republican campaign trail is astounding. This is a completely wide open race. Also, with Rudy Guliani stocking support in Florida, we see many more complications as he very well might win there and in New York. The plot thickens…
This is getting way tiring. I am beginning to lose faith. As of now, I cannot see any of these GOP hopefuls emerging and defeating either Ms. Clinton, or Mr. Obama. However, that is just my sentiment at this moment, it could very well change in a few hours or so. I cannot recall any sort of election such as this one. The opinion of these political pundits is useless. Whatever they say will happen, the opposite will likely happen. They completely failed to call New Hampshire. Anyway, I do not know how to think or feel right now.
The mudslinging has begun in South Carolina. Many of the presidential hopefuls have been the victim of many false allegations. Many South Carolinians received bogus Christmas cards. They were apparently from Mitt Romney and the return address was to a Mormon Temple in Boston. Barack Obama has also been under attack. Pamphlets have been passed out around South Carolina that he attended a radical Islamic school while growing up in the Middle East. This only perpetuates the history of South Carolina’s hardball politics.
This type of campaigning is ridiculous. It is outright rude to slander a candidate in that regard. However, it is indeed quite effective. If one candidate is able to corrupt the voters over the values and background of another, then the original candidate wins. It is quite a cheap way to win if you asked me, but again, it works. Maybe a dead skeleton is good in getting publicity from a careless nation, but in the long run it is lame. Answer the question and promote yourself. Do not bring down others!
Flour shortages and rising food prices are now plaguing the nation of Pakistan. This is already adding more danger to a plagued country in disarray. The price of a forty-five pound bag of flour had gone up from $4.30 to $8 in less then two months. Smugglers are also stealing flour from Pakistan and going into Afghanistan to sell it for a higher price. This food shortage will be a key issue in the upcoming Parliamentary elections. The Pakistani people are tired, and reeling from terrorist attacks. Now they cannot even get food. This is a true crisis and something needs to be done.
I truly feel bad for these poor, poor people. No civilians deserve to be treated this way. The Islamic radicals and Pakistani government are getting in the way of democracy. These people have never felt true freedom before. Food prices and devastating living conditions are now hurting the people as well. Some sort of intervention is needed in this country. These people need peace, rest, and food. Democracy needs to be made effective in Pakistan, and it needs to happen soon.
A radical Islamic group in Somalia is currently making a resurgence against the weak central government. Rocked propelled grenades and mortar shells killed twenty today in the Somalian capital of Mogadishu. The Somalian government has been in disarray since 1991, when the Islamic insurgence took over. Recently, Ethiopia has become allies with the country but to no avail. The government is unable to sustain any sort of attack from the insurgence.
As you can read, radical Islam is not at all good for the world. The Ethiopians are not helping much. This religious insurgence, which is frequent throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and the South Pacific, is spreading like wildfire. Soon enough, the United States will have to intervene even more abroad then we already are. This violence has to stop. Unfortunately, these radicals do not talk, they kill!
Tyler Adair
With 2 wins for Romney, 1 win for Huckabee, and 1 win for McCain this presidential race is turning heads. Talk of this being the first republican convention in over 60 years to possibly be decided at the convention has emerged seeing as there are still five possible candidates in the race. And with Thompson looking strong in South Carolina and Guliani looking strong in Florida, analysts say there could potentially be 5 first place primary winners. So what does this mean? This could mean if republicans don’t find a front runner to start organizing around, and the dems do, then republicans could be in trouble.
I think this race is great! Almost every primary my mouth drops open because I can’t believe the twists and turns that each state is taking. I have a few fears about this though, one is that I hope this doesn’t mean that republicans can’t decide on a candidate and that the candidate we choose won’t be to weak to take on the loony-libs. Now the only day that could determine who the front runner is, is Super Tuesday. Guliani’s been putting to much work into Florida, so even if he does win there its not going to be a surprise, or really even a push I don’t think. Super Tuesday is the day to watch!
National – Up Next South Carolina
The four leaders of the Republican race for the White House are zoning in on South Carolina. Once again each candidate is making several appearances and speeches each day to rally supporters and to convince others to vote for them. Huckabee is hoping on winning with the support of the Bible belt evangelicals, McCain is hoping to get a win due to his strong military background, Romney is hoping to gain votes with the momentum of winning Michigan, and Thompson people have been pushing in South Carolina for some time now. Meanwhile, Guliani’s plan is working out just the way he would like it to: go into Florida with no clear winner, gain 57 delegates.
I don’t even have much of an opinions, except maybe this. I think analysts should really take a chill pill on predicting and analyzing the future, because so far they’ve all been mostly wrong. And the whole “momentum” theory… well we’ve seen how well that’s worked in this election. I say just grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch FOX as the results come in. Because this election, no one knows whats coming up.
International - Plague is still alive, and now moving
Plague is the disease which dominated medieval Europe is stirring concern amound some scientist. Plague has killed 100 to 200 people every year and is now moving down into Africa. Scientists say while the number of deaths seems low right now the cases are spreading more rapidly in recent years then they’ve seen before. The plague, which was called Black Death in Europe when it killed many people, is spread by fleas, mosquitoes, and coughing.
I think the media should spend more time covering things like this, and less time covering things like who’s going to win South Carolina. It’s scary that something that in the world’s history was so deadly is now moving faster then they traced it before. I hope it doesn’t come over into the US.
World – plane makes bad landing,2933,323420,00.html
A Boeing 777 at Europe’s busiest airport made a short or the runway landing on Thursday. The plane’s underside was crushed and the wheels could be seen on the grass just south of the runway. 152 people were on board, only 8 had minor injuries. Aviation experts say that the cause of the crash could have been an extremely severe gust of wind that is rare, but happens, and if your landing a plane when it happens your in serious trouble. If this gust of wind was the case pilots from competing airlines say that the pilot should be credited with keeping the plane so controlled. The pilot is on of the companies most experienced pilots, and this is the first time in the Boeing 777’s history the model has been involved in an acciedent.
I think it is so great that no one was hurt, reports said that if the plane would have crashed just 600 feet earlier it would have caused major fatalities. I hope, for the pilots sake, it was this gust of wind thing that caused this crash, because other wise he could be in some trouble. And from the report it sounds like it was the wind gust that caused it. I did think it was funny that one passenger said he didn’t even know they were crashing.
Franki Benavidez
On Thursday in Compton, California, Democrat Hilary Clinton pledged to improve economic opportunities for blacks if elected president. She was talking highly about Rev. Martin Luther King and promising to assist w/ a rebirth of this troubled city. Hilary said that she would assist Mayor Eric Perrodin w/ his goal on "rebirthing" a brand new Compton. City Compton struggled w/ crime and proverty. Clinton also tells her audience that the people in Compton that has served their time in prison should be able to have a clean slate when they're taken out of prison.
Opinion: I think what Hilary is doing is a very good thing. I heard that Compton was a troubled city but i never did think the city was known for just crime and proverty. She says that when elected president, she wants to help w/ the prisoners that served their time and give them a clean slate. I guess giving them a clean slate after serving their time would be good but i think it completely depends on what you did to get in prison.
Summary: In Jerusalem, a 74 year old man named Moshe Bar-Yuda is one of the first to obtain Nazi documents that are now available to the public. The Nazi documents were stashed away for more than 60 years in a secret German archive. In 1942, he was 8 years old walking w/ his father and then his father was taken away from him and was shipped off to a Nazi labor camp. He never saw his father again and was left for 66 years wondering about his father's fate. Bar Yuda looked in the archives and had found his father's name along with how he died. His father was killed in a Nazi gas chamber at the Majdanek death camp in Poland on Sept. 7, 1942, less than six months after his son watched him being taken away. After he finally found out what has happened to his father, he was grateful for finding closure. Here:
Opinion: I thought it was really depressing hearing about how this man had to watch his father being taken away from him as a child. I couldn't believe in hearing that the Nazi documents were found 60 years later. I don't know why this man would still know what had happened to his father though. I guess it helped him because it gave him closure and peace within himself.
Brian's blogs
Opinion: While I do have a problem with creating what could viably become a human just for the purpose of experimentation and the harvest of stem cells, I think that they should have at least extracted stem cells this time if they were able to. I don’t really know the details. It seems like a waste to clone the embryos and not go any further. However, I don’t have a problem with cloning people, despite the arguments I’ve heard about playing God (the Tower of Babel being a popular example). I also think it’s ridiculous whenever I hear people argue about whether or not clones would have souls, but I guess that doesn’t really pertain to the article I’m supposed to be writing about.
International: Now this is interesting. Osama bin Laden’s son, Omar Osama bin Laden, claims that he wants to be an ambassador for peace between Islam and the West. In this article there’s an interesting picture of him wearing a leather biker’s jacket and sporting dreadlocks. He is married to a British woman and has not denounced his father despite the fact that he is calling for peace between the East and West. While he was trained in an al-Qaida camp he seems to have broken away in 2000, but the circumstances aren’t entirely known.
Opinion: I have no clue what to think of this guy. I think he’s probably harmless and not likely to pop up in the news too much, but the fact that he defends his father scares me. It’s one thing to be loyal to your parents, no matter what terrible things they might have done, but when they have orchestrated the mass murder of thousands – perhaps that is when you must denounce what your parents have done although you may still feel love for them. What I really wonder is what actually happened when Omar parted from his father.
National: Edwards has lashed out at the media because, despite beating Clinton in Iowa, and other victories that show him to be a candidate worth paying attention to, the media has focused on Obama and Clinton. Edwards has put up stuff about this on his website, showing that he has only received a small fraction of the coverage the other two leading candidates have received.
Opinion: I think this is a little whiny of Edwards, but he has a point. However, what did he expect running against a black man and a woman. Hilary and Obama are candidates that may set a historical precedent, while Edwards would not. I think it’s too bad he’s not getting covered as much for, let’s face it, that precise reason, but I don’t know if complaining about it will do anything for him.
National: This article is just under the one above and is part of the same link. Mike Huckabee has been taking heat for comments he made about gay marriage. One of his arguments was that if the law opened the door for gay marriage, he is afraid polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality might be next in line for being legalized as marriage. The gay community and others have protested, saying this comment equates gay marriage with these other sexual behaviors, and is “out of the mainstream of American thought.”
Opinion: While I disagree with Huckabee’s argument, I believe it would be better to legalize civil unions rather than “marriage” (there is no constitutional basis for making gay marriage illegal from what I can tell), in order to draw a definite difference between the two – but, people are going to call it what they will. However, I disagree that this thinking of Huckabee’s argument is out of the mainstream of American thought. Most definitely it is out of the mainstream thought of liberal America and the gay community, but not America as a whole. In fact this seems to be just one of several issues that splits the American mainstream down the center. On the matter of homosexuality being equivalent to these other behaviors, the main difference that I see is that homosexual marriages would be consensual (whether or not they are moral).
kRiStA gRoTe
Generation Gap
The majority of South Carolina is made up African Americans. Because of the generation gap, there is split favor between the two democratic candidates Obama and Clinton. Younger voters favor Obama because he will do a better job representing the opinions of younger generations. The Older generation is for Hillary because they supported Bill when he was in office. They also played a big role in the civil rights movement back when Bill was president. The elder women especially like Hilary and feel like she is even like a sister. So when it comes time for the South Carolina primary, it will be interesting to see who takes the lead.
This gender gap is very understandable. I think that Obama has an appeal to younger people in general because he is the youngest candidate and has expressed his enthusiasm for the change he wants to bring to our country. I don’t really care for either of these candidates because I prefer the Republican candidates more.
Threat of US recession in Asia
There is a very likely chance that the US will be going into a recession soon. It does not only have the US worried but other countries as well, especially the Asian ones who are worried of the effects that it will have on their economy as well because Americans are one of their biggest consumers. If Americans are unable to buy their merchandise then that will be putting many companies in jeopardy. The bright side is that Asian countries have been able to buy more high-end things and have been coming to the US to buy those things.
There are many perks to global trade but like most things, not everything works out ideally. Global trade can either help or destroy an economy. The bad thing about the American economy is that it greatly depends on the manufacturing of goods in other countries. This is nice for other countries because they feel like they can depend on the US, but when something goes wrong in the States then many other countries will suffer as well. Overall I think global trade is a good thing.
Huckabee won’t let Romney bring him down
After the Michigan primary this week, Huckabee is not disappointed about loosing the evangelic vote to Romney. He says that he is not only running to represent the evangelists. He says people are voting for him because he is the most pro-life, pro-family, and is the only one of the candidates that has brought these issues up only because he is running for president. He has high hopes for winning South Carolina in the up coming primary, and with one victory already under his belt, he is ready to press on and hopefully win the vote of America.
I love Huckabee, not only because he is a Christian and has a good sense of humor; he also has experience and the passion to make America better. He always comes up with the best answer to some of the toughest questions and he never even has to think about. He is what America needs, someone who is stable and has good morals and cares the future of America and how to make it better.
Crash Landing in London (good thing you weren’t on this flight)
A Boeing 777, flight 38, coming from Beijing to London’s Heathrow airport landed 100 feet short of the runway. Luckily no one was hurt, except for a couple people with a few scratches from using the inflatable emergencies slides while exiting the aircraft. In this situation the crew of 16 was very prepared and was able to evacuate all of its 136 passengers off the plain safely. This crash took the airlines by surprise because the 777 is supposed to be one of their most safest and dependable aircrafts. Even though no one was hurt, the airport still had to shut down its South runway causing many delays and cancellations in flights.
Nothing is totally dependable, anything can go wrong. Just like the Titanic that was supposedly “indestructible”. You have to be ready for the worst to happen at any time. We live in a world of sin, where things go wrong daily. We have to pray to god and hope that he will keep us safe through out the day and while we are traveling or doing whatever because the unthinkable can happen at any time. This incident will definitely make me more aware of the exits on my next flight, and I fight even listen to the safety demonstration next time.