Thursday, January 10, 2008


Richardson ends his presidential run
Democratic N.M. governor doesn't endorse another candidate
Richardson ended his democratic presidential nomination thursday after poor finishes in the first 2 contests in Iowa and New Hamshire. He encouraged voters to "take a long and thoughtful look" and elect one of them president. Richardson fell below 5 percent in the New Hampshire primary Tuesday and came in with just 2 percent in the Iowa caucuses last week. Richardson was easily elected to two terms as governor but will be forced from office by term limits in 2010.
My opinion in this would be that well yeah i guess Richardson was a good candidate eventhough I didn't know much about him. But it is good that he is still going to help with the health care program. Well now it's up Hillary and Obama. Hopefully we get a good president this year.

Huckabee and McCain now rivals
After fending off Romney, two GOP hopefuls now must face off
Who wins depends on who else they can draw in with their distinct messages - McCain's national security savvy and independent streak or the former Arkansas governor's religion-streaked economic populism. McCain was the first one to make a move and he did it directly by airing ads in New Hampshire quoting newspapers that called Romney a phony. And Huckabee prepared a negative ad against Romney in Iowa, chose not to air it, but showed it to the media anyway. McCain is looking to repeat his 2000 victory in Michigan, eager to court independent voters in the state. Romney is putting all his resources in Michigan and hoping that his role as native son and whom his father was governor there, will help him to victory.
Well my opinion for this would be that this would be an intense campaign between these two men. Hopefully MCCain if he is a good politician for the primary elections than he would get elected but if not then Huckabee would have to win. Hopefully these two men are running in politics becausethey want to help the economy and not because they want to be famous and have money. This must really be a good campaign.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Neither did Thompson.

Always were.