Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chris (1/2)


Summary - Police stopped a man in Magnolia, Arkansas, and searched his car after smelling something strange. After a consented search by the man Savalas Vantoli Stewart, the police found marijuana hidden inside a recently purchased box of fried chicken, as well as a few ecstasy pills in his pockets. The incident happened after a a traffic stop Friday night. The thirty-three year old man faces a misdemeanor possession charge for having the marijuana and also a felony drug possession charge for the ecstasy. The Columbia County jail released Stewart Monday and a court appearance for the man will follow.

Opinion - Why did this man consent to the search of his car? Well, I should be asking why he even had those drugs in his car in the first place? Everyone knows the rule: if you have drugs, keep them at home... or not at all. It's fairly simple but some people just don't get it. Oh well. Also, why did he hide the "weeds", as the kids say, in the box of chicken, of all places? I don't remember learning in chemistry chicken grease being a good odor neutralizer. Maybe he should have shoved that dope in a bottle of Oust or something..


Summary - A man in Australia is on the run after escaping the custody of police Tuesday. The man is a suspected burglar who was arrested that day but managed to escape with a cop car, while still handcuffed. Police said that day that while they examined a bag outside, two officers handcuffed the man and left him in the back of the unmarked police car. The keys to the vehicle were left inside of it while the policemen were elsewhere. The arrested suspect then climbed into the driver's seat and drove off. The vehicle was found an hour later but the suspect has yet to be found.

Opinion - Wow.. That there bur-glar sure is a clever one, ain't he? Or maybe it's simply the police who are not. No policeman should ever leave his keys in the car while an arrested suspect is also in there. OBVIOUSLY. It is situations and incidents like these that promote the stereotype that cops are idiots who eat donuts. I could imagine the cops in this situation fitting that stereotype exactly, with that "bag" they were examining being from their local Dunkin' Donuts. Nice job, guys..