Summary: Almost eleven years ago a young girl, at the age if ten, named Natasha Kampucsh was kidnapped and was held captive for eight and a half years in Vienna, Austria. She has now come out telling her story, but also requesting her privacy. She has felt a lot of fear and anguish and has been put through a lot. Her captor Wolfgang Priklopic terrorized this young girl for this time by keeping her in his dungeon. Natasha once said, “I will one day dance on his grave” but now that he is dead she realizes that is not the case. She feels sorry for him instead, and wants to conquer this trial once and for all. She has one final request to all of those out there…she wants to be left alone and left in peace. She doesn’t want to give autographs or to take pictures. “I was once a victim, but I am not a superstar.”
Opinion: This is a very tragic and heart felt story. Natasha is a very strong girl and has overcome a great deal. God was definitely at work in this situation. He has his angels watching over her the entire time. This girl once a little innocent life-fearing victim is now a strong confident woman. There are very sick and disturbed people in this world, and it is tragic to think that situations like this happen everyday, but usually don’t come out nearly as miraculous. God is a gracious and merciful God and He had his hand with this girl the entire journey.
Summary: Once again Lindsay Lohan has broken the law with her continuous drug and alcohol abuse. Even with the undeniable criminal offenses of the possession of cocaine and driving under the influence many times, twice leading to cause big scenes. Once a car wreck in Beverly Hills and a police chase later, Lohan is still has the possibility of not being convicted. She has once again gotten out of it, well it comes to seem. As of right now Lindsay is only looking at a minimum of 4 days in prison and if it was a lawful sentence se could be behind bars up to 3 years. One involved says the accusations are unfair and to feels they are too harsh.
Opinion: Lindsay Lohan is a phoney and a criminal. She has been in constant offense of the law and has continuously been able to get out of it. It is so unlawful for a celebrity to get out of this. It is not only a danger to herself, but to everyone around her. She is an inferior person to the people she surrounds, and she should serve her sentence just as anyone else would have to. She should have no special treatment just because she has money or the looks or whatever it is. She is wasting her life, and I hope she has to serve her consequences and learn her lesson the really hard way. She has been given many chances, one to many and it is about time she grows up and faces life and deals with her problem and fixes it and she needs to stop putting herself and her life in danger.
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1 comment:
Tragic story in Austria.
Lindsey Lohan is a tragic case. I hope that she doesn't end up dead or killing someone else.
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