Thursday, October 4, 2007

Alex Bellah

International: Girl swims with bound hands and feet

Summary: Huang Li a 10-year-old girl was bound by her hands and her feet and then dropped into a chilly China river in Beijing, China by her father. The girl’s father said that he would never do anything to hurt his daughter and that it was her idea in the first place. Huang Li’s dream is to one-day swim the English Channel. She got the idea of tying her hands and feet together from watching a show on TV and decided that by tying her hands and her feet together that it would enhance her swimming skills. She swam for three hours in the chilly china river while her dad swam right next to her. Her dad said she used the swimming technique of a dolphin and would sometimes paddle with her bound hands. Her dad said that he believed that it was a great idea and so he decided to do what his daughter asked. After three hours of swimming with bound hands and feet, Huang’s father pulled her out of the water. Onlookers have said that the little girls face had turned blue by being in the water so long, but other than that she seemed fine.

Opinion: how crazy does someone have to be to tie their child’s hands and feet together and then drop them in cold water and watch the swim for three hours? How ridiculous is that? No matter if the girl asked or not the father should have been wiser and said no. What he did to his little girl is so dangerous and he is so lucky that nothing serious happened. As for the little girl there are other ways to train for swimming than to do what she did. No matter how great of a swimmer you are you should never do what this family did. It is way to dangerous and way to high of a risk for something to go wrong.

National: Carjacking

Summary: In Omaha, Nebraska this past Wednesday, Amber Blakeman and her 10-month-old son, Cayden, were driving in their car when they stopped at a light. When they stopped 3 young women came up to the drivers side window and asked if they could get a ride when Amber said no the young women said fine we will just take your car then. After hitting Amber’s face and pulling her by her hair they finally got her out of her vehicle. After getting up Amber worried because she didn’t know where her son was. She finally heard the screams o her child coming from down the street where the women had stolen their car. It appeared that the baby had been thrown from the car. After getting help Amber and Cayden were released from the hospital on Thursday with minor injuries. Amber is still pretty shook up from the incident but both mom and son will be just fine. Later that evening the women were found with the car and arrested.

Opinion: What sane person could throw a baby from a car?!?! I mean a child is so innocent especially a 10 month old. The women should have severe punishment. I feel so terrible for the mother and her son. I would expect for the mom and son to be terribly shaken up and struggle with some fears for quite sometime. What happened to them I hope never to happen again not only to them but to anyone else. It is so terribly sad to hear of such a thing happening. What is the world coming to??

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

This is truely crazy!!!

I don't know, but the death penalty is a good cure if these people are caught.