Friday, October 5, 2007


International – Recently in Spain, 23 leaders of the outlawed Basque pro-independence Batasuna were arrested during a meeting in the town of Segura,Basque town of SeguraBasque town of Segura for aiding the armed ETA separatist group. This group is responsible for many terrorist acts and more than 800 over the past forty years. Last year in March, the group had promised a cease-fire, but peace talks between the ETA and Spain failed.

Opinion – I’m not sure how to see this. The Spanish government is a socialist government, but I don’t know anything besides that, and I have no idea why the separatists want a separate Basque or what political values they hold. So while I’m unsure of how to respond, at least it’s good to know that people who had been committing acts of terror have been caught, and will kept from committing more.

International – British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visited Iraq for the first time on Tuesday since taking over for Tony Blair. The purpose of his visit was to talk with Iraqi officials. The British government has 5,500 troops in Iraq (the US has 168,000) and plans on bringing out 1,000 by the end of the year. Last month, Brown called the withdrawal an “organized move” and not a defeat.

Opinion – From what the article said, it seems that this move really does suggest nothing of defeat. British forces have been training police and troops in Iraq, and it seems moving out some of the coalition forces will give those Iraqis the chance to defend themselves. However, over 4/5 of the original group will still be there, so no duh this isn’t retreat for the British. The war is most definitely not at an end yet, and it’s too early to declare victory or defeat.

National – An Atlanta man was almost burned by his iPod in an Airport when it caught fire. Apple has refused to comment about the incident, but is going to replace the man’s iPod nano. Apple also has not stated how common this particular problem is. The lithium ion battery is the same kind that has been faulted for setting laptops on fire.
Opinion – It’s a scary idea that something like an iPod could start a bigger fire (the mom of the guy pointed that out). It’s dangerous when you put so much technology into something so tiny.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Not sure what is taking place in Spain.

Not a defeat just a withdrawl.

Scary iPod story. No opinion.