Summary - In recent weeks thousands of dollars worth in bras have been stolen from a Victoria's Secret in Fairfield, Connecticut, says an article from Of the latest theft, the person stole fifty bras from the lingerie store. Earlier on in the thefts, it was reported seven to eight drawers full of reversible bras taken. One of the Fairfield police, Lt. Michael Walsh, doesn't know if the reason behind the thefts is simply a fetish or not but only says "We have some people who steal strange things."
Opinion - Why would one person need so many BRAS!? What I find the craziest part in this article is how much these bras are worth. It's ridiculous. A person should not be able to steal bras that total in the thousands of dollars! Bah. Bras.. I say, who needs them? I don't. I'm just fine without a bra, thank you very much.
Summary - A man found a 3.92-carat white stone while visiting a diamond park, says a article. The man Eric Blake, thirty-two years old from Appleton, Wisconsin, found the uncut diamond while visiting Crater of Diamonds State Park with his fiancee. He's unsure whether to get it cut for his fiancee though, as she already has "only [a] one carat on her finger". The park where this diamond was found is the only diamond-producing site in the world that is open to the public. It was at this place the world's largest diamond was in fact found. The 40-carat white stone named Uncle Sam was found at this same site in 1924.
Opinion - Now why is it I never have this kind of luck? EH?! Anywho, I guess I am happy for this engaged couple though I wish I would have found it. I'm not too sure why the man doesn't want to have it cut and set for his fiancee though. It seems to make sense, with the perfect timing of finding that diamond while they're still engaged. Maybe they're just possibly thinking about selling it. That would make sense since they already have a ring anyway. It would cost money to have it cut and set no matter if they keep it or sell it so I guess selling it would make it easier to pay for the cutting of the diamond. Yay for ridiculous (unfair!) luck! >:(
Summary - From a article, it says that a cellphone application for women in Japan has become quite popular. This application is called "Anti-Groping Appli" and is made by games developer Takahashi. The way the app works is that certain messages flash on the women's cellphone while they're in the congested commuter trains of Japan. The messages that appear go from "Excuse me, did you just grope me?" "Groping is a crime," and finally to, "Shall we head to the police?" The woman using this app simply presses an anger icon located on the program to progress to the next threat. A warning chime then accompanies the messages.
Opinion - This app seems quite humorous despite the whole unwanted groping part. Since the program is free I'm sure many women in Japan downloaded it just as a joke. I bet a few of those women may put it to good use though and I guess that's a good effect of this application. I'm not sure though on the application's effectiveness on preventing these unwanted gropes.
Summary - A article says that a sixty year old man in Malayasia kidnapped a twenty-eight year old woman. The reason behind the kidnapping is that though the woman's family initially agreed with the marriage of the two, the woman did not. For this reason the woman was kidnapped. A friend of the woman witnessed the kidnapping and reported it to the police. After several hours, the man eventually released the woman. "He changed his mind when he knew police were looking for him," K. Manoharan told The Associated Press.
Opinion - Well, this guy seemed like a jerk. There is something I'm not too clear on though. What does it mean by the family agreeing to it? If it was an arranged marriage that would make sense but then the woman wouldn't be able to refuse it, right? According to this story the woman was able to refuse the proposal so that's why the man kidnapped her. Then I don't see the point in mentioning that the family already agreed to it if the marriage wasn't a marriage arranged by this family. Bah. This is bugging me. END
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maybe ur sick becuase of the chocolate covered pop rocks... ??
I want that kind of luck!!!
Arranged marriages, just not that appealing!
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