National 1
Britney Spears as we all know has lost custody of both of her children. She has been charged for negligence towards the poor kids. In LA she recently went back to court to request to expand her custody conditions. She discussed it with her ex husband, Federline, outside of court, but there has been no change. Kevin has custody of the children and Spears can only see them on monitored visits, but no overnights. She has a new visitation order but there has not been a new overnight monitor declared thus far.
Spears should not get anymore custody of her children. She abused the right to have them. She put them in danger and neglected them for her own selfish ways. She didn’t care about them while she was partying and now she cares once the consequences hit. Ya she is stupid and deserves not to be able to see her kids. Maybe she will think before she leaves her kids at home alone night after night.
International 1
This was a scary almost incident. It is very good to hear no one was killed in something like this. It shows that we need to increase the work efforts with things related to technical difficulties. That is something that needs to become more of an importance. This stuff is dangerous and can be prevented. But it will take effort to do so. It’s a blessing no one was seriously injured if at all. God’s angels were watching over this aircraft.
National 2
Fellow students say they and school authorities didn't take Asa Coon's threats of violence seriously before the 14-year-old's shooting rampage at his
This is a definite tragedy. This entire community was put through so much and this is one thing that is almost impossible to deal with. My heart goes out to the family of the shooter and to the entire community. It is very fortunate that no one was killed. God had a definite part in this as he does with everything. This school and everyone in it will be in my thoughts and prayers. This is so sad and so unfortunate. You can not help but want to know why this boy had to turn to something like this.
International 2
It is upsetting that this case has to be continually dragging on. Yes they say he will not go without punishment but how long that is supposed to take. It has taken this long already and nothing has seemed to have changed. Yes he has been sentenced but there has been no action that has taken place thus far.
1 comment:
Britney or K-fed what a choice?
Scary airplane ride.
Need to watch students like this, but sometimes its difficult to see the warning signs.
A hit squad in Columbia, go figure.
SCOTUS blog reaction???
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