Thursday, October 11, 2007

Murphy James National Articles

VIDEO!!!! YAY!!!
basically, this video is discussing how the public service announcements concerning drugs is ineffective to the kids they are trying to reach, and how they can be condescending.
YES!!!! I really agree with this video. Not only does it make me laugh, but there is so much truth to it. The video is not condoning the use of marijuana, because if it was I wouldn't even start to watch it. But the fact that it addresses the problem of inaccurate information about marijuana makes me shout with joy. Over a thousand kids die a year from drug overdose. If I tried to explain how that made me feel, we would be here all day.

National #2
Kara Walker has become famous for her uncanny artistic portrayals of the slave world. Some of her pieces are crude, while others tell a beautiful story. Almost all of her work is black and white, giving it a signature look.
I find this really interesting. This is something I would really enjoy seeing. Very few people portray art in that way, and I believe it would be enlightening to see.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

I would love to see their PSA for stopping drug use. I doubt they would make one to stop drugs.

Short on summary and opinion.