Monday, October 1, 2007

National #1
Some parents and students are angry about Oyster River High School's senior T-shirts.The front said Oyster River High School seniors. The back said 08 Pushing The Limit, with a little paw print that resembled a decimal point before the numbers.Students said the .08 is a reference to the blood alcohol limit.It is not clear who created the shirts, but students said they were paid for by the senior class.The school's superintendent said he will investigate who designed the shirts and who approved them. High school officials would not comment on the controversy.The shirts have not been banned, but a letter was sent home urging parents not to let their children wear them to school.
I really don't see the harm in wearing a shirt. Maybe if the shirt said, "I'm going to kill you all!" There would be reason for concern. All this suggest is that they might drink, and let's face it most of the students are going to get dunk at college if they haven't already. I think the shirt is rather clever I wish I had come up with the idea.