Thursday, November 1, 2007

Lauren Bell

International 1


In Abeche, Chad most of the 103 children that a French charity attempted to take to France from Chad for adoption are neither Sudanese nor orphans, three international aid agencies reported on Thursday. Hundreds of women protest child trafficking and shout anti-French slogans Wednesday in Abeche, Chad. Six members of Zoe's Ark were arrested last week as they tried to put the children on a plane to France, where the charity said host families were waiting to take the children in.


I think that these children need help and that is made very clear. I can understand why both sides are upset, but there is a right and a wrong. I think that these children, orphans or not should be in the best place and the best environment that they can possibly be in. This country need to look at the future and the future of these kids and the consequences that will take over if they make the wrong choice with these children.

International 2


London, England’s police force was Thursday found guilty of breaching health and safety laws in a dramatic anti-terror operation that resulted in the shooting of an innocent Brazilian man who had been mistaken for a fugitive suicide bomber. De Menezes was shot seven times in the head by police as he boarded a subway train. London's Metropolitan Police was fined $362,000 for placing lives at risk in the operation that led to the death of Jean Charles de Menezes on July 22, 2005. It also faces paying $798,000 in prosecution costs. The verdict is likely to be a major embarrassment to the police force, which has faced widespread criticism for trying to cover up errors committed during the shooting.


This is terrible unfortunate. Accidents like this are the most heartbreaking. Innocence is such a strong word. This mad had done nothing wrong and for that he was killed. And yes I know mistakes are made and that is understandable but it’s hard to forgive when it’s a mans life you are dealing with. I feel for this mans family and everyone involved even the ones at fault. It is a horrible situation for them as well as for the other side.

National 1


A 17-month-old boy died Tuesday after his mother left him for seven hours in her car parked outside a Hooters restaurant while she worked a waitress shift. Phoenix police said the 22-year-old Phoenix mother, whose name was withheld, apparently forgot to leave the baby at childcare when she reported for her 10 a.m. shift. She found the baby in the car after she clocked out at 5 p.m, said police spokesman Sgt. Joel Tranter. "She was visibly upset. She forgot the child was in the car until she unlocked it," he said.


So this girl is a complete and one hundred percent moron!! What an idiot. She said so herself she was tired of raising the kid and even if it was a so called “accident” who the heck leaves their own kid in a car. How do you forget about your child? Answer you DON’T!!!!!! This is so sad and so ridiculous and she should be in prison. If I were related to her I would send her to prison myself and forget about bail she deserves this!

National 2


"People keep doubting us," ASU junior quarterback Rudy Carpenter said. "We never doubted ourselves. We just wanted the chance to go out there and show everybody that we can play with anybody. Our confidence just keeps growing and our swagger keeps getting bigger." ASU had a huge win against California this weekend score 31-20. The win, coupled with UCLA's loss to Washington State, moved the Sun Devils into sole possession of first place in the Pac-10 and increased the team's chances to contend for a national championship.


GO ASU! Ha yes I love college football and I love ASU! So many people doubted them this year and this just shows how good we really are. I was so stoked when I was watching this game and it turned into a victory! I was like going crazy in my tv room. ASU football is the best and I couldn’t be happier for the devils. I think they have an awesome chance to go all the way and im behind them one hundred percent baby!! GO DEVILS!!!! J I hope u liked that Mr. Hjort….

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Rudy Carpenter should be BENCHED!!! He sucks and folds when pressured!!!