Saturday, December 1, 2007


Chavez threatens to cut oil if U.S. questions vote
President Hugo Chavez on Friday wrapped up his campaign to push through broad constitutional changes with a broadside attack against adversaries at home and abroad he even stated that he would cut off oil exports to the United States. Chavez told a crowd gathered in the center of Caracas that if the referendum was approved then he would cut the oil. Tens of thousands marched down the capital's principal boulevard to rally support for Sunday's referendum, this would free Chavez from term limit restrictions and move the country toward institutionalized socialism. Chavez cheered up the crowd up by serenading them with holiday "gaitas" and other traditional songs before turning his attention to a litany of enemies and perceived enemies: internal critics, the United States, and domestic and international media.
This is very bad. I cannot believe that Hugo is telling these people lies and convincing them that the United States are their enemies. If he cuts the oil then the US is definelty doomed. Where else can we get oil??? I think that Bush definetly needs to do something about this becuase if not then we are screwed. We need to be more nice to the other countries because if not then they no longer want to trade with us.

Thousands mourn Turkey plane dead
POlice are investigating a plane crash on Friday in Turkey that killed all 57 people on board including a renowned nuclear physics professor and a six-week-old baby. Thousands of people on Saturday went to mosques in Isparta, the plane's destination, to hold Islamic prayers for the victims. Many shops in central Isparta closed early to attend prayers. The cause of the crash, which left no survivors, is not yet known but it is suggested that pilot error could have played a role.
This is a very sad case. But it is good that all these relatives traveled from long distances in order to mosques in Isparta in order to go pray. It is also good that many shops in Isparta closed shops in order to allow those to go to pray for their families that were involve in the plane crash. It is sad to never know when its somebody's last day to live.

Over 200 National Guard members to spend holidays in Iraq
On December 3 more than 200 National Gaurd members will be deployed to Iraq to support Operation Iraqi Freedom. The members are assigned to the Wing of the Colorado Air National Guard at Buckley Air Force Base. This deployment will last two months. Unit members will be leaving with the 150th Fighter Wing, New Mexico Air National Guard, New Mexico.
It is sad for these soldiers not being able to spend Christmas and New Years Eve with their families becasue they have to leave to Iraq. I am very proud and thankful that these soldiers are willing to leave theri families in order to go fight over there for our freedoms and for the Iraqi's freedom. I know that God will repay these soldiers for what they are doing for us. I thank these soldiers because they are risking their lives for us.

A Rising Number of Birds at Risk
Invasive species and global warming are threatening an increasing number of bird species in the United States, New York and New Jersey toward extinction, according to a new study by the National Audubon Society and the American Bird Conservancy. The study, called WatchList 2007, categorized 178 species in the United States as being threatened, an increase of about 10 percent from 2002. This also includes a number of bird species that are not recognized as endangered by the federal government but that biologists fear are in danger of becoming extinct.
This is sad because many birds are dying and we don't even know about it. We have not been taking care of the animals like we are suppose to. I can't believe that the global warming is killing many animals and it's also killing us. We have not been very responsible in taking care of nature and animals and even ourselves.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

This is what a dictator does!!!

Sad case in Turkey.

That's part of being in the Armed Services.

What's up with the birds???