Thursday, December 13, 2007

Susan Jewell 1/2 credit hooray!

Barack Obama has admitted to using drugs in this campaign and in a book he wrote several years ago titled "Dreams of My Father". An advisor of Hillary Clinton told Barack that the Republicans would use that against him as part of their "dirty tricks." "Clinton on Thursday said she did not approve of Shaheen's comments. 'I don't in any way condone that, and it was certainly not authorized or approved at all. It was inappropriate, and he's apologized,' the senator from New York said."

I think it is funny that Clinton had to say "he's apologized" Why couldn't the guy apologize on his own? Republicans may point out truth that will deter people's desire to vote but Republicans also lie a whole lot less than Democrats. I think most Americans will be okay with his previous usage of drugs because he has admitted to it.

A contractor who was remodeling a house found 182,000 of rare bills in a wall. The man filed a lawsuit called the "treasures law" which is basically a finders keepers law. The money is now worth 2.7 million dollars. The money most likely belonged to a man who lived in the house from 1922 to 1969. The woman who owned the house is claiming the money as her own.

I think the woman and the contractor should have simply settled outside of a courtroom. By bringing light to the fortune they found now the state basically is required to return the money to the rightful owner or his family.