Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kellye Harkey

Sens Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama face off tonight in the 20th Democratic debate -- and the last one before crucial votes in the delegate-rich states of Ohio and Texas are cast.
Watch 'World News With Charles Gibson' tonight It is do-or-die time for Clinton's presidential campaign. Senior advisers say she will firmly but calmly draw contrasts tonight between her and Obama. If she does not win in Ohio and Texas, this could be the last debate until the general election debates in the fall. Dodd Endorses Obama.Campaigning in Cleveland today, Obama accepted the endorsement of Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd. "This is the moment for Democrats and independents and others to come together, to get behind this candidacy," Dodd told reporters at a news conference today with Obama. Dodd described his awkward phone call to Clinton last night to inform her of his decision.

Well I really really really want Hilary to win. Right now that lady is grasping at straws but McCain has a better chance at beating her than he does Obama. Too many people like that guy and not so many people like her. I personally do not like her at all and I think she does not have a “life time of experience”. But oh well. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Senator John McCain apologized profusely today for comments made by radio host Bill Cunningham who was introducing him at an event in Cincinnati. Cunningham referred to the Illinois Senator three times as "Barack Hussein Obama." "Americans now we have a hack Chicago style daily politician who is picturing himself as change. When he gets done with you all your are going to have in your pockets is change," Cunningham said of Obama before introducing McCain. "At some point in the near future the media, the stooges from the New York Times, CBS, the Clinton Broadcasting system, NBC, the nobody but Clinton network, the all Bill Clinton channel, ABC and the Clinton News Network at some point is going to peel the bark off Barack Hussein Obama," Cunningham said.

I am kinda confused on this. I do not understand why McCain is apologizing. Didn’t someone else say it and not him? Also, I thought that was his middle name? Ugh I am so confused. I do not see anything wrong with someone saying his full name. If someone says to me Kellye Marie Harkey! I wont take offense to it. People are too sensitive these days.

On Jan. 6, 1944, Anne Frank wrote in her diary that her image of him was so vivid she didn't need a photograph to remember him. Indeed, more than 60 years later, no photograph had been found of Anne Frank's childhood sweetheart, leaving hundreds of readers around the world curious for a glimpse. But now, 81-year-old Earnst Michaelis has identified his dearest childhood friend, Peter Schiff, as the "Petel" or "Peter" from the diary … the mysterious boy who stole Anne Frank's heart. Despite "Anne Frank's Diary" becoming one of the world's most-read journals, selling an estimated 35 million copies, what Peter Schiff might have looked like was an enduring mystery. He met Anne Frank at school in Amsterdam in 1940, and they were inseparable for one summer. In her diary, Anne Frank affectionately called him "Petel," and she was ''crazy about his smile." He offered her a necklace and she fell in love with him, a love that filled her with hope during the harsh days of World War II when she and her family hid from the police to avoid capture, deportation or worse

This is kind of exciting! Little Miss Anne Frank had some good taste!Go anne! Go Anne! But seriously I had not idea they did not know what he looked like or did not have a picture of him. Speaking of Anne Frank that is a really sad, but true book. The girl kinda seemed a little off to me but then again she was fearing for her life. Well I really liked that story and the mystery is solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to a noted British bishop, it's the one thing we tend to put off thinking about, but it's also one of life's certainties.
"The question of heaven, the question of what happens after death, is one which a lot of people in our culture try to put off as long as they can, but sooner or later it suddenly swings round and looks them in the eye," said Bishop Tom Wright. Believers and unbelievers have strong views about what happens when you die. For centuries, Christians have believed that their destiny after death is heaven: a spiritual place where they -- along with a myriad of angels, -- sing praises to God for eternity. But is it possible that Christians may have gotten that part of their faith badly wrong?

This guy seems a little crazy, well a lot crazy. I really do not understand why people can not just accept the fact that there is a God and we go to heaven!! Why would you want to argue that? A place that has not crying, no hunger, no sadness, no sickness… NOTHING! But a place where you get to hang out with the man who parted the red sea! And also the man who saved the world!? Come on people!

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