Friday, February 8, 2008

Logan Lann


Results of Super Tuesday


Mitt Romney dropped out of the Republican primary race yesterday. This may have came as a shock to some, but for those who saw the results of the Republican votes on Super Tuesday, this was sort of expected. The biggest reason Romney received so few votes on Tuesday is because Huckabee decided to stay in the race. Most of the hard core conservatives' vote was split between Romney and Huckabee. Romney had the foresight to see that this was the end; Huckabee didn't.


This is sad. I voted for Romney, and I thought he would have made a good president. Despite the fact that I voted for him, I was sort of rooting for John McCain on strictly a strategic point of view. I only voted for Romney because of my principles. If Huckabee really wanted a conservative to win the primary, and he really cared about his party, he would have dropped out earlier, but he is selfish. It's a good thing he is though, from only a strategic point of view, I guess.


More Results of super Tuesday


John McCain killed on the Republican side of Super Tuesday. He received more votes than Huckabee and Romney put together. People just really like McCain. Most of this has to do with him being a moderate instead of a very right wing conservative. John McCain has a much better chance against Clinton or Obama in the general election. He would most likely defeat Clinton in the general election, and he stands a chance against Obama, but not a very reassuring one.


It is good in a way that McCain won the primary (I know he hasn’t yet, and call this counting my eggs before they hatch, but he pretty much won) because he stand a much better chance against the Democrats in the general election. It is a good thing to elect McCain for the primary from a strategic point of view, however, many conservative votes may be lost due to his nomination. One can only wonder.


Possible Terrorist Possibly Extradited


Abu Hamza al-Masri is accused of being a terrorist in London, England. He has preached racial hatred to followers in his mosque, which is located in north London. He has lost both of his hands and one eye working in Afghanistan. He is the most prominent racial radical Islamic figure in London at this time. London officials signed an extradition order to send him to the U.S. to be prosecuted. He has 14 days to appeal the decision, and if he does not, he could be sent to the U.S. within a month.


I’m not sure, but this sounds like England is dumping their problems on us. I could be totally wrong, though. However, I’m not really against this. I could also be wrong here, but I think we have better and/or more severe ways of dealing with terrorists. I know England is hardly a part of Europe, but they still are, and seem like they might go easy on this al-Masri. I have a feeling we might deal with him on a harsher level, that is, if the ACLU doesn’t protect his rights as a U.S. citizen and an upstanding human being. Oh wait, he’s neither. That doesn’t matter to the ACLU.


Videos Hint at Discontent of Cubans


CNN recently obtained a video that shows students in Cuba asking questions of a top official about their status and rights. Many of the questions asked included internet restrictions, low wages, being banned from tourist hotels, and the fact that workers are paid in Cuban pesos. This is several times less valuable than the currency they have to buy with: the “convertible peso.” This means that a person has to work days to buy a simple house-hold item. This sort of discontent is not usually shown publicly. Eliecer Avila says, “It seems to us a revolution cannot advance without a plan. I’m sure it exists, we just want to know what it is.”


I’m telling you, Socialism, especially Communism, does not work. It is not a system for the people, but for those in power. These people are not free. They seem to live in a society that holds on to them tightly, constraining them and also constraining their rights, or would-be rights. Their government holds them down and oppresses them every chance it gets. A revolution is highly needed in that country. Those people need to be free.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Me too. McCain better be ready for Obama.

Britain better be aware of their Islamic problem.