Mom shoots kids – carries gun on campus
Summary: In Louisville, Kentucky a mom kills her two children than went to the nearby college and showed the gun before handing it over to a health counselor. The scare at the University of Louisville ended in no injuries 30 min after it began. Police where then told to check on the children, at that time they found them dead. Gail Coontz 37 years old is charged with killing her. two children, 14 year old and 10 year old. The woman was also charged with one count of terroristic threatening for pointing a gun at an officer. The neighborhood where the police found the children is normally a quiet neighborhood.
Opinion: I find the whole situation just horrendous. The children, one barely a teenager and the other just a child. I cannot understand what could draw a parent to murdering their children. I think the lady is probably not all there in the head because then she walked all the way to the campus and brandished the gun and finally turned it over to a health counselor. Someone like that cannot really be sane. Maybe she is a just lost it one day, but if I had children I could never go off on then with a gun.
From $70,000 to food bank
Summary: In California, Patricia Guerrero, went from making $70,000 to drawing unemployment checks. Weeks after being laid off bills were piling up and she needed food for her family the middle class mom never thought she would have to result to this. She already burned through savings to help make ends meet and she has two young children. Guerrero turned to the food bank. Experts say more and more middle class families are turning up at food banks.
Opinion: I think this mother did all that she could. She is a single mom with like to kids and she was out of options. Food banks can really help people and that is what they are there for. Just because you are middle class does not mean you are above such thing, they are there to help everyone. Everyone goes through rough patches at one time or another through their life whether it’s financially or otherwise and going to a food bank is better than starving to death. I just think she showed a lot of courage and was not afraid to go somewhere where she knew she would get help.
T5 tech failure causes Heathrow chaos
Summary: The long awaited opening of a multi billion dollar new terminal at London’s Heathrow Airport suffered a major setback Thursday when a nigh tech baggage handling system malfunctioned. The malfunctioned caused major delays with flight cancellations. British Airways, the only airline using the terminal, said that passengers could only check in hang luggage. The new terminal which to 8.6 billion dollars to make took nearly 15 years to complete. The baggage system was supposed to be able to handle nearly 12,000 bags an hour.
Opinion: I find it all quite ironic. London pays nearly 9 million to fund this new terminal and this new baggage system and on opening day it causes more problems then it started with. But I do think that when it all gets back and running that it will really benefit the airport. I know that England is a very popular country but also very small and the airport could probably use all the help it can get with all the tourists that come in and out every year. So a baggage system that can go through 12,000 bags in an hour would be a lifesaver. I hope this new terminal is a great success because after all the incidents at Heathrow recently they need something good.
The Sarkozys turn on the charm in Britain
Summary: French President Nicolas Sarkozy and wife visit the UK for a two-day state visit. Mrs. Sarkozy, Chic Carla Bruni Sarkozy, is like a cross between Jackie O and a catholic school girl said the papers. She was sweet and graceful and stylishy reflecting the color of Windsor Castle. Nicolas Sarkozy won a standing ovation as he pledges support for NATO in Afghanistan. But Mrs. Sarkozy steals the limelight in a succession of Dior dresses. So it was all about the Sarkozy’s in Britain and Mrs. Sarkozy won their hearts.
Opinion: I think Chic Carla Bruni Sarkozy is real cute. She has a big smile and nice style and that’s probably why the Brits liked her. Her husband has been a good French President and she’s a good lady. I think Bush could use someone like that rite now, but I don’t think anyone could help him; it seems no one likes him anymore. I find it funny that Sarkozy can get up and talk about NATO and get a standing ovation and then his wife can steal the spotlight with Dior dresses. That’s just darling.
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1 comment:
Scary mom!!!
Not sure why she couldn't stay married, but two incomes would have helped this situation.
Sometimes technology has glitches.
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