Thursday, March 27, 2008

kwang min kim




Jeju Island Fish season


There is some good news in Jeju Island. Due to warming seawaters, it is enjoying an abundant tuna season. Recently in the fish market in Busan, there was an ample stock of tuna, which was all over 70 centimeters long.

Two fleets of mackerel vessels returned with more than 2,000 fish, of which 120 were more than one meter long and weighed more than 30 kilograms. Fishermen and dealers were stunned and told reporters that they had never seen such abundance of tuna in the past. Some say this is the first time since the Korean fish market opened.




Jeju Island is very magnificent visiting place in Korea. Tourists always take to JEJU Island to show to visitors.

According to the National Fisheries Research. The schools of tuna were following the warm Black Current passing Jeju, when they were caught. More good news for the people of Jeju Island is that the rush of fish is expected to continue as the temperature increase during the spring season. A tuna weighing 50 kilograms was sold for 1.35 million won. The market traded 4,000 tuna for 1 billion won. And I am really glad for this news because Japs were always taking our fishes but this year all the fishes are ours.!!  God bless Korea.






Did you ever have the opportunity to see some of the world's highest and elegant ceramic masterpieces? I am sure at one point in your life most of you had the chance to see precious ceramics from Korea. But we rarely get the chance to see ones from outside the country. Well, 117 ceramic pieces from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London have arrived in Seoul. And they are currently on display at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center Gallery until June 23. This definitely is a rare opportunity to learn about the history of ceramics, by seeing ancient artifacts from Egypt and China, and the delicate porcelain from Germany, England and France, to modern-day pottery. The exhibit is organized chronologically with nine sections, starting with ancient times. Visitors will be greeted by the stunning turquoise-glazed monumental scepter from ancient Egypt.




Admission is 6,000 won for adults, 5,000 won for middle and high school students. The money will be donated to UNICEF. Don't miss out! You will not find this chance in your lifetime. Plus, 6000 won is really cheap price for these ceramic masterpieces; I believe through this exhibition many people in Korea will see the mysterious beauty of many different cultures throughout the history of mankind.




Super delegate

The battle over the Democratic presidential nomination turned nasty on Thursday,. Liberal group — which has endorsed Barack Obama — issued a letter to its members, asking them to sign on to a statement that says millionaire donors shouldn’t dictate how the race is won. It also asked for members to match the money the donors would otherwise supply.


The Democratic nomination is going to be decided by the voters not by super delegate or party high-rollers. They may have free individual power to choose any candidate they want but they do not have right to get any special benefit for they being super delegate. It is just unfair.


NEW ORLEANS —  Wanted: Idealistic teachers looking for a Peace Corps-style adventure in a city in distress.

Some of New Orleans' most desperate, run-down schools are beset with a severe shortage of

teachers, and they are struggling mightily to attract candidates by appealing to their sense of

adventure and desire to make a difference. Education officials are even offering to help new

teachers find housing.


I HAVE INCREDIBLE outpouring of sympathy toward New Orleans. I fell really sad for them.

They did not deserve this kind of situation. The Government should improve the environment in

New Orleans. And recruiters should convince many brilliant teachers to work in New Orleans,

give them a reason to practice teaching in New Orleans. They got a do something about it.


1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Glad to hear about the tuna season.

Cool Ceramic piece.

New Orleans should offer stipends to encourage teachers to come there.