Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Krista Grote (2 mandatory primary blogs)


AberObama & Fitch

After the Pennsylvania primary, Obama gave a speech. If you saw the video of his speech you may have noticed that there were three guys standing behind him in the crowd of people all wearing Abercrombie & Fitch tee shirts. Many people that blogged about Obama’s speech made a big deal of these guys in the background, saying things like “Obama, brought to you be Abercrombie & Fitch”. The store promises that they had nothing to do with the endorsing, but other people think it seems too coincidental not to be planned. For many of the candidates, they are always looking to create diversity in the backdrops. For example, when Obama’s wife was giving a speech they wanted more white people behind her.

I don’t think the store was in charge of placing these guys behind Obama for endorsing their company. A & F already has a world popular franchise. I think these guys just thought it would be funny to all wear the same brand shirt and get some attention because of it. I thought the shirts were kind of obnoxious, especially the one with the giant FITCH on it, I was distracted by it. However it does not really matter because the speech he gave was no good and offensive to republicans. Boo Obama, go Huckabee!


money money money... Money

Even though Hilary was able to pull through in this week’s primary in Pennsylvania, she does not have as big of a budget as Obama does. She made this known in one of her speeches and 24 hours later she raised over ten million dollars just through her web page. Although this seems like a lot to those of us struggling during the recession, this lump sum of cash hardly compares to the rest of the money the candidates have spent during this campaign. Hilary has spent around 164 million, but Obama has passed her by spending around 189 million dollars. Despite the spending differences, neither candidate is trying to stop raising money. This race is not only a race for the presidency but also a race to see who can have the bigger campaign piggy bank.

All of this money is going to waste. If these people are so concerned about making a difference, why don’t they start by using this money to do it. I can see how this money spending may be beneficial to the candidate that wins but for the other it is a total waste! It is like flushing money down the toilet instead of trying to help third world countries even get plumbing in the first place. Sometimes I think this world is twisted the way it works, and I can’t wait to go to heaven where all of our problems will be gone and we won’t have to worry about voting or taxes or even health care because we will all be prefect!


Michael Hjort said...

20 pts

Michael Hjort said...
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