Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bronwen Vogel

Ronald "Bo" Ward of Tennessee killed himself with a small handgun after a committee would not rezone his home. The rezoning would have made his property more valuable, being residential, allowing Ward to obtain a loan. "Y'all have put me under. ... I'm out of here" were the last words he spoke before pulling out a gun and shooting himself in the head. A police man is always at council meetings, but metal detectors are not used.

This sounds like a case of idiotic desperation. No one should feel guilty for not rezoning the building. From the information given it sounds like only Ward can be to blame for his life situation. He placed all of his hope in getting a loan, and was left with nothing. To many people are the same way and so likely to self destruct, although it may be in a more subtle way than a bullet to the head.

An estimated 25 people died Thursday when a plane crashed in Kinshasa. The plane crashed directly after take off. Two survivors have been identified: a flight attendant and mechanic- both in critical condition. One of the propellers broke off during take off and the wing was sheared by trees as the plane ascended. In addition, the plane dumped large amounts of fuel on the ground blow as it took off, inciting a flame when it crashed. Since last year there have been at least 24 plane crashes -- nearly half of them involving Russian-made Antonov's.

Death must not be a big deal to these people. Schooling either. Teach pilots to fly and I'm sure in the end they will also find it beneficiary to invest in planes of a higher quality that will not crash, maiming and burning innocent people. It would be interesting to know what the punishment for this will be. But if this happens continually then there must be no retribution. It seems Russia has a lot of problems they can't bother to fix.

Carol Ann Gotbaum put up a violent struggle in the Phoenix airport after missing a flight. She screamed "I'm not a terrorist!" And caused such a scene that authorities were called to contain the woman. She continued to rebel, screaming and punching. After being handcuffed behind her back Gotbaum was placed in a room, still screaming, while authorities were en route. After her yells had been absent several minutes, she was check on and found dead, strangled while trying to escape.

Obviously the woman was not sane. She has been in the news before for doing stupid things, so this is not to surprising. I hope the airport does not get sued for mistreatment. Airports are not equipped to handle crazy people and they shouldn't have to be. It seems that the situation was handled well, all things considered. The woman was not mentally well enough to be traveling by herself. Or at all.

Baltasar Garzon ordered that all Basque party members are to be arrested. They are said to be the political wing of the armed separatist group, and terrorists. Since the 1960's the group has been responsible for over 800 killings in bombings and other attacks.Twenty members were arrested in Seguin Thursday and will be taken to Madrid to be questioned.

Calling the Basque a political party is giving them to much credit. It sounds more like the mafia. Endangering the lives of the people of Spain is enough to outlaw the group, but unless specific people can be charged with murders there cannot be much consequence. Having an official meeting like they were doing is illegal, but some prison time and/or a fine is really all that could result in. The Spanish government is right in trying to control the group. I bet it dissolves after awhile.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

I agree with your opinion -- idiotic desperation.

24 crashes. WOW!!!

Where was her husband and why didn't he travel with his wife to rehab???