Thursday, October 4, 2007



A Golfer Who Doesn’t Have to Worry About His Grip


George Utley, who is 48 years old, was born without arms. 25 years ago he saw a TV program where a man with his condition was playing golf, so he thought he would give it a try. He had some clubs custom made with extra long shafts. It took him about two years to perfect his swing, which is more hockey-like, but it works for him. His lowest score is an 81 and recently won a tournament. He says that “life is too short; you just got to get out and conquer the world because you know what you can do unless you try.”


This guy is incredible! I can’t believe a man with two little chicken stubs for arms would try to play golf; I have a hard enough time playing and I have both of my arms and hands. I wish I could have as good of an attitude towards life as this man does. It really is a shame when people take things for granted, but it is people like George that remind you, you can do anything if you put your mind to it!


Iraq buys weapons from China


Iraq is buying one hundred million dollars worth of weapons for their national police from China, because the US is having a slow pace in arms shipments. Iraq has placed a large order for AK47 riffles, which are not made by any US companies. The US never intended to be Iraq’s weapon source in the beginning, but it does make it easier to keep track of where the weapons are going. If Iraq eventually start buying all of their weapons from china it will be harder to be sure that the weapons are not going to people that would use them against the US; although the inventory control of weapons can be tracked no matter were the weapons were made.


First of all I’m surprised to see that any country would buy products from China after the massive recall they just had on their toys with lead based paint. Although it might be to the US’s advantage if Iraq buys guns with lead based paint! I apologize that was not very nice to say, but anyways, I think it is a big advantage if the US provides Iraq’s weapons supply so we are able to make sure the weapons are not put into the wrong hands. If China becomes their new resource I think it will be harder to keep track of who has the weapons until it is too late.


Bad Grades = Bad Bruises


Loscar Rodriguez was arrested for “child abuse”. One day after his son came home with a bad grade report Rodriguez gave his son a spanking with his belt. It was not until the next day when the boy said he could not sit down in class because his bottom hurt too much and went to the nurse, that she called 911 after she saw the bruises. The Judge for this case found Rodriguez innocent and did not see anything wrong with spanking a child to teach them a lesson. The judge said, “It’s supposed to leave a mark to make the child remember to get your work done”.


We all have had bruises on our butts at one point in our lives from learning from something we did wrong as kids. I think the school nurse over reacted and it was not fare for the police to arrest Rodriguez if they knew his child was only bruised for a spanking.


Twin Day


This week, on October 2, in Beijing, China, the annual twin festival took place. Over 300 pairs of twins showed up for this special occasion. The twins ranged from 4 months to 60 years old. The twins were from 12 different provinces in China. The festival has been celebrated in Beijing since 2004.


I think this festival is a great idea for a country with a one child policy to have. It allows the twins to be with other twins and see a wide variety of look-a-likes. It is a good thing the country made an exception for families with twins to be able to have more than one child because it would be terrible if they had to choose which child would be able to live.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

That is pretty incredible!

Maybe the guns are going to be led based?

Father should think of another way to punish the kid for grades.

A lot of twins.