From Two Arrested in Bhutto Assassination - New York Times
Two people have been arrested in Pakistan the who claim to have affiliations with the assassination that took place of Benazir Bhutto tho was one of the opposition leaders and former prime minister of the country the said that they had arrested two people allegedely involved and that is about all they said. They have also arrested a teenager who claimed that he had to do with the assassination. The teenager was from a north west frontier province
That’s good that they found someone relating to the assassination of Bhutto I don’t really know the whole situation but I think its weird that the lady that was leading the opposition to musharef was some how assassintated and they only have two suspects and some rebel teenager looking for attention.
From Hit by Rockets, Israel Attacks, Killing 7 - New York Times
Israel and Pakistan continue to fight in gaza today Israel fired a missle at a Pakistani school and killed a teacher and injured 3 students Israeli’s say that they weren’t aiming at the school but at rocket launchers near by.The attack was retaliation from an attack Thursday morning that attacked houses in an Israeli city that left one dead and two others wounded
The whole thing between these two countries is ridiculous they never stop fighting it seems like and I guess president bushes peace treaty isn’t working so well but we’ll see I mean maybe thousands of years of turmoil will be put to an end by president bush and then maybe people wont put him down as one of the worst presidents in the history of the us and I think its strange that the happened to be aiming at two rocket launchers and there aim is so bad that they hit a freaking school I mean learn how to aim point and shoot that’s all
From Romney Quits Presidential Race - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Romney dropped out today and this is not exactly an easy thing for him to do he says he finally realized that he didn’t have a chance and some reasons for that are the fact that he was governor of a liberal state in MA and the fact that he never took really firm opinions on isssues like abortion and some other major issues this made it easy for his opponents to call him a flip flopper which isn’t a good thing in today’s society just look at john kerry. Religion also played a huge role in his demise the fact that he was a professing morman made it hard for some of the evangelical’s to really support him and they ended up looking toward huckabee who says he is going to stick this thing out until the end
Its about time this guy dropped out I mean what was he doing there in the first place. No but really i feel that he hwd the right idea and had a very good stance on a lot of issues and it is sad that religion really played that big of a factor I much rather vote for a morman that vote for an atheist or even some of the other crazy religions because at least he would have a moral compass that would guide him in the right direction where as an atheist would base it all on his or her own opinion
From McCain Seeks to Lock Down Conservative Support After Romney Exits - You Decide 08!
John mcain who has been cleaning house even though he ah s not ha d the highest amount of the conservative vote over the race but he feels that the conservatives are better off voting for him than putting a democrat in the white house and seeing things over in iraq go to hell and not to mention the amount of taxes go up. Mc cain is using this to try and swayed his conservative critics and I think he is right. Mccain has one thing going against him and that is his age a lot of the young voters are going to look at him and decide the other way which isn’t to bad because the voter turn out of the youth isn’t the greatest hopefully the geezers can pull it out for the geezers
I think that its cool that an older gentle man such as jon mcain can do what he is doing at and do it so well he was a huge under dog back in December and now he is pretty much a shoe in for republican nomination. The fact that he is from Arizona is awesome to. The biggest thing is the fact that he was a pow and that’s just the kind of rock solid base we the us need to get things done and over in the middle east. The only thing that concerns me is the spending that it may take to finish things over there and I don’t think mccain will hesitate to spend but we can hope.
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1 comment:
Good for Pakistan in finding the possible killers.
Israel is not fighting Pakistan in Israel--its the Palastinians.
Romney was the only conservative left. To bad.
McCain better be ready to face Obama!
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