Ron Paul Supporter Cites ‘Driving While Republican’ as Reason for Fines
SUMMARY: You’re supposed to drive on the right side of the road, but maybe not the far right. Police pulled over GOP candidate Ron Paul supporter Cody Hauer after seeing an over-sized, $40 sticker covering most of the rear window to his Buick Park Avenue. He also had smaller stickers on side windows. The result: $512 in traffic citations, reports the Owatonna (Minn.) People’s Press. Hauer suspects the citation was not because his line of sight was impeded. “I support Ron Paul, the city police department doesn’t,” he said. “They gave me a DWR - driving while Republican.” The paper reports that Hauer received a warning from Minnesota highway patrol on Jan. 26, and received later received a $128 citation on four separate days from the Owatonna police department. Hauer vows to fight the citations in court — on First Amendment grounds. Police did not provide comment for the People’s Press story.
OPINION: Well all I can do is laugh at this silly man, just pay the fine and get over it; your first amendment rights don’t protect you from bad candidate choices. Typically police officers are Republican anyways, just more conservative that Ron Paul. It is a stretch of the imagination to even begin to consider Ron Paul a true “far right” Republican. So if you must go “fight” this in court, loose and then get pulled over every time you leave your driveway for being a smart --- (insert a three letter word)… that will be fun.
Conservatives Undecided About McCain But United on Clinton
SUMMARY: Her image festooned on a lively array of bumper stickers, buttons, t-shirts and bobble head dolls — her head wobbly, her mouth agape and her body substituted by a donkey — Hillary Clinton continues her more than 15-year run as conservatives’ most despised person in America. Conservatives may find John McCain uninspiring, but they have nothing but cold, hard zeal for the woman he could face in the presidential election next November, the former first lady who once called them the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” “I am here to contribute to the downfall and demise of Hillary and what she would do to this country. I am here as a conservative, as a mother, as a grandmother,” said Dayna Meserve, who created the “Hill No! She’s got to go,” bobble head dolls for sale at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. “I would rather she not get the nomination and just get dropped-kicked off the planet,” Meserve said. Clinton’s image, and the very thought that she might become America’s 44th president, lent an edge to the CPAC proceedings last week. “There are so many people who — even Democrats — just hate Hillary,” said Courtney Morrow of Crown Forum, which publishes conservative authors and subjects and displayed its latest product line, including a number of expose-styled Clinton titles.
OPINION: WOW, how mean… but so funny all at the same time. I completely agree with the fact that every conservative hates her, but I want her to be the nomination. She has a strong following, but a stronger common hatred. People will not vote for her if she is up against McCain (he’s not the best either). Hopefully she can get the nomination and plummet into the ground in November.
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--Hayley Burns 9:15
Sick Paul supporter.
I agree. Hillary is a better candidate to run against with the hate factor.
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