Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Susan Jewell

As of Super Tuesday McCain is the clear front runner for the Republican party. Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama are still rather close. Obama has more delegates promised to him. Romney fell beneath the predictions of which states he would win. Huckabee is doing better than Romney as far as winning goes. Romney is in second place behind McCain by quite a large sum of votes.
This is how I thought the elections would play out. I am just waiting to see which Republican candidate will drop out first. I think that if Hilary won the Democrat's vote McCain could beat her in the general election because she is very liberal and he is rather moderate. I think Romney would have done wonders to our economy but he has no foreign or military experience which is very important right now. basically the new report was just a summary and I agree with it. Mr. Hjort, I think McCain's wife has blonde hair not grey.

McCain has decided he is the republican candidate who is best suited for all of the republicans to support. He has said that he is the candidate who can unite the Republican party. McCain has even stated, "Our message will be we all share common conservative principles. Fundamental conservative political philosophy, which has been my record."
Clinton is looking forward to Pennsylvania primaries because the demographics show she should win there. According to CNN Obama is looking forward to overcoming Clinton's "'political machine' that made her the front-runner in every race."

McCain probably is the best suited Republican candidate. Evangelicals would not vote for Romney because he is Mormon and moderates would very likely not vote for Huckabee because he is somewhat conservative as well as being a Baptist minister. The other candidates really could not even win enough states to matter. If I were Obama, I too would want to beat Hilary and I would also be excited that I was catching up to her. She kind of gloats when she wins and cries when she looses. Both reactions are irritating.

Prince Moulay Rachid had his identity stolen on Facebook. The prince is the younger brother of Moroccan King Mohammed VI. Fouad Mourtada, 26, is the identity thief. He was detained in Casablanca. A report was made in which the royal family claims to have no personal information posted online and the only official way to get private information regarding the family is through MAP.

Why would anyone steal the identity of a prince? Of course you would be found out quickly and people would know you were not the prince. If you are going to steal an identity at the very least steal some unknown person with just enough in the bank for you to successfully find another persons identity to steal. Start a long chain of identity theft, don't just start out with the highest person you could mimic.

In Spain a judge indicted 40 current or former Rwandan military officers for several counts of genocide and human abuse in the 1990's. Five missionaries went to Rwanda and in 1996 four of their bodies were found. The missionaries had been tortured then either shot or hacked to death with machetes. In 1997 three Spaniards were shot to death. They worked for a non-profit medical group which provided aide for Hutu refugees. "The judge did not indict Rwanda's president, Paul Kagame, because he has immunity as head of state"

This is very good, now if only we could some how stop what is currently taking place in Africa. I think that more than 40 men should have been indicted. I do not understand why countries in Africa do not do the same thing Spain did. Far more people died in Africa due to the genocide than Spanish people dieing because of the genocide.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Not me. Didn't think McCain had a chance.

Sad but true on Romney.

Stupid criminals.

Good job Spain.