Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brooke Bellah

National: Thousands Rally for 'Jena Six' in Small Louisiana town

A black student from Louisiana decided to rest under a "white tree", where all the white student hung out. Some of the whites saw this, so they hung some nooses from the tree (alluding to lynching). Six black students, obviously upset, attacked one of the white students. Now the black kids are being charged with attempted murder, and the white kids who hung the nooses aren't charged with anything. Rev. Al Sharpton organized a protest against the charges. The charges were later reduced to battery, except in the case of one boy, who had a previous criminal history. Sharpton was quoted at the rally to say: "Our fathers in the 1960s had to penetrate the Kennedy and Johnson administrations; we have to do the same thing."

Opinion: The South still holds on to many of its prejudices, and it will probably take many more years for this negative tradition to end. If the prosecutors were fair, they would charge the white kids with threatening the black students (by hanging nooses), and the black kids should definetly not be charges with attempted murder. It says in the article that the white kid went to a game later that night with only bruises on his face. You could even go so far as to say the black kids were defending themselves. This argument wouldn't hold up in court, because it was apparantly six against one. The black kids will probably be charged with battery. I think it is a little ridiculous that Al Sharpton stated they had to fight the Kennedy and Johnson administrations because the Kennedy and Johnson were advocates of the civil rights cause.

O.J. Returns to Florida Home Amid Media Circus After Posting Bail

By now we've all heard about OJ Simpson's little escapade on Monday. He allegedly went into a collector's hotel room and stole memorabilia from him at gunpoint. OJ says he was merely taking back what was rightfully his. He was released Thursday on 125,ooo dollar bail and returned to his home in Miami. The rest of the article just details what his flight was like on the way home--who cares, right?
Opinon: OJ DID IT

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Defending themselves??? So can attack and claim self-defense if someone says something I don't like??????????

I let the opinion slide.