National (make-up)
Samurai Woman and Scared Children
A woman in Eagle, Colorado, chased a few children, ages 9-15, around with an 18-inch Samurai sword. The children were Hispanic, and the woman was shout racial remarks at the children. She said to the children, “If you’re scared, then you’re guilty.” She also told them to go back to their own country. She threatened to cut off one girl’s ponytail. She was investigated and arrested on several charges including ethnic intimidation.
My first reaction is to laugh. This sort of sounds like a scene from a movie. One also has to admit that it does have a certain element of humor to it. However, after reading the article a little more, it is sort of sad. This woman sounds sort of like a nut. She seems to be racist, but I cannot yet be sure. I am right wing, and agree that the illegals should be sent back to their country, but from the looks of this situation, the woman could not be sure, and maybe not even speculate, that these children were illegal. That is racial profiling. Also, even if they are illegal, here actions were wrong. The illegals should be dealt with by the law. Still, it is sort of funny if you look at the picture and imagine this crazy lady chasing children. Sounds like it’s from a movie.
International (make-up)
Ahmadinejad Again
Iranian president Ahmadinejad, in the past, has said that the Israeli people should all be killed. Now, he is denying these sorts of statements. He called his nation “friends” with the Jewish people. He also said that the freedoms in Iran are genuine and that women enjoy the greatest freedoms in Iran. He also is now claiming that the U.S. government staged the terrorist attack in New York on September eleventh, 2001. He has also claimed that the Holocaust caused by Nazi Germany was a hoax.
This guy HAS to be one of the biggest retards on the planet. Staged!?!?!?! Seriously!?!? One has to have an IQ of 2 to believe that 9/11 and the Nazi Holocaust was staged. He is also denying the statements he has made about how the Jewish people should be wiped off of the planet. His name was in the toilet when he first said that the Jews should be killed, but he now has LESS, if possible, credit to his name because he retracted his statements. This is why: everyone knows that what he first said is what he really believes, so his new statements don’t redeem him, and, now he can’t even stick to his radical ideals, but is swayed by everyone’s hating him. This can be good for the rest of the world, because he can be pressured into doing or not doing what others want or don’t want, but he still has a worse name for it.
National (make-up)
Illegals Arrested
Federal Agents made at least fifty-six arrests of people in the country illegally. These people were employees of eleven different McDonald’s in Reno, Sparks, and Fernley. The mayor of Reno, Bob Cashell, criticized this move by the federal government saying that there is a better way to deal with this. Luther Mack is in business in Reno and owns some of the McDonald’s that were raided. He said that he never knowingly hired any illegals. The spokesman for the federal agency, Richard Rocha, said that they do not conduct random sweeps, just targeted searches, which is what this was.
This is good. Every time illegals are arrested, a good thing is done. This is a small action that is trying to keep this country a great nation. Even though not much progress is made, law enforcement is helping to keep this situation from getting worse, and at least from getting worse at a faster rate. This raid is also making a statement from the federal government to businesses that hire illegals. A good thing is done here. By the way, Cashell is stupid for criticizing this action, and is just contributing to the decline of the moral standards of this nation.
International (make-up)
al Qaeda Leader Killed
Army Brigadier General Joseph Anderson reported that coalition forces killed al Qaeda leader Abu Usama al-Tunisi. He said that this man was a major part of the insurgent movement in Iraq, so this is a “significant blow” to al Qaeda. Al-Tunisi was a big organizer for insurgent attacks on American forces in Iraq. Al-Tunisi was operating in Yusufiya since the battle at Falluja in 2004.
This is a good thing that has happened in Iraq. If this really does hinder al Qaeda as much as Anderson says it will, then good is happening in Iraq. Nay sayers of the war in Iraq say that no progress is being made, but this is progress. Many good things are happening in Iraq, and troops should stay. Pulling out of Iraq would be a huge mistake. This is only one of terrorist leaders that have been killed in the past few years. The area is being cleaned up by American troops, and this is good.
1 comment:
This woman needs to be arrested and thrown into a psych ward.
Must always trace the written word rather than the spoken word. If Ahmadinejad gives everyone a chance to convert to Islam before he speaks, then he has the right to lie under Koranic law in order to defeat all enemies of Islam.
A lot of discussion needs to take place on both sides of the issues to accomplish a solution to this problem.
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