Friday, September 28, 2007

Ryan Evans

Huntsville,Alabama has commenced creating large fallout shelter in case of a terrorist attack.This shelter cost about 70,000 dollars from a grant from the Dept. of Homeland Security. It could house about 20,000 people in the event of a nuclear or chemical attack. It would also protect the town when and if the radiation would spread. The town is also securing itself with college dorms, churches, and research halls, which would bring the total of protected people during an attack to around 300,000. Thus, nearly the entire town and surrounding county might be protected. In an age of terrorist threats and al-Qaida cells no one can be too safe.

This is a good idea. Not since the fall of the USSR has their been any sort of sort of interest in bomb shelters, or etc. We are unsure of the magnitude and location of terrorist attacks, so it is good to be prepared.I think all US citizens should take some precautionary measures around their homes like plasticing doors and windows, purchasing extra water, and canned goods. In this chaotic time of uncertainity, it is better to be safe than sorry.

A member of an immigration study panel in Virginia resigned on Thursday due to remarks regarding 'the Jihad Way.' Dr. Esam S. Omeish was shown in a video on Youtube accusing Israel of genocide of the Palestinian, disdaining the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and claiming the Israeli agenda controls Congress. Omeish also abvocated that the Jihad way is the only way to liberate our land. Governor Timothy Kaine accepted Omeish's letter of resignation later that day. Omeish apparently did not want to distract the committee. An investigation of Omeish has been initiated.

Once again, we see the influence of Islam going west. It seems as though even the radical ones are obtaining PhD's and becoming doctors. This is a scary thought because we see that they are getting smarter and finding more subtle ways to influence our land. Americans must make sure to not let this mindset breach their conscious. We must remain strong and continue to contend with the state of Islam.

In the wake of a major Communist party meeting in China, the Chinese have been quote 'saucy' commercials for push-up bras, and figure hugging underwear. This has come a few days after banning sexually explicit sounds in commercials. Other sorts of commercials and programs have been banned by the government as well. They feel as if the television networks have a right to help and strengthen society. These meetings and edicts have come to a climax just weeks before a 17th Party Congress.

Well, I should reprimend the Chinese for violating the right to free speech, or freedom of the press. That is my feeling as an advocate of Democracy and such. However, as a Christian, I am not completely against this. Banning explicit or harmful television shows and commercials is not a bad thing. It could make a society stronger and purer. But, this is China, I am not quite sure how pure they will get. Again, I have mixed feelings regarding this odd matter. I suppose it depends on what train of thought one uses to view this issue.

In Adelaide, Australia an HIV-positive man named Chad Parenzee had been charged for having unprotected sex. The courts charged him for having unprotected sex with three women. Again, he was HIV-positive. He appealed this case to the court claiming that HIV has no real relation to the AIDS virus. The judge felt Parenzee had not fully grasped the magnitude of the damage he had caused, as one of the women he had slept with later tested positive for HIV. Parenzee will not be eligible for parole for five years.

Does anyone else find this disgusting? Honestly, I think this is more of a private matter than a public one. It should have been up to the women Parenzee slept with to know what they were getting themselves into. They should of at least insisted on 'protection.' Also, if it was consensual, I see no need for the Court to be brought in this affair. People need to take more responsibility in what they do.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Should all houses be this equiped???

People must understand that Islam is the "ONLY" way according to the radicals.

Freedom guarantees all freedom. Good and Bad.

Scary individual in Australia.