Thursday, September 13, 2007

Franki Benavidez

Summary: In Amsterdam, Netherlands, a U.S. citizen had confessed to axing a 22 year old Dutch student to death. The U.S. citizen, Carlos Hartmann, said he did this because he wanted to punish the Netherlands for their support of the war in Iraq. Hartmann appeared the court and was ordered held for 2 weeks for investigation. Hartmann's lawyer said that Hartmann hates soldiers, armies kill people and it would be alright if he went ahead and killed someone. He axed the student, Thijs Geers, while the studentws waiting for the train to come at the Roosendaal train station. Here:,2933,296566,00.html

Opinion: I don't know what this guy was thinking. He killed an innocent Dutch student and didn't even know what the heck was going on. Hartmann said that he was, "terribly sorry for his deed". What does that mean? He's sorry that he did something good for the world?! All I know is that Hartmann is a psychopath.

Summary: In Melbourne, Australia, a pregnant woman refused to take high-level chemotherapy in order to save her unborn child. The pregnant woman, Dr. Ellice Hammond was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in the 22nd week of her pregnancy. Dr. Hammond died on Sunday, three weeks after her daughter was born nine weeks prematurely. The chemotherapy could have saved her but would have killed her daughter, Mia. Here:,23599,22416536-2,00.html?from=public_rss

Opinion: I think it's really sad about how she died. She was only 37 years old and her baby was born premature. It's a good thing what she did for her daughter on not taking chemotherapy. I didn't even know that you can get something that serious while being pregnant.

Summary: In the Dallas, Texas news article, some woman have came forward to claim that Southwest Airlines Co. have made passengers cover up on what they wear. Setara Qassim told KNBC-TV in L.A., a flight attendant went up to her during the plane ride from Tucson, AZ, to Burbank, Calif. and asked if she had a sweater to cover her halter style dress. The flight attendant forced her to wrap herself with a blanket for the rest of the flight. Last week, another woman was pulled aside as she was walking to get to her plane and was told that she dressed too provocatively. One of the flight attendants said that they don't have a dress code for the passengers but they be in good taste while boarding the plane. Here:,23599,22416536-2,00.html?from=public_rss

Opinion: That is so ridiculous! Yeah, it's kind of gross seeing a girl wearing nothing but a tube top and a short skirt but still. There's no dress code for boarding a plane and there should'nt be. People have paid a lot of money to get their plane ticket and they should'nt be told what to wear or not wear. A flight attendant embarrassing someone infront of everyone and forcing you to wrap a blanket around yourself isn't right.

Summary: In Glenn Dale, Maryland, a group of 5th graders at Glenn Dale Elementary School were in class thinking they were going to watch the movie Star Wars but instead saw a clip of a pornagraphic movie. The music teacher put in a Star Wars dvd in the school laptop but the projector showed a clip from an adult film. The teacher immediately took the Star Wars dvd out but the image of 2 naked adults still showed up on the screen for about 10 seconds and then it completely turned off. After that whole incident happened, a letter went out to all of 5th graders' parents. The laptop was school owned property and was probably messed with. Here:,2933,296573,00.html

Opinion: That is hilarious! The whole thing is pretty gross but at the same time really funny. I can't believe that really happened. Those 5th graders must have been like, "what just happened?". Most likely, they went home asking their parents, " mommy and daddy, guess what i saw in music class today?"

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

WOW. What a sick anti-war display.

Very sad situation about the mom and child.

If everything is covered up then I'm ok.

Teacher needed to preview the video.