Saturday, September 29, 2007

Logan Lann

National (make-up)

Polygamist “Prophet”


Polygamy leader and “prophet” Warren Jeffs was convicted of assisting rape by placing a fourteen-year-old girl in a marriage she did not want to be in. The prosecution had many witnesses, one of whom was another young girl who was placed in a marriage she also did not want. The conviction could place Jeffs in prison for life. He is the president of the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and has about ten thousand followers. Police sharpshooters were placed on cliffs in a town where authorities were afraid of retaliation by Jeffs’ followers.


I’m glad authorities finally found, caught, and convicted Jeffs. He has been carrying out these arranged marriages for far too long. He has been a leader in horrific activities to these poor young ladies. His organization is one for men; for men to control and use and abuse women, and is horrible. I’m not speaking about all of Mormons, but specifically Jeffs’ church. The time has come, and came a long time ago, for this type of actions to be put to an end.

International (make-up)

Gay Bishops in the Africa


Peter Akinola, an Archbishop of the Episcopal Church, wants an outright ban on consecrations of gay bishops. The U.S. Episcopalian Church did not pass a ban on gay bishops like Anglican leaders wanted, but did urge their bishops to “exercise restraint” of approving gay bishops, and did not approve of official prayer meetings supporting same-sex ideals. Akinola will keep fighting to try to get the ban passed. He works out of Nigeria, where homosexuality is widely thought to be wrong.


More power to you, Akinola!!!!!! This guy has the right idea, and the stupid church won’t listen to him. Homosexuality is an abomination and should not be allowed in churches. It should especially not be allowed in church leadership. As soon as a church approves of homosexuality, that church is not of God, and warrants God’s forsaking them. I think it good that most of Nigeria looks negatively at homosexuality. We need some people from Nigeria to come to America and be missionaries in our churches to try to set us right. I hope Akinola succeeds.

1 comment:

PC AP Gov said...

Jeffs needs to spend a lot of time in jail, but the Colorado City community needs to change their ways.

When you fight against Church doctrine, sometimes you need to make a switch to another church.