Tanya Rider was found Thursday after been missing for eight days. Her husband, Tom called in a missing person’s report immediately but complications occurred. At first, the police did not want to file the report. Once the police began the search for Tanya, Tom made himself available to any searches or tests that the police wanted to complete. Thursday Tom signed a release form for the police to look at cell phone records. While he was in the middle of starting to take a lie-detector test, police came in and informed Tom they found a cell signal. Tanya was found stuck in her car down a raven next to the road. She was having a hard time breathing but alive. Now in the hospital, she is having kidney failure and may possible have a leg amputated.
Tanya is a miracle. I do not know how anyone involved in a car accident and not found, could possible live eight days. I believe as well with Tom in saying God kept Tanya alive for eight days until found, so He would not let her die now. God has amazing plans for her life and she will be able to share her testimony as a witness to those around her. I wonder if there will be any argument or case about the police not immediately searching for Tanya because they said she was grown woman and she has a right to leave her husband for a few days. It will be interesting to watch.
In Myanmar, troops start shooting at crowds in order to disperse the protestors. The people had been protesting against the government who had not allowed the elected leader of 1990 to govern. The government banished the Internet from coming into Myanmar therefore the crowds had gathered to protest this restriction. Many privately owned newspaper businesses have quit publishing papers as another form of protest. The government wants the newspapers to write lies about All Burma Student’s Democratic Front and the National League for Democracy. The government wants these groups to be blamed for the crowds gathering in protest.
What is our world coming to?! I am so thankful for the Framers who gave the United States a new way of governing. Just think if we were still under complete control of a ruler. It would become disastrous just like in Myanmar. I’m so glad we have a big say in what the government does. I would not be able to live in a country where the people’s ideas and beliefs were ignored.
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1 comment:
A true miracle and thank God for cell phones. Everyone should have one when traveling on the road.
Burma is truly under lockdown.
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