Monday, September 10, 2007

Kellye Harkey


About a week ago a Birgham Young University student went missing. Students of the college came together to search for the 22yr old Senior. After all their efforts and the police efforts they found the body of Camille Cleverly at the base of a 200 ft cliff. No one knowns why she was at this certain cliff but the injuries on her body were consistent with the fall but they have not ruled out foul play. The day after she disappeared her debt card was used at a quicky mart those were the only clues police had. Her boyfriend took a lie detector test and passed, Unfortunatly as of right now the police have no where else to go.

This is a very strange situation all together. I mean why would the day before school starts she decides to go to this mountain? She didint tell anyone that they know of that she was going there. Im glad that the boyfriend passed the polygraph because you always hear about crazy boyfriends kelling their loved ones. I really hope they find out what exactly happened to her so her family can have closure.


In Phoenix,AZ a former construction worker was accused of terroizing rapes and murders from 2005-2006 all across the valley. Mark Goudeau was tried for 19 of the charges and was found guilty on all accounts. Goudeau is still waiting for his trial for the other 74 charges he has against him.


This makes me so happy to hear. When the sketch looks exactly like the man and when the victims are on the stand and they point directly at him and say thats the man who raped me. This guy is done for good. His crazy wife stilll thinks that this man is innocent, she really needs to stop being so naive and just deal with it.


Mark Goudeau is Innocent said...

I am amazed at how people will have an opinion even though completely ignorant of the facts. It's a sad day when an innocent man is convicted of a crime by inconclusive DNA. As for the women they NEVER id'd Mark until they were coached by the prosecutor, Susan Cohen, June 13, 2007. Their testimony conflicted with each other, but I'm sure you'll have a way to justify that. I understand your sole source for information is the news, not exactly an accurate way to be informed, quite the opposite. Learn to think for yourself and be afraid of what the system can and will do to innocent people.

Michael Hjort said...

DNA testing today is tough to discredit, but words can always lie.