Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lauren Bell


There is a public school in New York that is going through a controversy of whether or not they should teach the Arabic culture. It has caused quite the riot and disturbance. A woman by the name of Carmen Colon was thrilled to send her eleven year old son to the school for him to learn the Arabic language. She believes it will be a great future booster and will help him and anyone for that matter in the long run. Others on the other hand strongly disagree. They believe Arabic culture and their language should not be taught at this public school. It is not a religious school and so therefore they believe it is unruly and unjust. Carmen also believes that those who disagree with this prospect are the terrorists and are the ones terrorizing the kids not the school. They school should be aloud to do this and she refuses to send her son to a school where they think otherwise.

Well first off I have to say that this Carmen Colon is an idiot. It is completely unnecessary to try and teach Arabic culture at a public school. Why should they be able to teach that and not Christianity or any other religion for that matter. And another thing we live in America where we speak English. Yes a foreign language is required, but we have that covered with the extra languages already offered and that is already overrated. We don’t need another culture or whatever to cause more disputes. It is a stupid idea to think that it is ok to teach the Arabic culture.


Hurricane Felix is having a huge effect on the people in Honduras. They are still hoping that it will pass and lighten up a bit. They are in desperate need of help, and have taken advantage of every opportunity that comes about. There have been several shelters that have opened up for the people and thousands have taken advantage of it. They are still scared of the possibilities of landslides and such, where they have already seen the destruction of homes and the town. They are still getting heavy rain and have been a hazard to the rescuers and the planes and everyone in the area. It is expected for massive rains and heavy mudslides to still occur, and still to come at least 15 more inches of rain.

This is very sad indeed and I hope that this hazard ends quickly for these poor people. It is so hard to see people suffer like this and there whole lives falling apart literally with the effect of a storm. These people don’t have much and breaks hearts to see what they do have being destroyed. They are in my deep thoughts and prayers and I continue to hope for the best of this situation. As hard as it is to think that God has a plan in all of this and that it is going to be ok it is the truth. I pray for all the people in Honduras and around and the people connected to this traitorous situation that everything and everyone recovers quickly.



Attacked victim punches shark. A man on vacation to FT. Lauderdale, Florida was attacked by a 20 inch shark over the Labor Day weekend. He was not even 3 feet in the water before the shark came up and continuously attacked him. He punched it twice to get it to leave him alone, but it was persistent. A woman tried to help him and was eventually set free. HE went on to spending nine hours in the emergency room. It left around a 3-ince gash in the mans arm. He was asked if his vacation was over and he replied, “No! We are to continue our vacation. I will not be in the water, but I will not be going home either.”


It is an unfortunate event to happen. Sharks are scary and I don’t like them, I will tell you that straight up. It is dangerous in the water out there, and I think it is a good lesson to prove that things like this do happen. Even if you think it won’t happen to you it always could. My opinion is more of a precaution to everyone out there. No matter where you are, or who you are with, always be on the lookout and keep a close eye out. You never know what could happen to you.



Mexican drug lord Arellano Felix given 22 years behind bars. In Mexico City Benjamin Felix, who was part of one of the most notorious drug clans, was guaranteed another 22 years in prison. He and his family have been part of this business for a long time. He has four other brothers who have continued this business. They have smuggled millions of dollars of illegal narcotics into the US. I believe 4 of the 5 brothers are either killed or locked up in maximum security. The drug business in Mexico has sky rocketed and has become a definite hazard and precaution. It is responsible for about 1600 killings. These 22 years will be spent in a prison in Central Mexico with maximum security.


It is very relieving to hear that they are in the process of stopping this danger and hazard. This man was a definite threat to the safety of our country and beyond. The illegal drug rate has gone up so much and it is one of the most life threatening businesses we have out there. It is a multi millionaire business and it should be stopped immediately, and this is the first step to that process. Illegal narcotics are so dangerous and the drug clans that do this are some of the most scary and violent people out there. As it said it is responsible for at least 1600 people’s deaths. He deserves every second in that prison, and I hope and pray that he is convicted of his wrongs and realizes that actions don’t come without consequences, severe ones in his case.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Stop catering to the Arabic speaking people and those who don't want to assimilate into the United States.

We need the Hurricane to cool off AZ!!!!!!

I would freak if I saw a shark!!!

Do they know where they live. Destroy their home and livelyhood.