Thursday, September 20, 2007

Murphy James

In Louisiana on September 19, a protest march took place in Jena. When six black students decided to nearly beat to death a white classmate, they were charged with attempted murder. The protesters are outraged at the "unfair" treatment that these six students are receiving. Many people came from out of town or even state to join the rally.
Okay. Here are my true, honest feelings about this. While the school was predominantly white and there had been some instigations, what happend to that student was completely unnecessary and out of place. This is how a 17 year old black girl responded to the charges: "I just feel like every time the white people did something,” Ms. Jones said, “they dropped it, and every time the black people did something, they blew it out of proportion.” I think she may have it the wrong way. If six white kids had pulverized a black kid, hell would be raised from the black community all across the nation, and hell would be paid if they all weren't sentenced to life imprisionment. Secondly, people discussed in the article how excited they were that they were able to participate in a mini-civil rights act. Well, here is a major issue. Everyone nowadays is looking to protest SOMETHING. If it isn't the war, it's unfair treatment to blacks, or mexicans, or they'll make stuff up. We should be thankful for what we have, and if we want to protest racism, some people should start pointing the fingers at themselves.

The country of Belgium was put together in the 1800's to try to prevent French expansion. Now, the country is divided in to the Flemish speaking Flanders and the French speaking Wallonia. The king has no power except to pass the bills created by parliament, but even parliament is divided. Many people believe that seperation of the country is enevitable, however won't happen just quite yet.
I would really like to go to Belgium one day, and if it's not a country when I am capable to, I would like to travel to that region. I would imagine it to be very beautiful. However, back to the more pressing matter, I would think it to be tragic if Belgium couldn't work out their differences and unite. Sometimes the strongest unison comes from a background with extreme differences. I could also understand if it split though. To live in a country where not every one speaks the same language would be very fustrating... worse than here I think.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Murphy I have to agree. The young man beaten wasn't even involved in the original incident.

Bilingualism anyone???