Thursday, September 6, 2007

Rachel Posey


On Tuesday, September 4, Hurricane Felix hit Nicaragua and has made a lot of damage. The record of deaths in Nicaragua is ninety-eight and more than one death of Hondurans but the death toll has not been finished. The survivors have lost everything and have had to resort to drinking coconut milk. The hurricane was categorized as a number five hurricane with a hundred-sixty miles per hour winds. In Puerto Cabezas, roofs off houses, hospitals, airports were ripped apart by the intense winds. Aid is arriving from Cuba and other nearby countries.

I am so glad that we do not have hurricanes (or even tornados) here in Phoenix. That is once good thing about living in Arizona. The weather is very mild to dry when talking about rain or storms. The most we have is huge dust storms which aren’t very pleasant but at least you really only have to worry about being piled with dirt in a second. The aid response to this natural disaster has not been as fast or big as the earthquake in Peru last month. We need to offer to send aid to Nicaragua so that the victims can quickly start rebuilding their lives again.


A man suspected as the person who called a telephone bomb threat was identified this week. He was identified as Allan Sharif, a citizen of Portugal. He has also been involved with multiple crimes such as wire fraud and twenty-four bank robberies in fifteen states. He is still being searched for but is believed to be calling in the threats while having adversaries act out in the crimes.

Allan Sharif needs to be found as soon as possible. Even though he may not have been literal in his threats in the past, we should not take the chance of him changing his mind and taking the threat to heart. Besides, businesses are put on edge after receiving a threat like these. People should not have to live in fear of a bomb actually exploding while at work or visiting a bank.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Hopefully the hurricane will bring cooler weather to AZ!!!

Too short on the Sharif story.