Friday, April 25, 2008

Ben Thieroff

Ryan Evans

On Tuesday April 22nd, Hillary Clinton won the Pennsylvania primary. She defeated Sen. Barack Obama by a reasonably close margin of about two-hundred thousand votes. She took fifty-five percent of the Democratic voters. However, this big victory will not guarantee her the Democratic nomination for the presidency. This will give her the possible, necessary momentum going into the Democratic National Convention in a few months.

This Clinton victory seems to foreshadow more doubt on the Obama camp. He has won consistently in the South and in his home state of Illinois, but Sen. Clinton has taken the bigger prizes of New York, her home state, California, and Texas. These are just to name a few of her victories. The national convention will be quite chaotic and should really go down to the wire.

This past Monday on WWE ‘Raw’ all three of the presidential frontrunners appeared on the show. Hillary told the audience that, “You could call me Hill-Rod.” Barack Obama asked the question of “Can you smell what the Barack is cooking?” John McCain also asked everyone what they were going to do when all of the “McCaniacs” run wild. I am sure this was to rally support from a certain demographic. The wrestling demographic. This is strange indeed.

Wow this was really ridiculous. I can’t believe that all three prospective presidents went on WWE wrestling. I think the presidency should carry a certain degree of respect and class. I feel wrestling does not carry these forms of class with it at all. The people that take it seriously all seem to be idiots. Wait, maybe they needed to see who was running so they could take part in Democracy. I would prefer if these people did not vote actually. Yeah….

Chris (primaries + extra STUFF)

Primary 1

Summary - Both Democratic candidates in the primaries have become quite fatigued with the entire ordeal. Neither of them have let up any room for the other. It has been a constant struggle between the two for the Democratic nomination. "Sometimes. Yes, of course," sad Barack Tuesday, when asked if he had become exhausted with the race. Along with this fatigue from both candidates comes unforced errors which both sides have made in this past year.

Opinion - There is nothing wrong with some healthy competition. These two might just run each other in to the ground though, if they're not careful. They have to remember that one of them still has to go up against McCain in the general election. With this taken in to account, Clinton and Obama should not be so hard on each other. If both candidates make each other look bad, that could damage the winner's chances in the general election against McCain.

Primary 2

Summary - The Democratic Party has become increasingly worried with the constant race and struggle between Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The Party hopes to find a quick end between the battle of these two candidate before any further damage ensues. "What happened yesterday was what a lot of us were afraid would happen," Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen said. "There is no clear resolution. She did a little better than expected, but they're still standing there, slugging it out. Everybody's getting bloody and there's no knockouts. It helps prolong that." Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean finds himself "less concerned than a lot of Democrats" though as he says the primaries are bringing in thousands of new voters into party rolls.

Opinion - This is exactly what I was talking about in the previous opinion. These two Senators need to look more ahead into the future and realize one of the two still has to go through the general election against McCain. If they don't watch it, they could ruin the winner's chances in the general election. Howard Dean is right though. These primaries have gained quite a bit of popularity which in turn has brought in more voters which will bring about more participation on the voters' parts in the general election.


Summary - An infestation of poisonous spiders has begun in a tiny hospital located in Australia. The given hospital closed down yesterday for twenty-four hours so the place can be fumigated for the redback spiders which have been found in great numbers on the hospital grounds. "We believe the best way to deal with them, and the safest option for staff and patients, is to have the whole building fumigated so both the spiders and their eggs are killed," said rural director of nursing Ellen Palmer on Wednesday. It has been believed the warm weather that is going on at this time has brought about more redback spider eggs to hatch than usual.

Opinion - This hospital should not have let the problem of these spiders get so bad as they are now. I mean, it IS a hospital obviously. The place is meant to be kept clean and I can see this infestation as not very hygienic. If somehow, through some situation, the problem of the spiders wasn't the hospital's fault then "oh well". They shouldn't be blamed for it but if it was then that's a problem for them. They should have been on top of the infestation in the beginning because this could endanger the lives of the patients in the hospital.


Summary - At Saint Johns County hospital in Florida, a man is being treated after his truck turned over and spilled Jell-O snack packs all over the I-95. Earlier in the morning, the given truck had slammed into another truck and flipped, said the police. The Jell-O pudding then splattered all over the highway, causing a major traffic jam. The driver was trapped inside the mangled truck, but had been rescued quickly by the police. The driver was airlifted to the hospital after being rescued and is now being treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Opinion - Well, this seems like quite the problem. The driver really should have been more careful with his driving. That is his job, after all, so he should be a good driver. Apparently, he is not the best driver as it can now be seen. A traffic jam caused by pudding all over the highway is rather amusing. I just hope the pudding everywhere has not caused any accidents of its own with drivers there. That would be a shame.

Kaylen May Gerkey

Who leads the popular vote?
Summary: Hillary Clinton is arguing that she is ahead of rival Sen. Barack Obama when it comes to the popular vote. Not so fast, says Obama's campaign. Clinton's count includes her wins in Michigan and Florida, but the Democratic presidential candidates agreed not to campaign in those states because they violated party rules by scheduling their contests too early. If Michigan and Florida are counted, Clinton is ahead by 100,000 votes -- 15.1 million to Obama's 15 million. Without those states, Obama has a 500,000 vote lead, 14.4 million to 13.9 million. Clinton says she has received more votes than any Democratic candidate in history. Exit polls suggest McCain is benefiting from prolonged Democratic battle. Dems next face off on May 6 when Indiana, North Carolina hold their contests.
Opiion: I think she is full of it. She talks a big game but can she really pull it off is the question. Obama was not even on the ballot in those two states and those delegtaes should not even count and those are the ones she is claiming, its quite funny! The delegates are not just going to be handed to her she needs to make an effort to work hard to get them, but I think she still has a big mountain to climb, in frot of her.

Clinton faces uphill battle in North Carolina
Summary: Hillary Clinton emerged from Tuesday's contest in Pennsylvania with a big victory and a net gain of about a dozen pledged delegates. But that could vanish on May 6 in North Carolina, a delegate-rich contest with a plethora of natural advantages for Barack Obama. Obama owes his victories throughout the Democratic nomination battle to African-Americans, young voters, upscale whites and independent voters. In North Carolina, those voters come in bunches, and their ranks are growing. African-Americans are expected to make up around 40 percent of the primary electorate, giving Obama a healthy starting point in his chase for a large share of the state's 115 pledged delegates. The Obama campaign in particular sees the program as a ripe opportunity to run up votes among North Carolina's many college students. Early voting started April 17, and thousands of North Carolinians have already voted. Clinton spent over $690,000 on TV ads in a month; Obama spent nearly $1.5 million.
Opinion: I think, once again, she has a lot of work to. She thinks she is wining the democaratic race and she thinks she is going to win North Carolina. Obama has a huge advantage and a lot of african american voters in his favor and he has spent so much more on his ad campaigns. I feel Obama should take North Carolina. Personally i find all this funny because as Clinton and Obama go back and forth McCain gets to sit on the sidelines and is benefiting from this long democratic fight. It can go either way and i would not want to pick either one. I just want it all to be over.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Franki Benavidez

Primary 1: Senator Hillary Clinton says that when it comes to the popular vote, she's ahead of rival Senator Barack Obama. After Clinton's decisive win in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, she said to the people, "I'm very proud that as of today, I have received more votes by the people who have voted than anyone else." But Obama's campaign had to disagree with her on that statement. Senator Clinton's count included her wins in both Michigan and Florida but the Democratic presidential candidates agreed not to campaign in states though. They did that because they violated party rules by scheduling their contests too early. Senator Obama didn't even have his name on the Michigan ballot so he didn't receive any votes for that contest.

Opinion: I have to find Senator Clinton very cocky. Mr. Hjort, I'm sorry if that word isn't appropriate but it's the only word to describe her! She thinks that because she got a ton of votes for now that she's set for life. Honestly, I never did like Hillary Clinton just because of the way her attitude is. Or maybe I'm just crazy. Obama's name wasn't even on the Michigan ballot so that's not fair at all.

David Jeong

National-1 (Primary 1)

Clinton: I'm ahead in popular vote

Summary: Sen. Hillary Clinton is arguing that she is ahead of rival Sen. Barack Obama when it comes to the popular vote. "I'm very proud that as of today, I have received more votes by the people who have voted than anyone else," Clinton said Wednesday, one day after her decisive win in Pennsylvania. Clinton says she has received more votes than any Democratic candidate in history. "It's a very close race, but if you count, as I count, the 2.3 million people who voted in Michigan and Florida, then we are going to build on that," the New York senator said.

Opinion: I think America claims to be the most advanced country as far as Democracy. It started in America so the world doesn't say anything about it. Whatever it is, I think the Democracy in America is not really done 'by' the people. "we the people" does not seem to be the common people but seem to be the people what we call leaders and elites. These primaries and voting system seem to be all money related and look like they are a big show to impress the media to get the attention, something like a party for the 'we the leaders.' I honestly dont like the fact that everybody sees this as a race. That is wrong. It is not their 'race' it is the real people's decision because the president is should not be the winner of the race among the elites but should represent the real people. Hilary is so excited of her win in Pennsylvania. I think the reason why there are so many little votes and competition is the money. More shows, more money. I think direct voting is the real rule by the people. Many people say that the internet can be hacked and there can be problems. America has the most advanced technology and if they claim to be the best in every area, I think they can change to direct voting anytime which is the real rule 'by the people'.

National-2 (Primary 2)

Clinton questions Obama's appeal

Summary: Sen. Hillary Clinton rode the momentum of her Pennsylvania win into Indiana with her campaign saying it is on pace to raise $10 million in 24 hours. Clinton reported raising $20 million in all of March, Sen. Barack Obama raised more than twice as much last month, taking in $41 million for his campaign. The New York senator said that her much-needed victory raises fresh questions about Obama's electability. Obama downplayed Clinton's win, saying "it's important for people to keep things in perspective."

Opinion: Even though I dont like the voting system in this country, president of America is an important person and it is fun to watch these candidates fighting with smiling faces. My honest opinion on these candidates is that they are about the same. However, it looks like Obama can do better than Hillary as a president. Obama has good speeches. President's role is not to go out in front of public and debate. It is not a job that makes quick sarcasm in front of the public either. Obama seems to prepare well for his speeches. I think he will process better in the office than Hillary who seems to be texting her husband to ask whether or not to sign a bill when she goes into the office.

Brian's Primary Blogs

National Primaries: As a publicity stunt, all three front-running presidential candidates, Hilary, McCain and Obama, all agreed to appear on World Wrestling Entertainment’s show RAW. Above is a news broadcast about it. The idea is to get those wrestling fans out to vote. The question is, will it work?

Opinion – Um… I think it may have been better for the candidates if they had stayed away from television where people pretend to be beating the tar out of each other. I suppose I might be just one in the minority of people who would rather see the candidates do something more constructive with their time – like a televised tea party where they discussed novels and theology, or a leisurely game of golf with foreign dictators like ailing Fidel Castro or blusterous Hugo Chavez. I guess when one of them agreed, though, the others must have not had much choice if they wanted the wrestling fans’ votes. This is a sad time for our country.

Primaries 2: Tomorrow, a PBS interview between Bill Moyers and Jeremiah Wright (Obama’s controversial pastor) will air. In it, Wright contends that his words criticizing the US Government as bringing 9/11 upon itself and systematically oppressing the Black Community have been taken out of context for devious reasons. While the pastor may have been a controversial obstacle for Obama, he has said he could no more disown his pastor than he could disown the black community.

Opinion – I don’t have a problem with Obama not disowning his pastor (as a politician, how could he without losing a lot of his supporters?!). But I do have a problem with Jeremiah Wright’s messages. Not because they are “Anti-American”. I agree America has a history of being run by “rich white men” who have treated Native Americans, African-Americans, and people of any ethnicity with darker skin poorly and indecently. But I feel Wright is calling for reverse discrimination (these days, as far as I have seen and heard, minorities get preferential treatment in education and the work place), and though he says he “loves the hell” out of his enemies, he is fostering a mindset of “blame the white man for all your troubles”. He is full of bitterness and has not learned how to turn the other cheek. He is a blind man leading the blind – because while his community may be discriminated against, he cannot see that not all white men are rich. Jesus not only came to earth so that he could be Jeremiah Wright’s personal black savior, but so that he might be the savior of all men: black and white, rich and poor.


Hamas offered 6 months of peace with Israel if they would lift their blockade of the coastal strip. Israel refuses to negotiate with Hamas, so Egypt has done much of the mediating. Israel promises to maintain the dissent ion as long as Hamas is a threat to civilians. "We have affirmed the group's approval of a truce in Gaza Strip ... that could be expanded to the West Bank and would be set at six months... the truce should be accepted by both sides," Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said. Hamas believes Jews should be obliterated and has killed hundreds in suicide bombings.

Hamas needs to be hunted down and killed. I know that's easier said than done, but it would certainly be justified. There is really no point negotiating with nomad thieves and murderers. Personally, I believe there will never be peace in the middle east because exterminating a religion to it's roots that has been in existence since the 7th century is impossible; but, "If I must choose between peace and righteousness, I choose righteousness" - Teddy Roosevelt.

Barack Hussein Obama complained that McCaine shows no political differences from Bush. Speaking to the United Food and Commercial Workers union, Obama goes on to say, "This is the most anti-labor administration in our memory, you and I share a vision for our country. We'll have a National Labor Relations Board that actually believes in unions." Senator Barack Hussein Obama was scheduled to take the day off.
The competition also insulted the Republican party that day. Clinton said, " We cannot have a leap of faith or any guesswork in this election. A lot of people voted for President Bush the first time because he said he was something called a compassionate conservative. That sounded good — nobody knew what it meant — but it sounded great."

Uh, Hilary? I'm pretty sure any English speaking human can understand compassionate conservative, although I never recall Bush being labeled as such. (the adjective doesn't fit many or any politicians) As for Obama, he really can't be taken seriously. The democratic party flees to Canada for fear of draft, plans to pay for illegal health care, and supports expanding welfare. My personal opinion is that most unions are absolutely nothing but trouble and are not necessary.

Ps. Tomorrow is a silent day in support of some queer kid. I wonder if either of them will issue any statement (or lack of haha) to show support.

Senator McCain indited Bush's delayed reaction to hurricane Katrina on his visit to New Orleans today. "I want to assure the people of the Ninth Ward, the people of New Orleans, the people of this country: Never again, never again will a disaster of this nature be handled in the terrible and disgraceful way it was handled," McCain said.

Well, to Mrs. Clinton who claims there is no difference between McCain and Bush, I believe Senator McCain is making it more than clear. The local government and many of the civilians shared in the blame for the poor decisions and ill handling of the situation. Our government is designed to be slow and tedious. I'm not saying it's excusable, but a more difficult problem than more people understand it to be.

Andrew Reiff


Summary- Clinton's donations surge after Pennsylvania victory

Hillary Clinton is on track to make over ten million dollars in the twenty-four hours after her win the the Pennsylvania primary. Clinton is taking advantage of eighty thousand new donors for the extra boost of cash. She needs it badly, however, as she is over ten million dollars in debt and has only nine million dollars cash on hand. Obama, by contrast, has only a 660 thousand dollar debt and over forty million dollars on hand. Another interesting thing about the race is that both Clinton and Obama are claiming the lead in the popular vote. Clinton, of course, is counting Florida and Michigan, two states that were not supposed to count and in which Obama was not on the ballot. Obama still has a moderate lead in delegates, enough that it is unlikely that Clinton will catch up by June 6. Obama, however, cannot acquire the 2025 delegates necessary to take the nomination. It is all up to the superdelegates.


Whoever came up with the idea for superdelegates anyways? It seems to me to be a dumb idea. Anyways, I think that if Barack Hussein Obama gets within a hundred votes of the nomination, enough superdelegates will swing to his side to procure the nomination for him. On the other hand, they could vote Al Gore in... Anyway the more the Democrats bicker and get nasty, the better for the Republicans. Just lay low McCain, and let the heavy artillery fire over your head until you can land a shot to the head that will knock him out.

Summary- Poll: Obama, Clinton running tight race in Indiana poll

The numbers:
Barack Obama, 48 percent
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 47 percent
Other polls:
A similar poll conducted March 31-April 2 found 49 percent support for Clinton, with Obama's support at 46 percent. The new poll asked which candidate had run the more negative campaign, with 48 percent saying Clinton, 23 percent Obama and 21 percent equal.
The WSBT-South Bend Tribune poll was conducted by telephone April 23-24 by Research 2000. It included interviews with 400 voters who expect to vote in the May 6 Democratic primary. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 5 percentage points.


Five percentage points eh? So it really could be Obama ahead by 53 percent to 42 percent, that's a pretty big swing. I think that the sampling of only 400 voters is a bit small. I heard of this law the other day, forget the name, that said that the larger the number of tests, the closer the final percentages will be closer to 50-50, as well as having a smaller margin of error. Anyways the point is that I think this poll was not very well done. As to the numbers, I think that Pennsylvania was Clinton's last gasp. She is done. Obama will most likely get the nomination, and he will be crushed by McCain.

Extra Credit

Summary- School team hit for 66 runs in two innings

A Japanese high school pleaded for a regional game to be abandoned after surrendering 66 runs in less than two innings, local media reported on Thursday.
The coach of Kawamoto technical high school threw in the towel to spare his pitcher's arm with his team losing 66-0 with just one batter out in the bottom of the second.
The hapless hurler had already sent down over 250 pitches, allowing 26 runs in the first inning and 40 in the second before Kawamoto asked for mercy.
"At that pace the pitcher would have thrown around 500 pitches in four innings," Kawamoto's coach was quoted as saying. "There was a danger he could get injured."
Opponents Shunshukan were officially credited with a 9-0 victory, giving the scoreline a tinge of respectability for the luckless Kawamoto school.


Well it sounds to me like this coach should shoot his pitcher instead of giving him the night off. Come on man, sixty-six runs? I have heard of our baseball team winning like 24-3 but that's insane. Who was playing first base, Gary Coleman? Oh man, this is a sad, sad story. I guess they didn't have a backup pitcher for this guy. And I wonder what the fans of the other team were thinking, "Yay another home run, wow this is getting boring." It turned out that everyone in the bleachers was cheering for the losing team, but just to give up. That's nice of the other coach to allow it to go down in the books as a nine to zero victory.

Kellye Harkey

In the midst of the current discussion of the role of race in the campaign comes the curious suggestion from Sen. Obama that his chief challenge is about age, not socioeconomic status. The data don’t seem to bear it out.As The New York Times reports today: "‘Our problem has less to do with white working-class voters,’ Mr. Obama told reporters Wednesday in Indiana. ‘In fact the problem is that – to the extent that there is a problem – is that older voters are very loyal to Senator Clinton.’"Age clearly is a factor, as we’ve covered before. But it’s equally clear that socioeconomic status, as measured by the education and income alike, is independently a factor, and a big one.

I think that the older people do like Clinton. Mabe because of Bill but I also think it is due to the fact that she tried to pass free health care earlier. Now that she is possibly (God forbid) our next president the old folks want their free medical care. Listen, its not my problem you broke your hip and need to pay for surgery somehow. I really hope these old people will clean their bifocals and see that Hilary is not the one to pick.

In March, Barack Obama quickly responded to the bubbling controversy over statements made by his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. He was lauded by pundits and politicos from both sides of the aisle for his broad speech on race and America at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on March 18 . The goal of that speech was to put the Wright issue to bed – address it head on, be done with it and get back to campaigning in Pennsylvania. And it seemed like that strategy just might work out for him, especially since Rev. Wright was staying below the radar and cancelling public appearances that may have added fuel to the fire.

I really hope that his pastor speaks out more often. If you go to the church's website they do not come right out and say it but they are pretty much saying "This is a black church and we are all about black power". Now if I made a church and only white people went there and I was talking about white power and this and that I would be considered RACIST! Its a total double standard. But anyways, Mr. Wright you keep speaking out until your heart is content.

Before he committed suicide in the 2005 subway bombings in London, Mohammed Siddique Khan made a home video of himself bidding farewell to his young daughter telling her to take care of her mother. In the video, which was shown to jurors in a United Kingdom courtroom earlier today, the terror ringleader is seen cradling his baby girl, whispering to her that he is going to fight jihad "for the sake of Islam". The video was made in November 2004, before Khan was to head on a trip to Pakistan to receive terror training, according to prosecutors. It was played during a trial of three men who are accused of aiding the London bombers.
"I have to do this for our future," Khan says to his baby girl. "I'm going to really really miss you," he says. Khan is heard saying that he is sorry that he will miss out on seeing his daughter learn to walk. "I love you to bits," he says.

I hope this little girl realizes when she is older that her dad is a selfish person and killed 50 people for no reason at all. He did it for no reason because now he is burning in hell. "For the sake of Islam" MY BUTT. I am sooo sorry that those 50 people died but atleast one more piece of crap like that man is dead.

The first ever walk-in advice center for stalkers opened in Berlin yesterday, offering support to those willing to stop harassing their victims. We believe that by supporting stalkers to kick the habit, we are helping the potential victims at the same time," Wolf Ortiz-Mueller, the head of the center, told reporters at the opening of the center. "Stalking is an addiction which must be treated before the situation escalates. The perpetrator repeatedly increases the dose in order to raise the feeling of power over the victim, and that situation can quickly get out of control," he said.

I have never heard of this before. I think that this is a good idea though. But then again it does not seem like the smartest idea. They need to lock stalkers up for sure. I do not understand why people would be that obsessed with one person. Its weird but hey whatever works.

Susan Jewell

Larry Sabato commented on the Clinton financial situations "There's no such thing as being broke when you have a brand name in politics, and the Clinton name is one of the best brand names in American politics." Obama spent three times as much money on the Pennsylvania primaries as Clinton did yet still Clinton won by about ten points. Even though Obama lost the primary he still received a lot of financial support on Wednesday. Both candidates have debt even though Obama owes about $660,000, and Clinton has deficit of about $10 million. Clinton needs money to win the primary in Indianna or she won't have as good of a chance to win.

It is crazy that Clinton is so in debt. I don't think that shows favorably for her. If she cannot run a campaign's finances how can she run a country's finances? I feel the same way about Obama but he is less in debt. I honestly am so confused by the democrats right now. I wish there was a clear cut winner or looser but so far there is not. I suppose to have the race be so close could work in favor of the GOP.

Barack Obama is perhaps not coming across strong enough in his efforts to be the next US president. He does not mention Clinton in his speeches and does not show how he is better suited for the position. Obama has held his tongue the whole time the two democrats have been campaigning. Instead of slandering Clinton he has stressed his idea of change. Clinton is the one who starts the opposition first. Obama does not believe Clinton to be strong. he said, "Senator Clinton has been trying a lot of different approaches and a lot of different criticism... you know, I know that people like to talk tough and use a lot of rhetoric about fighting and obliterating and all that stuff. You know that I have always believed that if you are tough you don't have to talk about it." Some people believe that politicians and the media are trying to typecast Obama as an "angry black man".

Obama is not arguing because he wants Clinton to look like an angry woman. People assume that men are a little more aggressive than women. If he were to start the fighting talk first Clinton would not come across poorly in her presentation and demeanor. I agree with his statement about strong people. You can be strong without stating it. Women may have a harder time conveying that then men but still the idea can be conveyed.

In the 1960's a photographer pushed the limits on art and advertisement. The photographer was George Lois and the magazine he shot the covers for was Esquire. Lois started his career at CBS and has worked for other such companies as Tommy Hilfiger, MTV, and USA Today. Lois' work pushed boundrys. The photographs were simple yet poignant with a clear statement on the events occuring in the world at the time and relevent to the articles within the magazine. starting friday, April 25, 2008 a display of 32 famous Esquire covers will be on display at New York's Museum of Modern Art

His work is impressive. The art is so simple yet captivating. I think that the covers today are sometimes captivating but often they look the same as so many other magazines on the rack next to them. The covers of esquire seem to have changed to be more stereoptypical than they were in the 60s. since tehre are only 32 covers being displayed I can't hjelp but wonder how many Lois produced. I like the one with Kennedy which you can see in the slideshow at the link.

more extra credit:
A great white shark is assumed to have bitten a swimmer in the ocean at Solana Beach, California. Dave Martin, 66, was in a group of nine swimmers when he was violently attacked. Martin was said to be attacked in a manner that pulled him out of the water and then dunked him under. He screamed for help and 4 other swimmers helped him out of the water and took him to the life guard station. At the lifeguard station a helicopter was held in and assistance was given but he bled to death on the spot. The way Dave martin was attacked is a typical white shark feeding habit. 8 miles of beach were closed off for 72 hours. This particular kind of shark is a fantastic swimmer. Some sharks who have been tagged have been found half way around the world. The dead man left behind a family, kids, and many friends.

If sharks have been found so far away from their original tagging place I'm confused as to why such a short length of beach was closed off. That would be so dreadful to be one of the swimmers who tried helping Martin live. That is a sight most likely never forgotten. I feel horrible for his family. They probably wonder what went through Martin's head in his last moments. The article said he was bitte in his legs. I hope he still had his legs only for his family. To know your loved one was dismembered by a shark would be a horrible thought in addition to the death by the shark.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Krista Grote (2 mandatory primary blogs)


AberObama & Fitch

After the Pennsylvania primary, Obama gave a speech. If you saw the video of his speech you may have noticed that there were three guys standing behind him in the crowd of people all wearing Abercrombie & Fitch tee shirts. Many people that blogged about Obama’s speech made a big deal of these guys in the background, saying things like “Obama, brought to you be Abercrombie & Fitch”. The store promises that they had nothing to do with the endorsing, but other people think it seems too coincidental not to be planned. For many of the candidates, they are always looking to create diversity in the backdrops. For example, when Obama’s wife was giving a speech they wanted more white people behind her.

I don’t think the store was in charge of placing these guys behind Obama for endorsing their company. A & F already has a world popular franchise. I think these guys just thought it would be funny to all wear the same brand shirt and get some attention because of it. I thought the shirts were kind of obnoxious, especially the one with the giant FITCH on it, I was distracted by it. However it does not really matter because the speech he gave was no good and offensive to republicans. Boo Obama, go Huckabee!


money money money... Money

Even though Hilary was able to pull through in this week’s primary in Pennsylvania, she does not have as big of a budget as Obama does. She made this known in one of her speeches and 24 hours later she raised over ten million dollars just through her web page. Although this seems like a lot to those of us struggling during the recession, this lump sum of cash hardly compares to the rest of the money the candidates have spent during this campaign. Hilary has spent around 164 million, but Obama has passed her by spending around 189 million dollars. Despite the spending differences, neither candidate is trying to stop raising money. This race is not only a race for the presidency but also a race to see who can have the bigger campaign piggy bank.

All of this money is going to waste. If these people are so concerned about making a difference, why don’t they start by using this money to do it. I can see how this money spending may be beneficial to the candidate that wins but for the other it is a total waste! It is like flushing money down the toilet instead of trying to help third world countries even get plumbing in the first place. Sometimes I think this world is twisted the way it works, and I can’t wait to go to heaven where all of our problems will be gone and we won’t have to worry about voting or taxes or even health care because we will all be prefect!

Murphy James - - Primaries

On Tuesday, April 22, Hilary Clinton stood face to face with loss. However, with 10 votes, Mrs. Clinton beat Mr. Obama in the Pennsylvania primary, a big general election state. But what exactly could this be implying about the democratic party? Could race be an issue here? Some are certain that it is, people such as David Axelrod, Obama's senior political adviser. Obama is not necessarily the favorite around blue-collared workers, old voters, or white voters. So, race as well as platform seem to be greatly hindering Senator Barack Obama.

Honestly, I think that people have to start looking beyond the race and gender bit. They are clearly serious enough to have gotten this far, so why not listen to what they are actually saying, instead of how they look? And democrats! Really? A party that is so hell-bent on bringing social wellfare and financial aid to the needy can't look beyond race? Next will we only be helping the white people? Or the males? It's 2008. I would really like to live in a world, or at least COUNTRY, that is race and gender prejudice free. We're the United States. Like it or not, the world watches our every move.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brooke Bellah make up

Photos Show Miley Cyrus Flashing Midriff and Bra

Recently photos have been released showing the 15 year old lifting up her shirt. This and her American Idol performance where she danced suggestively have brought to question whether the singer is still kid friendly. The photos--showing Cyrus with a boy (her boyfriend?)--are not the firstto be released. Apparently, there is a leak on her myspace page and photos have also been uncovered which show Cyrus in her underwear.
I hope Miley doesn't end like Lindsey Lohan or Britney Spears. Both of them started out relatively normal, and now look at them. Miley Cyrus seems to be going down a similar path; all of them received fame and attention at a very vulnerable age. I think she is a sweet girl, and even though these photos are a little exaggerated, I still think they might progress and get worse. I mean, she's only 15. What will she be doing when she's 18?

Brazilian Priest Carried Off by Party Balloons

A priest in Brazil attached himself to hundreds of helium-filled balloons in an attempt to break a world record. He took off on Sunday, but has not been seen since. "Given his physical condition and the equipment he was carrying, I would say there is an 80 percent chance that he is still alive," said one of the men in charge of the search. The priest had with him a helmet, aluminum thermal flight suit, water proof coveralls and parachute. The mass of balloons was discovered floating near the ocean, but the priest could not be found. The priest, an experienced skydiver, also had a GPS device, satellite phone and buoyant chair with him.
In any other circumstance like this, I would be convinced the person was dead. But in this case, I think there is still a good chance the priest is alive. The article said he had studied the mountians, and brought with him days' worth of water and food. It sounds like he was well-prepared. I hope he does make it because he was trying to raise money for a "spiritual rest stop" (whatever that means). At least he had a reason for doing it, not just to get attention.


Primary Elections
Clinton wins Pennsylvania, CNN projects
With about a quarter of precincts reporting, she was leading Barack Obama 54-46 percent.
Clinton will pick up a majority of the state's 158 delegates. Going into Tuesday's contest, Obama led in the delegate count -- 1,648 to 1,504, according to CNN estimates. Clinton got the support of older voters, with 61 percent of those 65 years or older backing her, according to the polls. She also received more support than Obama among white males, with 55 percent voting for her.
I am very surpised that Clinton won Pennsylvania. It looks like she has many fans that support her. However, it was a close tie between her and Obama. It seems that Pennsylvannia is populated more by whites then blacks so that may be a reason why she won.

Wanted: Single women voters in Pennsylvania
Maria Wing is a lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She's 28 years old, single and in debt.
She and thousands of other women like her could prove key in Tuesday's Democratic Pennsylvania primary. Single women overwhelmingly vote Democratic and in Pennsylvania one in four voters is a single woman, according to the "Women's Voices. Women Vote Action Fund," a group trying to mobilize the nation's women voters. Gardner's group polled 1,000 unmarried women nationwide last month and found 58 percent of single women identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 18 percent as Republicans. Their support is almost evenly split between Sens. Obama and Clinton, favoring Clinton slightly, 50 to 48 percent. In Pennsylvania, 44 percent of unmarried women struggle with a household income of less than $30,000, compared to 14 percent of their married counterparts, while 87 percent of married Pennsylvania women have private health care coverage; the number drops to 66 percent for unmarried women. Additionally, unmarried women make 56 cents on the dollar compared to men. Married women earn 77 cents on the dollar.
This explains why Hillary won the election. These woman know that if Hillary wins, she will do everything possible in order for these women to pay their debts. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, only God knows.

Extra Credit
In Chicago, fears of a long, bloody summer
Nine people were killed in 36 shootings over the weekend in Chicago, which what some community leaders say is a deadly breakdown in discipline among gang members after a crackdown over the past few years put many of their leaders behind bars. The shootings included drive-by attacks and one case in which someone shot up a plumbing supply store with an AK-47. At least 14 of the shootings were gang-related. CHicago fears that when June comes and all the children are on vacation there is going to be more gang fights because it is going to be hot and there will be more children outside doing nothing. In response to the bloodshed, Chicago police are making a show of force, deploying SWAT officers, something the department usually doesn't do until the summer, focusing more attention on areas where gang retaliation is likely and increasing their presence at schools.
If I lived in Chicago I will also live in fear of the streets. I think that schools during the summer should have programs for kids, this will prevent many crimes. I think that police should also be more aware of what is happening around the neighborhoods. Parents should be watching their kids during the summer, checking who their children hang around with.


International News
World Faces 'Silent Tsunami' of Rising Food Prices, U.N. Food Official Says
More than 100 million people are being driven deeper into poverty by a "silent tsunami" of sharply rising food prices. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, said the growing food crisis has pushed prices to their highest levels since 1945 and rivals current global financial turmoil as a threat to world stability. Prices for basic food supplies such as rice, wheat and corn have skyrocketed in recent months, driven by a complex set of factors including sharply rising fuel prices, droughts in key food-producing countries. Sheeran noted that the United States, which she said provides half of the world's food assistance, has pledged $200 million in emergency food aid and that Congress was considering an additional appropriation. Sheeran told reporters that the price of a metric ton of rice in parts of Asia had risen from $460 to $1,000 in less than two months. Hunger and anger have led to violence recently in Haiti, where food riots earlier this month resulted in several deaths, as well as Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia and Senegal. Argentina's attempt to control rising prices led to a strike by producers.
I think that this is very bad and I mean bad. I think that the US should do something besides giving money away. There has to be a reason for all of this and we have to find out that reason and fix it. It seems that the world is getting worse each year and there is no one to blame but ourselves.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Brooke Bellah make up

Carter: Hamas Willing to Accept Israel as 'Neighbor Next Door in Peace'

Ex-President Jimmy Carter recently met with Hamas leaders to negotiate a peace between the terrorist group and Israel. He believed that this peace was possible, but a Hamas spokesmen said Hamas' readiness to put a peace deal to a referendum "does not mean that Hamas is going to accept the result of the referendum." Palestine says that it will sign a peace referendum with Israel if Israel agrees to regress to their former bounderies (prior to 1967). Israel refuses to comply, and so not much progress is being made. Carter requested that Hamas agree to a monthlong unilateral truce, but Hamas did not agree with this proposal.
What is Carter doing? As a former President, he is an influential representative of the United States, and his meeting with the enemies of our allies is a slap in Israel's face. It also makes us look bad. These people have been at war with each other for centuries--does he really think that by getting the terrorist leaders and Israeli leaders in the same room they will talk it out and fix all their problems?

Texas Polygamy

A witness said there was no sexual activity taking plave in a Mormon church after investigators discovered a bed inside the facility. An expert of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints (FCLDS) said this bed was used for naps, and not to consemmate marriages of underage girls. Recently, the church has been accused of encouraging underage marriages of girls to much older men. The allegations began after a 16-year-old called the police and said her 50 year-old husband had raped and beaten her. As of lately, many of the children in the community have been removed from their parents' custody and placed into foster homes, for fear that they would also be abused. The courts are now deciding if they should give the children back to their parents, or continue to keep them in foster homes.
It's sad how these people can be brainwashed into believing they have to marry whoever they are told to as soon as they begin puberty, even if this person is a much older man who already has several wives. I think it's just an excuse for a lot of these men to take advantage of young girls, even though they say polygamy is a vital part of their belief system. It says some of these girls were giving birth at the age of thirteen. It's just gross. And I wouldn't be surprised if the bed was used to consemmate marriages. The Mormons only recognize marriages when they are performed inside the temple, so it wouldn't be a far stretch to think they had a bed inside the temple for this pupose as well. It would make more sense then to say they were encouraging naps during church, especially by a sect that stresses good works as a way to get into heaven.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kwang Min Kim (With Extra Credit)



Recently, a baby girl was born in India with two faces. Despite the fact she was born abnormal features and had two pairs of eyes, lips and noses, the parents say she is healthy and doing well.
The baby, who is yet to be named, was born to factory worker Vinod Kumar and his wife Sushma three weeks ago in northern India and has been drawing attention of curious observers and others who consider her a deity in the deeply religious Hindu-majority country. “Since I never saw anything like this in my life, I was naturally scared at first,” her father said in an interview. The infant girl has found easy acceptance in Kumar’s large, extended family that says they have no plans to looks for treatment or any kind of corrective surgery. “Since the heads are fused,


I think separating them is not possible. This case comes just months after Indian doctors performed a rare, marathon surgery to remove the extra limbs of a girl born with four arms and legs. What a coincident? I am sure there is something wrong in that country. India is messed up country. But I hope for the baby’s health and fortune.


As the number of multi-culture families keeps increasing in Korea, the government came up with programs to better support them. To help the multi-cultural families living here adapt to out society well, public facilities will offer support programs such as Korean language learning classes. The Ministry for Health Welfare and Family Affairs announced last week that it would choose five public educational facilities by July to provide customized services for the growing multi-cultural community.


This is good program, which well established by a Korean government. Korean government should turn their ears to minority’s voice. I think this will show positive side view on Korea.
The foreigner in Korea should learn Korean and Korean government should give them a chance to learn Korean and its cultural aspects.


DEMS get personal as Clinton goes after the big win in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, it’s not just about winning for Hillary Clinton. It’s about winning big
Clinton trails Barack Obama in delegates and is struggling to convince uncommitted superdelegates that her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is still alive and kicking. To that end, her campaign is looking for a commanding victory Tuesday to give her momentum going into the Indiana and North Carolina primaries two weeks later.

I think A double digit victory in Penn would be huge. Super delegates are big issue in both of their campaigns. I think Clinton has been trying hard over the past week, in Penn, In interview and in a TV ad, to get electoral mileage out of Obama’s controversial claim to a group of California donors that small town voters “cling” to guns and religion out of bitterness over lost jobs. Good Job Hillary! Keep it up. But I really don’t care.

Clinton, Obama trade shots on health care plans

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is fighting over health care, revisiting one of the Democratic candidates few significant policy differences threes days ahead of the Penn primary .
Clinton’s campaign mounted a protest after Obama released a TV ad Saturday, to be shown statewide until the primary, criticizing Clinton’s health care reform proposal. Clinton’s health care plan includes a mandate to buy insurance and offers tax subsidies to help some people purchase it.

“What’s she not telling you about her health care plan?” the ad asks. “It forces everyone to buy insurance even if you can’t afford it, and you pay a penalty if you don’t.”

In accusing Clinton of wanting to penalize people who don’t buy insurance, the ad does not explain how Obama, without penalties of his own, would enforce his proposed mandate that children be covered. Obama’s health care plan would not mandate coverage for adults, though, and it would provide assistance that, he says, would make coverage affordable.

Clinton frequently criticizes Obama’s approach.

“I just heard that my opponent has put up an ad attacking my health care plan, which is kind of curious because my plan covers everybody and his leaves out 15 million people,” Clinton retorted Saturday in York, Pa. “Just leaves them out in the cold — now instead of attacking the problem, he chooses to attack my solution. I don’t think that we can just make speeches about this.”

Her comments came as the campaign released a statement calling the ad’s assertions “false and widely discredited.”


Wow. Hillary actually has a point.

Just a kidding, No actually they are the same, as far as I can see nothing difference .

They want to spend ridiculous amount of money. That’s it.

In the end, no matter what they are

They are in the same category. This is their motto.

“Let’s Spend money”

That’s it. I see no differences.

But I give my applause to Clinton for trying

so hard to make difference between OBAMA and HER's

Universal Health Care Crap.

Friday, April 18, 2008

David Jeong

primary blog no. 1.
Hillary Clinton Philly suburbs key to state primary win
summary: Clinton urbs key to state primary win holds a lead in statewide polls. But Obama is strongly favored in Philadelphia and polls show him holding a slight lead in the arc of four increasingly Democratic counties around the city. Delaware County, the one which makes up most of Sestak's 7th congressional district, is his toughest with demographics that also suit Clinton and her blue collar appeal. "It is, without question, right at the center of the fight for Pennsylvania," said Rep Joe Sestak, D-Pennsylvania, the retired admiral who represents this district and who has endorsed Obama's rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton. "How my district goes is how the state may go."
Opinion: The election is just few months away. In November, we will see the real winner. At this point, Hillary Clinton seems like she is so sure of her winning. Maybe it applies the same to Obama. However, I think if Clinton gets elected, the American economy wouldn't come back. Maybe other people think differently but I think the Clintons just mess up the economy even though they are saying they clean up the situation. My conclusion is, I want Obama to win and no Hilary

Primary blog no.2
Obama goes on offensive against Clinton
Summary: After a weekend of playing defense about his "bitter" comments, Sen. Barack Obama went on offense against his Democratic rival and the presumptive Republican nominee. Obama mocked Sen. Hillary Clinton for throwing back a shot of whiskey in front of TV crews over the weekend and said she must think she's "doing me a favor" by attacking him and toughening him up for a fall race against Republican Sen. John McCain. Clinton has been hitting Obama hard after he referred to some small-town Pennsylvanians as "bitter" people who "cling to guns and religion" at a fund-raiser last week. Obama later said the remarks were badly phrased but accurate.
Opinion: The politicians get offensive a lot of times when they need to accomplish something. It seems like they are willing to do anything to win over the opponent. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a politician and change the bad things but now I realize how bad the system is for any countries and I don't want to become part of the daily fightings and offensive talks, whatsoever. However, the election is just a few months away and I think the candidates are all fired up for it. be nice people.

Chris (primaries)

Primary 1

Summary - Senator Clinton and Senator Obama go face-to-face again in another debate. This time it takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During the debate, both candidates went back and forth over the recent controversies in the campaign. Along with this, the Senators also covered their differences on taxes and the economy. After being pressed for a certain question, both Senators admitted that the opponent could win against McCain in the long run. "Now, I think I can do a better job -- obviously that's why I'm here," said Clinton. She followed by saying she will "do everything I possibly can to make sure that one of us takes the oath of office next January."

Opinion - I am not too sure who, between the two Senators, has the best chance against McCain right now. Obama alone might be good competition for McCain but I don't think Clinton alone would. Both Senators still won't say if they would name the other as a running mate. Neither of them probably will say "yes" or "no" to that until there is a definite winner between the two. If either of them want to win against McCain though, whoever wins the primaries probably should name the other as his or her running mate.

Primary 2

Summary - Senator Obama said that he does not see the point in having debates with Senator Clinton anymore. Clinton recently agreed to another debate, but Senator Obama has not accepted it yet. "I'll be honest with you, we've now had 21," said Obama. "It's not as if we don't know how to do these things. I could deliver Sen. Clinton's lines; she could, I'm sure, deliver mine." While making an appearance in Raleigh, North Carolina, the Senator said he has a lot of campaigning to do in a limited amount of time.

Opinion - I guess I could see Senator Obama's point. There isn't a lot of time left for either of the Senators right now. They have to use the time they have left wisely. Obama's comment on his and Clinton's last debate shows he doesn't want to go through with that again. He said, "Last night, we set a new record, because it took us 45 minutes before we even started talking -- until we started talking about a single issue that matters to the American people." It makes sense that Barack doesn't want to waste more time like he and Clinton did in that debate. There's really no point in going through all of that again.

Kaylen May Gerkey

Obama: Let's campaign, not have more debates
Sen. Barack Obama expresses frustration with additional debates. Clinton asked Obama for another debate but Obama has not yet accepted. Obama says that he asked Clinton earlier and she declined. It is not like they have not done this before. They have had 21 previous debates, Obama said and right now he has to check his schedule. In the meantime the Birtish Prime minister, during his stay in DC, visited with each of the presidential candidates. He sat down with each for 45 minutes and had a good laugh with McCain during a photo op. With Obama the two talked about strengthening the British Alliance.

I would have to agree with him. They debate all the time and what effect is another debate going to have on the public. If no one payed attention to the first 21 what would make the next one any different? Plus, Obama has facd a lot of scrutiny lately and he would probably prefer a rest form the public eye, but who knows. I aslo think if Clinton can decline his request for another debate that he has the right to do the same as well.

Obama Pledges no earmarks in 2009
Last year Sen. Barack Obama, submitted a laundry list of federal funding requests, known as earmarks, to the Senate Appropriations Committee: 112 earmarks totaling more than $330 million in taxpayer funds. But this year Obama told CNN he will request no earmarks for fiscal year 2009. The dramatic change is in line with what Obama issued last month in connection with an amendment calling for a one-year moratorium on earmarks in the Senate.
The amendment, sponsored by federal earmark foe Sen. Jim DeMint was shot down by a vote of 79-21. Obama signed on as a co-sponsor of the amendment, as did his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and the Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain of Arizona. Obama says, "The entire earmark process needs to be re-examined and reformed.”

I agree with Obama and all the co sponsors, McCain and Clinton. Critics even say that earmarks should be taken out of the legislative appropriations process altogether. It should be applied by Federal agencies according to objective findings of need and carefully constructed requests rather than being earmarked by elected officials. After hearing how much Obama got taxpayers to put out last year, $330 Million, I am more than happy to hear he wants to have none on 2009. But is that even possible? How many presidents or presidential candidates promise big changes or whatever and then get into office and do nothing they promised? If he were to come to office and keep this promise how much of a difference would it make?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Andrew Reiff

National Primary

Summary- Obama wants voters to remember Clinton's past

Barack Obama seems to be renewing his focus on attacking Senator Clinton. He knows that she has been in the public eye for many years, so she has many things that can be used against her. Obama is being smart, but it is yet to be seen if Clinton can counter all of his attacks effectively. If she can, she may prove to be a tough candidate to beat. Obama accused Clinton of accusing him too much over the remarks he made about small-town Americans clinging to religion out of bitterness. Obama is certain that the Republicans would attack the winner of the primary, so he wants Hillary to back down a little bit.


I don't really like the tactics that Obama is using. If he can't take the heat from Clinton, then he should not be running in the race. I think that he should give as good as he gets. Sure he made a mistake in speaking in recent days, but he should compare that to all of Hillary's "memories." I say lets make this fight as dirty as it can get. The Democrats have not had a very close primary in a long time, and this one is going to be very memorable. The winner of this primary will have a good chance on John McCain if they come out stronger, rather than weaker, than they came in. If the winner feels beaten up at the end of the primaries, a fresh John McCain will destroy him. And I totally agree with McCain's tactic of laying low and letting them duke it out. Good for him.

Summary- Obama says debate focused on "gotcha" not policy issues

Senator Obama is mad that the moderators for the recent debate focused on his misspeaking errors and past beliefs. Clinton seemed happy with it. Obama claimed that in pursuing those routes to go for the debate, ABC robbed the American people of a chance to see what a brilliant tactician he is.


I think that Obama is being a bit of a crybaby here. ABC has the right to ask any question that they may feel is necessary to get good ratings. If Barack didn't like the questions, he didn't have to be at the debate at all. Now I know that they do not receive the debate questions beforehand, and I applaud them for their excellent answers on the spot, but he should have expected the media to go after him after his recent activities.

Susan Jewell

Clinton and Obama debated one another and conceded that the other could win presidency. Hilary was very emphatic that Obama could win saying "yes, yes, yes" although she said she felt she was better suited for the position. Obama said he worded a statement incorrectly. He had meant some people focus too much on social issues because they feel the government cannot help them financially. clinton was called an elitist which she countered with saying she could have stayed home and baked cookies but instead she pursued a career.

I think that it really is up for debate right now which one will win. Clinton I think may have more support. Obama has been making too many waves. I don't think women should be called elitist if they plan for more of their life and career than to be house wives. I doubt Obama worded a statement incorrectly. He plans his words so well. I would guess the statement was not well accepted and he then decided to change it.

Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama both appeared on The Colbert Report. Clinton came on simply to speak about how she could fix any problem including a broken screen and Colbert's shiny forehead. Obama put manufactured distractions on the notice board. He said he was sure Americans were tired of the drama pertaining to his church. Clinton and John Edwards spoke to one another back stage between breaks although the topic of their conversation was not revealed.

I think that Clinton's skit sounded funny although I did not see it. I did witness Obama's act; and it was boring and not even informative which I feel he is often better at than Hilary. manufactured distractions are kind of what the presidential race is about. To put those on notice is silly. They won't go away and they are, quite frankly, how people decide whether or not they like the candidates. The topic of conversation is not really all that important to me regarding Clinton and Edwards. They are friends I would guess the conversation was simply friendly conversation and nothing more. If Clinton were to speak seriously to Edwards I believe it would be behind closed doors not behind a stage.



Summary - In Dallas, Texas, a tow truck driver took a car parked in a fire lane without realizing a child was in it. After the driver stopped to check and make sure the car was properly hooked up, he then found the boy asleep in the car. The driver Fidel Retana Jr. quickly returned the child to the parents and drove off before the police arrived. Retana was arrested later on for charges of child endangerment but they expect to drop the charges soon. "It appeared that he did not intend to take the child," said police.

Opinion - I guess the incident was all just an accident so the driver shouldn't really be charged. He should be more attentive though with his job. He should've noticed a child was in the car in the first place so none of this would have happened. He obviously didn't mean to do it but should have at least stuck around for the police. I could understand he probably saw the parents as being very angry after all of this and didn't want to stick around to deal with them but he still should have waited until everything was sorted out.


Summary - A Romanian man had been keeping a lion in his back garden until neighbors couldn't take it any longer. After being annoyed by the many roars of the lion, the neighbors finally called police. When the police showed up, they found a caged 3-year-old lioness, as well as two peacocks, a stag and two deer roaming the garden of this 28-year-old man. He is being charged with illegal possession of wild animals and may be sent to jail for up to a year. The 3-year-old lioness that was in the man's possession will be taken to Bucharest zoo.

Opinion - Why would he have all these animals in his back yard basically? It doesn't sound very safe to me. I know I wouldn't want something that could eat me living in my back yard. It doesn't sound too comforting for some reason.. Call me crazy but I think you should leave the man-eating animals in the zoo.. I think the man should be charged with something because he could have endangered the lives of the people living around him but I don't he should be given jail time. That just seems too harsh.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Krista Grote ( there are only 2 b/c u said we only had 2 do 2 on primaries)


Obama v. Clinton

With the primary election coming up on Tuesday in Pennsylvania the tension is high between the two candidates. The way the two candidates act towards one another also makes it hard to tell how they truly feel about one another. Some of the time they talk smack behind each others back, but at the same time they are enthusiastic about what lies ahead in the future election, because they believe either one of them will be able to beat senator McCain. Even though they both believe that the Democratic Party has a hopeful future, neither of the senators will agree to running as a running mate for the candidate that wins the primary.

I think it is a smart idea of both senators to not say at this time that they are willing to run for second best. If they did agree to this, it would make them look weaker. If they say they would still be willing to run with the other for vice president then people would vote for the one because they know they would be able to get both if they vote for the one that will only take the position as president. Personally I don’t think either of these candidates is great and I would not vote for either of them no matter who would be willing to run as vice president. I would vote for Mike Huckabee!!


Obama on a role

Obama’s wife Michelle gave a speech in Indiana to supporters to talk about all the hurdles they have had to over come on this campaign track. When they started out there was much doubt that he was going to be able to collect the funds and create the organization and wins the caucuses and delegates in the campaign process. Barrack never gave up hope and has pulled through all the challenges he has faced and even has some change to spare! Obama wants to go all the way and he has a wife that is right by his side to support him the whole way.

Mrs. Obama is just about s good of a speaker as Barrack is. She is very eloquent and presents herself well. Who knows, in the next four years she could be running for president against Hilary. It is nice to see a candidate whose family supports them and is willing to give speeches for them on the campaign trail to get more votes and appeal to all types of people. This is the type of thing will get you more votes because voters like to see that their candidates are like them and can best represent their concerns and problems and make a difference.

Chris (1/2)


Summary - Police stopped a man in Magnolia, Arkansas, and searched his car after smelling something strange. After a consented search by the man Savalas Vantoli Stewart, the police found marijuana hidden inside a recently purchased box of fried chicken, as well as a few ecstasy pills in his pockets. The incident happened after a a traffic stop Friday night. The thirty-three year old man faces a misdemeanor possession charge for having the marijuana and also a felony drug possession charge for the ecstasy. The Columbia County jail released Stewart Monday and a court appearance for the man will follow.

Opinion - Why did this man consent to the search of his car? Well, I should be asking why he even had those drugs in his car in the first place? Everyone knows the rule: if you have drugs, keep them at home... or not at all. It's fairly simple but some people just don't get it. Oh well. Also, why did he hide the "weeds", as the kids say, in the box of chicken, of all places? I don't remember learning in chemistry chicken grease being a good odor neutralizer. Maybe he should have shoved that dope in a bottle of Oust or something..


Summary - A man in Australia is on the run after escaping the custody of police Tuesday. The man is a suspected burglar who was arrested that day but managed to escape with a cop car, while still handcuffed. Police said that day that while they examined a bag outside, two officers handcuffed the man and left him in the back of the unmarked police car. The keys to the vehicle were left inside of it while the policemen were elsewhere. The arrested suspect then climbed into the driver's seat and drove off. The vehicle was found an hour later but the suspect has yet to be found.

Opinion - Wow.. That there bur-glar sure is a clever one, ain't he? Or maybe it's simply the police who are not. No policeman should ever leave his keys in the car while an arrested suspect is also in there. OBVIOUSLY. It is situations and incidents like these that promote the stereotype that cops are idiots who eat donuts. I could imagine the cops in this situation fitting that stereotype exactly, with that "bag" they were examining being from their local Dunkin' Donuts. Nice job, guys..

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


In Los Cabos, Mexico and American family was held at gunpoint in their car and robbed. The bandits made off with the family's plane as they were about to take off from the hotel airstrip. The detective, Juan Carlos de Jesus Jimenez , says the thieves broke one of the cars windows and held the family at gunpoint, forced them out, then set the automobile on fire. The plane was most likely stolen for drug smuggling. All victims are unharmed; unfortunately the suspects as well.

I have no desire to travel to even the nicest parts of Mexico. This comes as no surprise, and I bet the plane shows up after a little while and the thieves never get caught. Mexico has no justice, and many Mexicans in America act as if there were none; it is quickly becoming so.

China is insisting upon an apology from CNN whose commentator, Jack Cafferty, called the Chinese leaders "a bunch of goons and thugs" and labeled its products as "junk." "We are shocked and strongly condemn the vicious remarks by Cafferty, we solemnly request CNN and Cafferty himself take back the malicious remarks and apologize to the Chinese people." Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said. Jack Cafferty holds that he was referring to the Chinese government, not it's people.

Why doesn't China just block CNN along with all the other stuff the Marxist country filters. Heaven forbid anyone hear the truth! You really can't make communism sound pretty. We pay china to poison our dog food and paint our toys with lead. Really China, you're lacking much needed reform and you can't hide it anymore.

Senator John McCain called for an extension on the deferral of federal taxes on gasoline to last through the summer. "In so many ways, we need to make a clean break from the worst excesses of both political parties, Somewhere along the way, too many Republicans in Congress became indistinguishable from the big-spending Democrats they used to oppose." McCain said on tax day. He asked for the 18.4 cent federal tax and 24.4 cent diesel tax to be delayed until Memorial day instead of labor day. This would deprive the federal government of about $10 billion dollars. The money saved by tax payers is expected to benefit the entire economy. McCain is said to be drafting a bill in support of this tax delay.

I spend at $50 dollars to fill up my tank. I'll convert to bicycling like Andrew if this tax goes into effect. That's ridiculous! The federal government doesn't need any more money. Fire some people and get rid of redundant, unnecessary social programs. Give us the relief at the gas pump! I like McCain's campaign strategy!

Sen. Arlen Specter (head of the Judiciary Committee) asked the democratic presidential nominees as well as McCain if they would support faster confirmation of federal judges. discharge," Specter would like to discharge three appellate court nominations from the committee and bring them straight to the Senate floor for a vote. "I write to find out how you would vote on the proposed discharge petition, but also, candidly, to focus the public's attention on these nominations," Specter said in his letters. He ended by signing all of them "good luck".

For the most part, I agree with Specter's view. The committee's undermine the power of the senate as a whole in this case. This move may cause more dissension among the senate as a whole, but overall would cause members to be more attentive to what is going on.


Pennsylvania PrimaRies
Clinton had 50 percent and Obama’s 44 percent, according to the Quinnipiac University poll out Tuesday. The numbers remain unchanged from last week, before the uproar over Obama’s remark that people in small towns in Pennsylvania cling to guns and religion to vent their frustration over the economy and Washington’s false promises. According to the poll, support for Obama among the state’s black voters up to 86 percent, compared with 75 percent a week ago, while Clinton maintained her advantage among whites, 57 percent to Obama’s 37 percent. The poll of 2,103 likely Democratic voters in Pennsylvania had a margin of error of 2.1 percent.
It seems that this is getting very intense and Barak and Hillary are doing everything possible in order to win the elections and become president. Well we can't really know who really wants to make a difference and who just wants to become president just to do whatever he or she wants I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think that this has become very intense simply because it is the first year that a woman and an african american have run for president.

Students want chance to defend themselves
Michael Flitcraft, a 23-year-old sophomore at the University of Cincinnati, has become a leading advocate for college students to carry weapons on campus. He's an organizer for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. F`itcraft calmly explained he is licensed to carry a weapon in Ohio. He wants to carry his gun on campus to defend himself from potential killers, but by law he can't. Utah is the only state to allow weapons at all public universities. Colorado allows students at universities to carry weapons, except the main university campus in Boulder. In Virginia, Blue Ridge Community College allows students with a proper concealed-weapons permit to be armed.
I think that carrying guns in schools are a bad idea. Simply because we don't know who is carrying it to defend themselves or to kill other people. This will simply bring more problems to universities and will bring more killing. I think that having securities and cameras that will be fine.

Rape a child, pay with your life, Louisiana argues
For the first time in 44 years, a state is preparing to execute a man for a felony other than murder. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday on whether Louisiana can use capital punishment in child rape cases. The constitutional question before the justices is whether the death penalty for violent crimes other than homicide constitutes "cruel and unusual" punishment. Kennedy was sentenced to die in 2003 for sexually assaulting his stepdaughter in her bed. The crime occurred in Harvey, across the big river from New Orleans. It caused severe emotional trauma,and internal injuries and bleeding to the child, requiring extensive surgery.
Well I agree with the state. I think that this man should die. Putting him in prison is not enough punishment for this man. He did this crime in 2003, 5 years ago, i dont know why he is still alive. He should be dead already. This child was raped and she deserves some justice.

Iraqi militias use food as recruiting tool, report says
A report says the United States, the government of Iraq and the international community aren't doing enough to address the daily problems faced by the 2.7 million internally displaced Iraqis, who have fled homes in war-torn regions to other places in Iraq. These people are unemployed in their new locations and many times unable to access food and health care. The report slams the government of Iraq as being "unwilling" and "unable" to address such humanitarian issues "lacking both the capacity and the political will to use its important resources to address humanitarian needs."
I think that the government of Iraq should not just be depending on the US to do everything for them because the US has its own problems that it has to fix. It is the Iraqi government's job to provide jobs for these people and provide shelter for them. The US has many problems and the gov't must work on that. But everything can't always be blamed on the government.

Kellye Harkey

ABC News' Rick Klein Reports: A Republican House member Monday sent a letter of apology to Sen. Barack Obama, after calling him "boy" and comparing him to a "snake oil salesman" in attacking his national security credentials at a weekend fund-raising dinner in Kentucky.
According to a Lexington Herald-Leader blog item, Rep. Geoff Davis, R-Ky., said Saturday that he had recently participated in a "highly classified, national security simulation" with Obama, and said that exercise showed that Obama can't be trusted to make difficult decisions.
"I'm going to tell you something: That boy's finger does not need to be on the button," Davis said. "He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country."
The Obama campaign slammed the comments.

Why are people so sensitive these days? No body would think anything of it if someone called me girl or called Mr.Hjort "boy". People need to get theirs heads out of their butts. I do not think that guy should of apologized because I really do not think he was doing it as a "racist" thing but of course people would think he was. It seems we have to be so gentle and careful around Obama cause God forbid we say something that someone will most likely take out of context and turn it into a racsist issue.

The Democratic presidential candidate will make her first appearance on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" on Thursday. Both Clinton and Colbert have come to Pennsylvania ahead of the state's hard-fought Democratic primary on April 22.
Clinton rival Barack Obama also is in Pennsylvania, but has thus far declined Colbert's invitation. Obama's wife, Michelle, will appear on the show Tuesday.

I really do not like Hilary Clinton but I do think it is a smart idea to go on his show. Alot of people including myself watch this show. It will help people be more informed about what is going on with a twist of humor.


1: ABC News' David Wright, Andy Fies and Sunlen Miller Report: At a morning event in Pittsburgh, Sen. Obama directed a new line of attack at his Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton in the fallout surrounding recent remarks where he cast small town voters as "bitter".
Without mention any candidate by name, Obama said "Around election time, the candidates they just can't do enough. They'll promise you anything, they’ll give you a long list of proposals. They'll even come around, with TV crews in tow and throw back a shot and a beer." (On Saturday, Clinton had a beer and did a shot of whiskey at Bronko's Restaurant in Indiana.)

I think that he has a valid point to how candidates make promises for people to vote for them. Yet he is kinda beign hypocritical because he has done the same things throughout the election. Just because your doing it throughout it doesn't mean your not doing it.

2: April 15th is Tax Day which means it's as good a day as any to chart the distance John McCain has traveled on taxes.
Back in 2001, McCain voted against President Bush's $1.35 trillion 10-year tax cut, saying, "I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle class Americans who most need tax relief."
Two years later, McCain voted against further Bush tax cuts, saying the costs of the Iraq war were not yet known.

I think that the tax cut is kinda dumb but yet it has a point to it completely. He needs to stick to his word when he said that two years ago. If he changes his mind now than it would most likely be held against him. People need to just deal with the fact that the law for that may change.

3: A former nanny for Rob Lowe claims the actor sexually abused her for years but she continued to work for him and his wife because she loved their two sons and needed the job.
In legal papers filed in Santa Barbara, Jessica Gibson says Lowe touched her inappropriately several times between September 2005 and January 2008.
Gibson worked for Rob and Sheryl Lowe on and off for seven years before quitting on Feb. 24.

I think that the lady is just trying to get publisity kinda cause he's famous so why would you have not said anything earlier? He is a man who loves his family and cares why would he take that at risk just to have some fun here and there. It's wrong and she honestly just wants money.

4: Despite the old adage about sticks and stones, the mother of New York City middle school student Maria Herrera told a local newspaper that words really did hurt her daughter, who apparently committed suicide by hanging herself last week.
Herrera was the latest tragic victim of bullying, according to her mother, who told The New York Post that she found the 12-year-old hanging dead in a closer from a cloth belt on April 7.
Mercedes Herrera told the The Post that students constantly teased her daughter and even went as far as cutting her hair.

I think that is so sad that a little girl that is 12 has to kill herself because of bullying. I mean they took it way to far when they cut her hair. I want bullying somehow to be illegal but i don't know how they would classify that as bullying. It's wrong and teachers need to take watch for it and actually do something about right away.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Brian's Primary Blogs

National (primaries) - With the Pennsylvania primary coming up, McCain’s focus is the declining economy. The candidate has labeled the situation a recession, and has been proposing his own cures for the trouble. On the recent remarks made by Obama concerning small-town voters, McCain said Obama was being “elitist” and the children of the people Obama was criticizing are the ones defending our country overseas. McCain also supports new legislation protecting the identity of news sources.

Opinion – I suppose there’s not much argument from either side of the isle concerning our suffering economy, but the question is what McCain would do about it. I think the problem with the comments Obama made is that they were not only elitist, but they were generalizations, and I think McCain was simply making more of them. This article was really disjointed besides the fact it was all about McCain.

National (primaries) - Ever since Obama’s comments, Hilary has been doing her best to cash in on the blunder. For four days straight she’s been coming back to those remarks. However, in a rally today, the crowd seemed fed up with this “contrasting the candidates” approach, and shouted out “no” after a couple of Hillary’s questions, though this may have simply been organized by the Obama campaign. However, the crowd applauded when Hilary admitted her husband’s mistakes.

Opinion – Well, doesn’t surprise me. It’s hard to feel bad for either of these two; they just keep ripping on each other. I’m just ready to find out which one is going to be the final candidate. I’m looking forward to that.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Full Credit Make-up! BRIAN

International - A screenplay for one of The Lord of the Rings movies was recently confiscated from a child-soldier detainee at Guantanamo Bay. Navy Lieutenant Commander William Kuebler, the boy’s appointed attorney [the boy Khadr was 15 in 2002 when he was first put in Gitmo], had given the boy the script in order to build trust. The screenplay was taken away because it did not directly relate to Khadr’s defense. Kuebler was also forbidden from playing chess or checkers with Khadr as well. The Lord of the Rings books are available to prisoners, but Khadr’s greatest desire is to see the movies. He is going on trial for war crimes and the death of a special-forces soldier. Khadr is 21, and could face life in prison.

Opinion – I don’t know enough about this to be sure about anything, but it seems like this guy should be let off a little easier than life in prison. I don’t know. Of course the enemy wouldn’t do something like that, and I don’t know the whole story, but it seems like his young age should count for something. Did he have a choice in fighting for a terrorist organization? Probably not a whole lot.

National - The Catholic church in America is continuing to grow mostly because of immigrants. Besides European immigrants, Hispanic Catholics are the most common new church members. Hispanic Catholics tend to be more conservative on moral and social issues but liberal on economic ones, and make up 39% of U.S. Catholics. However, the number of Hispanics claiming no religious affiliation is growing the most.

Opinion – Cool. Did you know the Pope is coming from the 15th to the 20th this month? I wish I could see him. But then again, I don’t know if I really like the new Pope. Anyways, I just thought this article was interesting, but I don’t feel strongly one way or another about it.

Chris full credit make-up


Summary - Wyvetter H. Younge, a 77 year-old state representative for Illinois, was glad to be alive after she was robbed in her own home one day. The robbery happened during noon on a Friday. The woman thought it to be her son entering the house but instead found a man she wasn't familiar with wearing a red hat, jacket and dark pants. The man held the Democrat representative at gun point and took off with her purse. Younge said she'll pray for the man who did this.

Opinion - Well this is just terrible. Robbers should really leave the old folks alone. I believe it to be an unwritten rule of etiquette that robbers and burglars should stay within their age bracket. But, of course, criminals will be criminals. And as criminals go, they never do follow the rules. Anyhow, the robber was truly an idiot as he only made away with the representative's purse, which contained a GRAND total of $7. Very nice, robber-man. You managed to steal more than you're worth. Nicely done...


Summary - Police say a woman in Cedar Rapids, Iowa chased down a burglar with an ice scraper and made him pick up what he stole and dropped when he fled. It was the home of Derdre Rodriguez who police went to on Monday, when the incident occurred. When they got there they found the lady holding a sixteen-year-old Jake Merfeld at bay with the ice scraper. The incident took place after the woman showed up at her house to find Jake running across the yard with the stolen items. She then hit the burglar over the head with the ice scraper and he then surrendered. Merfeld, who was treated for a cut on his head, faces a second-degree burglary charge.

Opinion - What is it we have here? Some girl power at work maybe? Well, good for her. She took control of the situation and nabbed the criminal. So bravo to her! It is somewhat sad though that the burglar is only sixteen-years-old. I just hope he doesn't have to go to prison. He just seems to young to have to go there. Well.. that's what juvi's for, right? :/


Summary - In an Indonesian town, massage parlors have begun asking their female masseuses to put padlocks on their skirts and pants. The purpose behind this is to make clear to people that sex is not for sale there. The women's affairs minister of Indonesia did not like this act and protested it as massage parlors are often a front for prostitution. "It is not the right way to prevent promiscuity," said Meutia Swasono. "It insults women ... as if they are the ones in the wrong."

Opinion - Well, this is quite the predicament. I don't entirely understand if the women masseuses are being made to wear the padlocks or not. I guess if the business doesn't want their workers selling sex, then the owners should be able to force them to wear the locks. If the female masseuses don't like being forced to wear the padlocks then they could just work at a different massage parlor. If massage parlors are a common front for prostitution, then I'm sure a few of them won't take up the idea of padlocks on the masseuses.


Summary - In Stockholm, Sweden, the electrocution of a rat in an electric station caused power outages the city's central train station. Halting to the elevators and escalators followed."The rat had sneaked into a secondary substation and came into contact with some parts that caused it to short circuit," said Jesper Ekenlund, the spokesman for the power company Fortum. The outage that morning led to some delays in train traffic. "It must have been really big because there's a certain distance between the parts it touched."

Opinion - Okay.. That is somewhat disgusting. Well, first of all, there probably shouldn't have been rats in the electric station anyway. That just smells like disaster.. or rotting, charred rat in this case. The spokesman for the power company said the rat "must have been big". Because of how he worded it, it makes me think nothing (or not much) of the rat's body was left, which makes the incident even more disturbing. This doesn't even include the fact that, according to the spokesman, it must have been a good sized rat. Now isn't that just grand?..