Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blog 1 of 4 - Tyler Adair

A recent rise in violence in Iraq has shaken things up with the troop reduction plan which has been in effect for a few months now. General Petraeus has asked that no more troop reductions take place until the violence in Iraq decreases from this past month. This means that additional troop may not be brought home before President Bush leaves office in January. The general has said that the progress in Iraq is real, yet fragile and can be easily reversed if troops are taken out before the time is right.

I agree with the general, unless things are secured I don’t think we can afford to have the number of troop lowered. This also causes us to question, will Iraq ever be secured, I still say we haven’t spent enough time there, but other want us to get out now. I sure hope things start getting better so we can bring the troops home and have a victory in Iraq.