Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ashley Cowan

International: Bomb scare forces evacuation in Latin America's tallest building

Summary: More than 10,000 people were evacuated Thursday form Latin America's tallest building. Police found a small handmade bomb in a car in the parking garage. The Attorney General's Office investigated the incident, however there were no claims of responsibility. There was an anonymous call to one of the tower's offices to warn them of the bomb.

Opinion: This is just an example of how terrorism is an ever present threat to the world. Although it was only a small bomb, it caused an evacuation of an entire building. No country in the world is safe from terrorism. SCARY!!!

National: 9 Year old boy charged with death of 11-month-old

Summary:The 9 year old boy in Trenton N.J. at daycare was charged with the death of an 11-month-old baby. The boy was reported of repeatedly beating the young boy in the head. The baby had skull fractures and was taken to the hospital, but died 6 hours later during surgery. The father believes the daycare operator is behind the scandal, and is trying to cover it up.

Opinion: As a parent you can never be to careful. Some people believe that children of that age can't be held responsible for their actions. I feel that no matter what age the child is, they should be held accountable for their actions. They are conscious of what they are doing and should know right and wrong. However, I feel that he is old enough to receive the punishment that has been dealt on him

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Both incidents are extremely scary. Everyone must be alert to terrorist threats and parents must be alert to possible threats to their child's well-being at a daycare facility.