Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Murphy James Primary

1.) Summary:

The canidates trudge forward on their quest of being nominated. The Republicans turn up the heat in Michigan, discussing the unemployment rate and the economic situation. Barack Obama attended a rally in New Hampshire, and Hilary took a break from the campaign trail as she and her staff discussed budgeting.

I think its good that the canidates are discussing unemployment and our poor economy. In my opinion, the economy could really use some work. Inflation is horrible, and $100 for a barrel?!?!?!?! Honestly, this is hogwash. Some other Democratic canidates need to step it up a little so Hilary doesn't get the party nomination. I hope she takes a looong break and forgets to come back.

2.) Summary:
Hilary's win in New Hampshire impacted the primaries greatly. Hilary winning New Hampshire suprised both Obama's party as well as her own; both parties were expecting Obama to win New Hampshire. Because of her win, it may cause Edwards to stay in the race longer, since he could steal more blue collar votes from Hilary and some anti-Hilary votes from Obama.

If her win really does make oponents stay in the race longer, GOOD. I hope that Obama or Edwards smash her in the primaries. And if she does win, I hope whoever wins the republican nomination wins the presidency. Hopefully New Hampshire will be her only win. Unlikely, but hey, a girl can dream right?

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

$100 is terrible.

Just cry a little and you win a primary. SAD!

Little short on your responces.