Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chuck HAll P1



ASU to celebrate over 20 seniors at this weeks final home game. The devils have 27 seniors all of which have contributed greatly to this season. Its been a great ride the past four years for some of them such as zach krula and robert james. They were brought in back in 2002 after the devils finishe with an 8 and 6 season and are riding three straight bowl apperances and a chance to get a BCS birth this year these devils will be greatly missed including standouts like saftey Josh barret and rb ryan torain as well as ol zach krula and lb robert james and of coruse tight end Brent miller older brother to Zach miller who opted to the nfl last year while big brother stayed tofinish his career

I think that a coulple of these guys can make it to the nfl. Those include rb ryan torain despite being injured half way through the season as well as safte josh barret who is a defensive stand out and was all pac ten last year. All they need to do is beat Uof A

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