Thursday, October 11, 2007

Andrew Reiff


Summary- School gunman had access despite threats

Yesterday a 14 year-old shot up his school, wounding 6 and killing himself. In the beginnings of the investigation, it has been revealed that the shooter, Asa Coon, was suspended at the time of the shooting, got past an armed security guard and metal detectors, changed into all black clothing with a Marilyn Manson T-shirt, and shot a kid who punched him, then shot others, including two teachers before authorities got to him and he killed himself with the .38. Coon continually took abuse throughout his school career, had been in juvenile court twice, including for domestic violence (attacking his mother), made bomb threats and death threats this week, had mental health problems, had poor hygiene, dressed in all black with a dog collar and trenchcoat and glove all the time, and had been suspended for trying to harm a student.


Wow do you think there were a few warning signs in this case? No way the school could have forseen the way this kid was going to act and watched for him, eh? Gimme a break these incidents are so preventable, in nearly every case it is a specific type of individual that is doing it, and no one seems to recognize that it needs to stop. And come on, the kid was on suspension and the school probably let him in anyways because no one remembered. This is a sad, sad story of incompetence on someone's part.


Summary-China dirvers kick up stink about "WC" plates

Apparently some Beijing motorists are mad about their new lisence plate combinations because they contain the letters WC, known widely in China to mean water closet or bathroom. Over 800 Chinese drivers have been issued the letter combination, but police are steadfast in their stand, although they have struck the letters SB from the lisence plates because it sounds like a bad cussword in Mandarin, and also the number 4, because it sounds like the Mandarin word for death.


Who really cares about the letters on you license plate? you are not really going to get made fun of for that because it really isnt your fault! its just a government assigned number that you can't help, although I do think that it is kind of funny that WC is used a lot in China as a common English abbreviation, because of all things, they choose WC? funny.


Summary- How to say no to the President

This this blog that you gave us in class, Mr. Hjort.
This thing is saying that the Supreme Court can, in fact, refuse the President's will and it may rule the treaties unconstitutional and may allow the execution of Medellin to continue. It is within SCOTUS' powers of judicial review and a check on the President's power. The President does not have law-making powers, therefore cannot declare the treaty binding.


I totally agree with this, let the Supreme Court rule that the President cannot declare this treaty law without Congress' approval. It is our laws, the guy committed the crime on our soil, and he must be punished according to our standards, not the standards set forth by some namby-pamby international court. International law, like the Geneva Convention, is all well and good, but when it interferes with our way of life then it must be disregarded. Sorry boys, we can't help you, and yer Mexican friend is gonna cook like a tortilla because he did some horrible things.


Summary-Mexican arrested in dismemberment case

An aspiring MExican horror novelist was arrested for the killing of his girlfriend and two other women, found interspersed throughout his apartment in small pieces, including bones in his ceral box. The draft of the horror novel, which was to be called Cannabalistic Instincts, was found in the apartment of the man as well. He denied eating any of the women.


Now here's some research for a book. This guy knew how to really describe how to kill someone, by actually doing it three times and then dismembering them and boiling some parts. He also has some serious problems with relationships...

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Very scary situation in Cleveland.

Do you want Toilet on you lic. plate?

Constitution is our law.

Little short on opinion on the last post.