Friday, October 12, 2007

Brooke Bellah---i know it's past 8 but i forgot...75% ?

International: Giving Peace a Chance

138 of the most influential Muslilm leaders have decidwed to get together and write a letter to Christian leaders. The letter will be addressed to such people as the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Methodist and Baptist leaders. In it, Muslims compare the similarities etween the two faiths and call for peace between them. This letter has been three years in the making, because it has taken that long to convince all 138 members to support it. A letter to the Jews is also in the works.

Opinion: If it has taken three years just to get the Muslims to agreee to write a letter, and they believe in the same principles--how is this letter going to unite Christians and Muslims, whose idealogies are profoundly different (even though the letter claims they are the same). There is too much animosity, because of terrorist attacks and the ongoing war in the Middle East, for this letter to create real peace. And to think a simple letter to the Jews from the Muslims--who hate each other way more then Christians and Muslims do--could solve all the religious-based wars in te Middle East is crazy.

National: Coulter draws fire over remarks about Jews

Ann Coulter appeared on Donny Deutch's show "The Big Idea" and made soem more stupid comments. Deutch describes himself as a "practicing Jew" and Coulter decided to make a comment about how Jews needed to be "perfected" She was talking about how Christians call themselves "perfected Jews". She continued to say that the nation would be better off if it were all-Christian. Coulter apologized for her remarks and said she they weren't meant to be offensive.

Opinion: I respect someone who can voice their opinions and not be afraid of what others think about them...but there are just some things you don't say on national television. She is putting Christians in a bad light, and feeding the public's view of Christians as close-minded bigots. However, I still think Ann Coulter is way more entertaining to listen to then anyone else they interview on the news.

International: Argentine priest found guilty in 'Dirty War' case

A police chaplain was cinvicted of being a "co-conspirator" along with Argentinian police in 7 homicides, 31 totures, and 42 kidnappings. A judge has recommended a life prison sentence for the priest. The priest's role, however, doesn't seem to be clearly defined. It says that he got information from prisoners, while pretending to be giving them spiritul guidance (i.e. confessionals) Von Wernich, the man convicted, claims that "No priest of the Catholic church ... has ever violated this sacrament,".

Opinion: I don't really know a whole lot about the Dirty War in Argentina, so I don't know the reason these prisoners were being detained. It definetly seems unfair though, if he were to receive a life sentence. It isn't clear that he assisted in the torture or killing of anyone, but that he merely may have given polive information he obtained in the confessional booth. This shouldn't warrant a life sentence.

National: How to say no to the President?

A Mexican national plead guilty to raping and killing two girls in the US. The courts decided to put him to death, and the Mexican government claimied this violated the terms of the Vienna Convention, because he did not receive council from his own country. Bush basically told Texas they had to review the case, and this time abide by the terms of the treaty. Courts complain that if state courts have to abide by internatioal law, this is just a way of making The Unted States subject to World Law. The court will issue its final rulilng on this case sometime in the spring.

Opinion: If the United States does not live up to the terms of a treaty it agreed to, other counrtied may be reluctatant to sign treaties wih us. I believe the court should and probably will rule the same as far as capitol punishment for the convicted goes. The President, I would say, did what he had to do in this particular case.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

They are probably writing a letter to ask the Christians to convert--then they can attack when they refuse to convert.

Stupid comments if that is what she said.

Our law must mean something.