Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ben Thieroff #2


Summay-- A three year old boy and his two year old friend took a spin in a mustang sunday. This mustang is a nice one, loaded, and of course battery powered. The two went out on sunday morning and drove around the neighborhood. They went almost 7 blocks in the car. But they were good drivers. They stopped at stop signs and red lights and generally followed all the traffic laws. The cops finally pulled the boys over and now the dad has the keys and the battery in a safe place.

Opinion-- What is wrong! I think this could be a great possibility for driving school for toddlers. They could learn the rules of the road before they can go to the bathroom on their own. Yes this may be foolish on the boys part, but who can blame them, they just wanted to do what everyone else does, drive. They just got the driving bug about 12 years early.


Summary-- A 51 year old sheriff's deputy was killed this week in a freek accident on an Indania highway. The officer was photographing a car that was believed to have been stollen by the two juvenilles inside when he was fatally struck by two semi tires. The two rear tires seperated form the tractor trailer as it headed down the highway at 11:40 pm. Poliece cheif Bill Elliot said that this is a one in a million incedent.

Opinion-- Wow what a freak accident. A hub on the semi's axle ran dry and seperated from the truck. And it hit the officer that was standing on the side of the highway. That really sucks for him. Wow. This is just crazy all the variables lined up and now an apperanty good guy is dead, just doing his job. 4 days and 4 hours till i get my license back!!!! Score!!

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Yeah, whatever.

Scary situation.