Monday, February 11, 2008

Andrew Reiff (for week of Feb 11-15)


Summary- Ahmadinejad: Iran won't stop enrichment

Ahmadinejad spoke to huge crowds yesterday, saying that Iran will never stop pursuing its nuclear program. He also said that Iran would never give up its space program. Iran has lately been acting on plans to sned its first satellite into space. It has launched a preliminary rocket that got most of the way up, and their own satellite is soon to follow. They say they want the satellite to improve communications and to analyze Iran itself for areas of earthquake danger. They added that they also needed the satellite to do what the U.S. is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq, improving the security of the country.


Well this dude can say all of the anti-American stuff he wants and we pretty much can't do anything about it. We won't dare attack Iran because of the extremely negative response it will illicit in the media here at home. Although I can say that could use a nice bombing. Really though, Iran does have a right to launch all of the rockets it wants into space. Or maybe it doesn't have the right, or maybe i just don't care enough right now...