Friday, February 29, 2008

Kaylen May Gerkey

UK’s Prince Harry Fighting in Afghanistan
Prince Harry has been fighting on the front line in Afghanistan and seen combat, sources confirmed. He was deployed 10 weeks ago and other soldiers were sworn to secrecy. His status is currently being reviewed – while at the moment he is third in line to the British throne. His main role has been to be a member of a group called Joint Tactical Air Control. He’s been quoted saying that he is just out there to serve like everyone else, not as Prince Harry.

I think Harry is braving for deciding to fight in the war. He’s showing his strength and courage as a young adult. I bet it’s hard being famous and yet fighting in the war, but being on the frontline I wouldn’t think many people would think about it. I bet it is also a big change from England but for someone who wanted to go fight it’s not that big of a deal. The only thing that would be a big deal is if he were to get killed, let’s pray that doesn’t happen.

Newborn Survives Fall Through Train Toilet
In India a newborn baby girl fell through the toilet in a moving train and onto the tracks moments after her mother prematurely gave birth. The baby survived nearly two hours before being found. The mother was traveling with relatives on an overnight train when she went to the bathroom shortly before midnight. Then she unexpectedly gave birth to a baby girl. She later fell unconscious and the baby fell through the toilet. (Toilets on Indian trains have holes that open directly onto the tracks.)

I still can’t believe this story! The first time I read this I was like no way the baby is still alive. I couldn’t believe it lasted the fall onto the tracks. I’m just glad the poor child is okay because the whole incident just seems unbelievable. At least the mom will have a crazy story to tell the child when she grows up.

Bush Jabs Obama over Al Qaeda Comment
Bush is normally reluctant to talk about the Presidential race but he couldn’t help himself after the comment made by senator Obama. Bush said that it was an interesting comment, but that Obama should stay focused on his campaign. Obama said Tuesday at the democratic debate that he would redeploy troops to Iraq if Al Qaeda was successful in establishing bases there after US withdrew. Bush’s remarks also echo those of McCain. McCain also criticized Obama for his comment at the debate.

Bush always seems to feel strongly about the war and so to McCain. It’s no wonder that he jumped on the chance to go at Obama after his comment Tuesday. Bush first sent troops to Iraq a long time ago and pretty much has been getting flack ever since and even more so the last three-four years. But if the US were to withdraw of course things would go right back to where they were. We are no where close to accomplishing our goal in Iraq and keeping peace over there means that they do not come here.

Clinton Weighs in on Bloomberg Non-bid
Michael Bloomberg officially stated that he is not running in the presidential election. Now Hilary won’t have to face the prospect of competing against a fellow New Yorker. She said that she had the highest regard for Bloomberg when asked about his decision. “This is a personal decision and I respect his decision,” said Senator Clinton. She later said that she looked forward to working with him the next couple of years.

I find this one kind of funny. Yay Bloomberg drops out! What he ever going to run anyways? I don’t know what he would have contributed had he decided to run or what he would have taken away from the other candidates but there are only like 1/3 of the primaries to go and he would have never been able to compete. It’s a good thing he didn’t run cause it would be pretty sad for him.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Press should not have outed Harry.

Scary situation for the mother and newborn.

Obama doesn't know what he is talking about.