Saturday, February 16, 2008

Miss. Burns (national) (week of: February 18-22)

Top Clinton Adviser Says Super delegates Will Decide Election, Obama’s Victories ‘Irrelevant’

A top Hillary Clinton adviser on Saturday boldly predicted his candidate would lock down the nomination before the August convention by definitively winning over party insiders and officials known as super delegates, claiming the number of state elections won by rival Barack Obama would be “irrelevant” to their decision. The claims no doubt will escalate the war of words between the campaigns, as Obama continues to argue super delegates should vote the way of their districts. But the special class of delegates, which make up about 20 percent of the total delegate haul, are not bound to vote the way of their states and districts, as pledged delegates are. Obama leads handily in the pledged delegate count and has won more states but trails Clinton in super delegates, making them potential and controversial deadlock-breakers if the race ends up a dead heat come convention time.

So I don’t care that Hilary is claiming she has all the super delegates; Obama just wants them and do almost whatever it takes to get them. Obama has given over $698,000 to the super delegates committee so far and Hillary $198,000. Both of them are trying to do what ever it takes to win over the super delegates. So if money talks and BS walks, then who do you think is BUYING power?! OBAMA! USE YOUR BRAINS PEOPLE I PROMISE IT WON”T HURT!


Bill Clinton…
- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- 1st first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- First president to be held in contempt of court”

And you all thought George W. Bush was bad. Hmmmmmm… CRAZY PEOPLE

Clinton Declares Herself Candidate of the Middle Class

CINCINNATI — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton declared herself the “candidate of, from and for the middle class of America” as she worked to keep her Democratic coalition in Ohio intact against a hard-charging Sen. Barack Obama. Clinton has relied on working-class Democrats for much of her support in six weeks of presidential primary contests across the country and is counting on them even as Obama racks up important union endorsements. The former first lady and New York senator is running a three-pronged strategy as she heads into the high-stakes March 4 primaries in Ohio and Texas. She is honing a tough new populist message, she is sharpening her criticism of Obama and she is presenting herself as the candidate who is better schooled in the intricacies of government policy.

Well the first thing I have to say is that anyone who can donate $5 million dollars to her own campaign is not a middle class person. Most of the middle class people I know work for a living, and already have pretty good group insurance, and sure don’t want our taxes raised so that the proceeds can be redistributed to the ones who choose not to educate and better themselves. The people who are voting for Hillary or Obama don’t know any better…and are still naive enough to think the government is going to somehow magically lift them out of the projects into a nice suburban 2 story, and of course a BMW and an Escalade to park in their 2 car garage! America is still the land of opportunity where most anyone can better himself or herself if THEY so choose, and are willing to commit themselves to a better life. However America unfortunately seems to be moving to the left as I see tens of thousands of FOOLS casting their votes and giving their support to these socialist/Marxists…if they win…America will not have as much opportunity anymore, and for so many reasons. Many more of America’s large manufacturing concerns already have an exit strategy….many,many,many more jobs will be lost!

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Scary with these super delegates. I see the Clinton machine pulling out a victory with these votes in the future.


Yeah right. middle class!