Thursday, February 14, 2008

Susan Jewell

On Thursday it is said that Mitt Romney will back John McCain. With Romney’s delegates McCain will only be “78 votes short of securing the GOP presidential nomination.” Mitt Romney withdrew from the campaign because he felt it was in his party’s best interest. In one of Romney’s speeches he said, "’In this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror,’ he said, taking a shot at Democrats' stance on the war on terror. ‘I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America. In this time of war I feel I have to now stand aside for our party and for our country.’" Romney is expected to announce his support for McCain at 4pm at his Massachusetts headquarters.

This will be good for McCain because he'll get the votes faster. I think the Republicans will back him a little better if he can get the necessary votes quickly. For some reason America is fascinated and obsessed with speed and results. If McCain can prove he can produce both conservatives may back him.

"This is a man capable of leading our country in this dangerous hour." Mitt Romney stepped out of the presidential race with grace and by his words he gave his support to McCain in the same manner. It is assumed that Romney is supporting McCain so the republicans are more united behind McCain in the general election in November. The campaign managers of both candidates are old friends and coworkers. The two have been planning for about a week for Romney to give his delegates to McCain.

I don't particularly think a candidate withdrawing will unite a whole party in the long term. I think that many people would not have voted for Romney but he also did not have enough votes to be able to participate in the general election. I'm glad he pulled out because I think he would be embarrassed to stay in till he lost like I feel Ron Paul may do. If Paul does do this I think he will be very confused as to how he lost as will his supporters.

The former police chief of Britain was accused of with holding evidence to support the fact that Princess Diana's car crash and death was a conspiracy. Diana had written a note saying that Prince Charles would abdicate and leave Camilla, as well as a suggestion that there was a conspiracy to kill her in a car crash because of faulty breaks. The note was given to the former police chief in confidence but Diana's butler. The police chief brought the note to light in 2003 because of the Butler's insistence.
I can solve the media's fascination with Diana's death. This can be the assumption and her poor family can be left alone: Her driver was a bit tipsy. He had at least one too may drinks so his driving wasn't very good. In an effort to get away from crazy obsessive paparazzi he made a turn or took a curve in the road a bit too fast. The car lost control and spun wildly into a wall or pillar. The famous couple in the backseat tragically died. The former princess died and left two young sons who didn't need the media constantly rehashing the awful death of their mother. Now if there is a conspiracy put it out of your mind. give the royal family some peace. People of America, you didn't even know the woman you for sure need to move on.

In 1973 Mao Zedong made an offer to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Mao Zedong said that china had too many women so they could make an offer. China was at first offering to give America hundreds of thousand of Chinese women but within a few minutes China changed their offer to 10 million women. Kissinger claimed this idea was novel and he would think it over.

It isn't really a novel idea. It is similar to the theory of mail order brides except these women may not be forced into getting married, having kids, or even having sex. I think that China could come up with a better birth control plan though. All countries have too many women, or at least far more women than men, so giving women to an all ready overpopulated country would not solve any problems. If China offered more incentive or performed mastectomy or vasectomies at a young age there would not be this over population. I wonder what ever happened to the deal. do you know if we ever followed through? If we did Arizona didn’t get too many of the Chinese women because they are not all over the place here.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Just more support with possible conservatives.

We will see who rallys behind McCain.

Shows the disrespect China has for human life, especially women.