Friday, February 22, 2008

Logan Lann


McCain’s Supposed Love Affair


The New York Times posted an article that revealed a secret love affair with an employee on his 2000 presidential campaign. Unidentified sources told the paper that he was involved with Vicki Iseman, a telecommunications lobbyist. McCain went before the press and answered any questions they had. He denied any of the allegations made about him. Most think it is just sour grapes.


I think it is all false. McCain is too old to have an affair, even when he was eight years younger. This is a pretty low move on the part of whoever is responsible for telling this story to the papers. It is also low on the part of the papers that printed this story. This belongs on the tabloids, right up there with the UFO’s and the crop circles.


U.S. Embassy Stormed


The U.S. embassy was raided Thursday by a mob of angry Serbs. They were earlier that day protesting the ethnic Albanian majority to create its own independent state. The people of Serbia were very angry about the separation and creation of Kosovo. Sources told reporters that the entire faculty of the embassy was accounted for, however, one burned body was found.


I don’t really know whether it was good for the people to separate or not. I don’t have much of an opinion about the situation. Of course, the US is behind the separatists, and of course, Russia is behind Serbia. I don’t know.

1 comment:

Michael Hjort said...

Just a hit piece by NYT.

To short on your international post.